Sitting on the fence: Negotiating archaeology, anthropology and philosophy

Festschrift for Prof. Dr Raymond H.A. Corbey in celebration of his 70th birthday

Edited by Shumon T. Hussain and Gerrit L. Dusseldorp | 2025

This volume celebrates the academic life of prof. Raymond Corbey. It gathers contributions by diverse scholars and professionals from both science and society to engage with a range of key topics Raymond has grappled with…

From Households to Empires

Papers in Memory of Bradley J. Parker

Edited by Jason R. Kennedy and Patrick Mullins | 2023

Bradley J. Parker made numerous contributions to the field of archaeology and Assyriology on a broad array of topics spanning six millennia of archaeological history in both ancient Mesopotamia and the Andes. His varied research…

Revealing Christian Heritage. Volume I

The rediscovery of Christian archaeology between 1860 and 1930

Edited by Chiara Cecalupo | 2023

This volume collects different case studies of rediscovery of Christian antiquities between 1860-1930 in Europe and the Mediterranean basin, in order to stimulate reflections about the impact of these rediscoveries on our culture in a…

Nicolaus Westendorp (1773 – 1836)

Een dominee op zoek naar ‘t begin van ‘t Vaderlands Verleden

Wout Arentzen | 2022

Nicolaus Westendorp (1773-1836) was een dominee in Nederlandse romantische traditie. Zo als veel van zijn collega’s begon hij zijn literaire leven als dichter. Hoewel het dominee zijn altijd zijn hoofd doel bleef werd hij landelijk…

Tussen wetenschap en wandelgangen

Vijftig jaar Nederlandse archeologie in de context van de Reuvensdagen

Evert van Ginkel, Ruurd Kok, Marie-France van Oorsouw, Liesbeth Theunissen | 2021

Tussen wetenschap en wandelgangen beschrijft de ontwikkelingen in de Nederlandse archeologie in de afgelopen vijftig jaar (1971-2020) tegen de achtergrond van het sinds 1971 jaarlijks gehouden congres: de Reuvensdagen. Het is een halve eeuw met…

Collecting Ancient Europe

National Museums and the search for European Antiquities in the 19th-early 20th century

Edited by Luc W.S.W. Amkreutz | 2020

In order to understand our past, we need to understand ourselves as archaeologists and our discipline. This volume presents recent research into collecting practices of European Antiquities by national museums, institutes and individuals during the…

Interdisciplinary analysis of the cemetery Kudachurt 14

Evaluating indicators of social inequality, demography, oral health and diet during the Bronze Age key period 2200-1650 BCE in the Northern Caucasus

Katharina Fuchs | 2020

Representing both a barrier and a corridor between the Eurasian and Asian continents, the Caucasus has constituted the setting for various socio-economic transformations throughout prehistory. The transition from the Middle to the Late Bronze Age…

Search results for cat-history-of-archaeology:

Sitting on the fence: Negotiating archaeology, anthropology and philosophy

Festschrift for Prof. Dr Raymond H.A. Corbey in celebration of his 70th birthday

Edited by Shumon T. Hussain and Gerrit L. Dusseldorp | 2025

This volume celebrates the academic life of prof. Raymond Corbey. It gathers contributions by diverse scholars and professionals from both science and society to engage with a range of key topics Raymond has grappled with…

From Households to Empires

Papers in Memory of Bradley J. Parker

Edited by Jason R. Kennedy and Patrick Mullins | 2023

Bradley J. Parker made numerous contributions to the field of archaeology and Assyriology on a broad array of topics spanning six millennia of archaeological history in both ancient Mesopotamia and the Andes. His varied research…

Revealing Christian Heritage. Volume I

The rediscovery of Christian archaeology between 1860 and 1930

Edited by Chiara Cecalupo | 2023

This volume collects different case studies of rediscovery of Christian antiquities between 1860-1930 in Europe and the Mediterranean basin, in order to stimulate reflections about the impact of these rediscoveries on our culture in a…

Nicolaus Westendorp (1773 – 1836)

Een dominee op zoek naar ‘t begin van ‘t Vaderlands Verleden

Wout Arentzen | 2022

Nicolaus Westendorp (1773-1836) was een dominee in Nederlandse romantische traditie. Zo als veel van zijn collega’s begon hij zijn literaire leven als dichter. Hoewel het dominee zijn altijd zijn hoofd doel bleef werd hij landelijk…

Tussen wetenschap en wandelgangen

Vijftig jaar Nederlandse archeologie in de context van de Reuvensdagen

Evert van Ginkel, Ruurd Kok, Marie-France van Oorsouw, Liesbeth Theunissen | 2021

Tussen wetenschap en wandelgangen beschrijft de ontwikkelingen in de Nederlandse archeologie in de afgelopen vijftig jaar (1971-2020) tegen de achtergrond van het sinds 1971 jaarlijks gehouden congres: de Reuvensdagen. Het is een halve eeuw met…

Collecting Ancient Europe

National Museums and the search for European Antiquities in the 19th-early 20th century

Edited by Luc W.S.W. Amkreutz | 2020

In order to understand our past, we need to understand ourselves as archaeologists and our discipline. This volume presents recent research into collecting practices of European Antiquities by national museums, institutes and individuals during the…

Interdisciplinary analysis of the cemetery Kudachurt 14

Evaluating indicators of social inequality, demography, oral health and diet during the Bronze Age key period 2200-1650 BCE in the Northern Caucasus

Katharina Fuchs | 2020

Representing both a barrier and a corridor between the Eurasian and Asian continents, the Caucasus has constituted the setting for various socio-economic transformations throughout prehistory. The transition from the Middle to the Late Bronze Age…

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