Stories of Waste and Value

Roots of a Circular Economy

Edited by Jens Schneeweiß | 2024

Growing mountains of waste, decreasing resources and global environmental pollution confront us today with challenges of unprecedented dimensions. Against this background, interest in sustainable and resource-saving concepts is increasing; it is not uncommon to fall…

Wertvolle Abfallgeschichten

Wurzeln der Kreislaufwirtschaft

Edited by Jens Schneeweiß | 2024

Wachsende Abfallberge, schwindende Ressourcen und globale Umweltverschmutzung stellen uns heute vor Herausforderungen ungekannten Ausmaßes. Vor diesem Hintergrund steigt das Interesse an nachhaltigen und ressourcenschonenden Konzepten; nicht selten ist dabei der Rückgriff auf (vermeintlich) tradierte Herangehensweisen…

Artefact Biographies from Mesolithic and Neolithic Europe and Beyond

Papers in honour of Professor Annelou van Gijn

Edited by A. Verbaas, G. Langejans, A. Little and B. Chan | 2024

This volume has been written in honour of Professor Annelou van Gijn in order to celebrate her distinguished career as an archaeologist and, above all, as an expert in the study of material culture. Annelou…

Community, Technology and Tradition

A Social Prehistory of the Great Orme Mine

Emma C. Wager | 2024

In the second millennium BC, mining for copper ore on the Great Orme, Wales, created one of Europe’s largest surviving prehistoric copper mines. The ore from the mine was smelted into metal that was cast…

Alternative Egyptology

Critical essays on the relation between academic and alternative interpretations of ancient Egypt

Edited by B.J.L. van den Bercken | 2024

From a mummy on board the Titanic to the pyramids’ alignment with the stars, from psychoactive mushrooms to the lost realm of Atlantis: alternative interpretations of ancient Egypt, often summarised as ‘alternative Egyptology’, have always…

Archéologie en musée et identités nationales en Europe (1848-1914)

Un héritage en quête de nouveaux défis au 21e siècle

Edited by Catherine Louboutin & Anne Lehoërff | 2024

Des spécialistes de l’ensemble de l’Europe décrivent les enjeux politiques et scientifiques auxquelles a présidé la fondation des musées d’archéologie entre 1848 et 1914. Au travers de personnalités éminentes, le livre restitue un tour d’horizon…

Epistemology, Economics, and Ethics

A Practical Philosophy of Prehistoric Archaeology

Konrad Ott | 2023

This book is intended to be a groundwork of how to theorise prehistory and archaeology and how to make connectivities between the past and the present. It is divided into four parts. The first part…

Search results for cat-method-theory:

Stories of Waste and Value

Roots of a Circular Economy

Edited by Jens Schneeweiß | 2024

Growing mountains of waste, decreasing resources and global environmental pollution confront us today with challenges of unprecedented dimensions. Against this background, interest in sustainable and resource-saving concepts is increasing; it is not uncommon to fall…

Wertvolle Abfallgeschichten

Wurzeln der Kreislaufwirtschaft

Edited by Jens Schneeweiß | 2024

Wachsende Abfallberge, schwindende Ressourcen und globale Umweltverschmutzung stellen uns heute vor Herausforderungen ungekannten Ausmaßes. Vor diesem Hintergrund steigt das Interesse an nachhaltigen und ressourcenschonenden Konzepten; nicht selten ist dabei der Rückgriff auf (vermeintlich) tradierte Herangehensweisen…

Artefact Biographies from Mesolithic and Neolithic Europe and Beyond

Papers in honour of Professor Annelou van Gijn

Edited by A. Verbaas, G. Langejans, A. Little and B. Chan | 2024

This volume has been written in honour of Professor Annelou van Gijn in order to celebrate her distinguished career as an archaeologist and, above all, as an expert in the study of material culture. Annelou…

Community, Technology and Tradition

A Social Prehistory of the Great Orme Mine

Emma C. Wager | 2024

In the second millennium BC, mining for copper ore on the Great Orme, Wales, created one of Europe’s largest surviving prehistoric copper mines. The ore from the mine was smelted into metal that was cast…

Alternative Egyptology

Critical essays on the relation between academic and alternative interpretations of ancient Egypt

Edited by B.J.L. van den Bercken | 2024

From a mummy on board the Titanic to the pyramids’ alignment with the stars, from psychoactive mushrooms to the lost realm of Atlantis: alternative interpretations of ancient Egypt, often summarised as ‘alternative Egyptology’, have always…

Archéologie en musée et identités nationales en Europe (1848-1914)

Un héritage en quête de nouveaux défis au 21e siècle

Edited by Catherine Louboutin & Anne Lehoërff | 2024

Des spécialistes de l’ensemble de l’Europe décrivent les enjeux politiques et scientifiques auxquelles a présidé la fondation des musées d’archéologie entre 1848 et 1914. Au travers de personnalités éminentes, le livre restitue un tour d’horizon…

Epistemology, Economics, and Ethics

A Practical Philosophy of Prehistoric Archaeology

Konrad Ott | 2023

This book is intended to be a groundwork of how to theorise prehistory and archaeology and how to make connectivities between the past and the present. It is divided into four parts. The first part…

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