Managing our past into the future

Archaeological heritage management in the Dutch Caribbean

Edited by Corinne L. Hofman & Jay B. Haviser | 2015

Caribbean archaeological heritage is threatened by natural impacts but also increasingly by economic developments, often resulting from the tourist industry. The continuous construction of specific projects for tourists, accompanied by illegal practices such as looting…

Door de lens van de landschapsbiografie

Een nieuwe kijk op de geschiedenis en het erfgoed van landschappen

Edited by Jan Kolen, Hanneke Ronnes & Rita Hermans | 2015

Door de lens van de landschapsbiografie is een bloemlezing van de beste essays van de afgelopen zeven jaar uit de populaire master cursus ‘Biografie van het Landschap’, verzorgd door de Vrije Universiteit in samenwerking met…

Corded Ware Coastal Communities

Using ceramic analysis to reconstruct third millennium BC societies in the Netherlands

Sandra Mariët Beckerman | 2015

The Corded Ware Culture (c. 2900–2300 BC) is found in a large area, from Russia to the Netherlands and from Scandinavia to Switzerland. Supra-regional elements include beakers decorated with cord and/or spatula imprints, battle-axes, and…

Aan de overkant

Ontmoetingen in dienst van de VOC en WIC (1600-1800)

Redactie: Lodewijk Wagenaar | 2015

In de zeventiende en achttiende eeuw hebben meer dan een miljoen mannen en een paar duizend vrouwen de verre reis gemaakt naar de koloniale vestigingen van de VOC en WIC. Hoe leefden ze daar en…

Carthage. Fact and Myth

Edited by Roald Docter, Ridha Boussoffara & Pieter ter Keurs | 2015

Carthage is mainly known as the city that was utterly destroyed by the Romans in 146 BC. This book tells the story about this fascinating city, which for centuries was the centre of a far-flung…

Water & Heritage

Material, conceptual and spiritual connections

Edited by Willem J.H. Willems (✝) & Henk P.J. van Schaik | 2015

Water & Heritage … tells the story of water heritage in all its diversity. It reveals the technical ingenuity that water heritage has always inspired, and it presents the challenges that this heritage faces, along…

Settlement and Metalworking in the Middle Bronze Age and Beyond

New evidence from Tremough, Cornwall

Edited by Andy M. Jones, James Gossip and Henrietta Quinnell | 2015

Between 2008 and 2011 excavations were undertaken by the Cornwall Archaeological Unit at Tremough, near Penryn, Cornwall. The site is situated on a plateau overlooking the Carrick Roads, historically one of the busiest waterways in…

Managing our past into the future

Archaeological heritage management in the Dutch Caribbean

Edited by Corinne L. Hofman & Jay B. Haviser | 2015

Caribbean archaeological heritage is threatened by natural impacts but also increasingly by economic developments, often resulting from the tourist industry. The continuous construction of specific projects for tourists, accompanied by illegal practices such as looting…

Door de lens van de landschapsbiografie

Een nieuwe kijk op de geschiedenis en het erfgoed van landschappen

Edited by Jan Kolen, Hanneke Ronnes & Rita Hermans | 2015

Door de lens van de landschapsbiografie is een bloemlezing van de beste essays van de afgelopen zeven jaar uit de populaire master cursus ‘Biografie van het Landschap’, verzorgd door de Vrije Universiteit in samenwerking met…

Corded Ware Coastal Communities

Using ceramic analysis to reconstruct third millennium BC societies in the Netherlands

Sandra Mariët Beckerman | 2015

The Corded Ware Culture (c. 2900–2300 BC) is found in a large area, from Russia to the Netherlands and from Scandinavia to Switzerland. Supra-regional elements include beakers decorated with cord and/or spatula imprints, battle-axes, and…

Aan de overkant

Ontmoetingen in dienst van de VOC en WIC (1600-1800)

Redactie: Lodewijk Wagenaar | 2015

In de zeventiende en achttiende eeuw hebben meer dan een miljoen mannen en een paar duizend vrouwen de verre reis gemaakt naar de koloniale vestigingen van de VOC en WIC. Hoe leefden ze daar en…

Carthage. Fact and Myth

Edited by Roald Docter, Ridha Boussoffara & Pieter ter Keurs | 2015

Carthage is mainly known as the city that was utterly destroyed by the Romans in 146 BC. This book tells the story about this fascinating city, which for centuries was the centre of a far-flung…

Water & Heritage

Material, conceptual and spiritual connections

Edited by Willem J.H. Willems (✝) & Henk P.J. van Schaik | 2015

Water & Heritage … tells the story of water heritage in all its diversity. It reveals the technical ingenuity that water heritage has always inspired, and it presents the challenges that this heritage faces, along…

Settlement and Metalworking in the Middle Bronze Age and Beyond

New evidence from Tremough, Cornwall

Edited by Andy M. Jones, James Gossip and Henrietta Quinnell | 2015

Between 2008 and 2011 excavations were undertaken by the Cornwall Archaeological Unit at Tremough, near Penryn, Cornwall. The site is situated on a plateau overlooking the Carrick Roads, historically one of the busiest waterways in…

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