Bijdragen aan de Dag van de historische maritieme archeologie in Nederland (15de Glavimans symposion)
Edited by A.F.L. van Holk, R. Oosting, A.B.M. Overmeer, A.D. Vos & W.B. Waldus | 2024
Op 8 december 2023 is bij Batavialand te Lelystad de Dag van de historische maritieme archeologie in Nederland (het vijftiende Glavimans symposion) georganiseerd. Dit jaar was ‘Straatvaart’ het centrale thema, de scheepvaart op het Mediterrane…

Chariots on fire, reins of power
Early La Tène elite burials from the Lower Rhine-Meuse region and their Northwest European context
Edited by Nico Roymans, Liesbeth Theunissen, Louis Swinkels & Sasja van der Vaart-Verschoof | 2024
Chariots on Fire, Reins of Power presents the first comprehensive overview of 5th century BC elite graves from the Lower Rhine-Meuse region. Characterised by imported grave goods such as bronze vessels, horse tack, weapons and…

Metaaltijden (vol. 11)
Bijdragen in de studie van de metaaltijden
Edited by P. van de Geer, A. Müller, M.D.R. Schurmans, N. de Vries | 2024
Normaal gesproken vormt deze bundel de neerslag van de laatste metaaltijdendag. Op 20 oktober 2023 was de metaaltijdendag te gast in Tiel, en werden de resultaten van het grootste onderzoek Tiel-Medel gepresenteerd. De onderzoekers hadden…

Bronstijd. Vuur van verandering
Edited by Luc Amkreutz & Sasja van der Vaart-Verschoof | 2024
De bronstijd (2000-800 v.Chr.) is een sleutelperiode in de prehistorie van Nederland en Europa. De opkomst van een nieuw metaal – brons – leidt tot ingrijpende ontwikkelingen in de samenleving die tot de dag van…

Serial Learners
Interactions between Funnel Beaker West and Corded Ware Communities in the Netherlands during the Third Millennium BCE from the Perspective of Ceramic Technology
E.J. Kroon | 2024
5,000 years ago, a migration shaped Europe’s future. Migrating communities spread across Europe within two centuries, leaving lasting changes in interconnectivity, language, and ancestry. Yet these migrating communities did not enter an empty continent. Across…

Larger than Life
The Ommerschans hoard and the role of giant swords in the European Bronze Age (1500-1100 BC)
Edited by Luc W.S.W. Amkreutz & David Fontijn | 2024
In 1896 a remarkable hoard was discovered near Ommerschans in the eastern Netherlands that included a spectacular object: a giant bronze sword. It was obtained by the landowner and kept by a forester, until it…

Before Temples
Rectangular structures of the Low Countries and their place in the Iron Age belief system
R. de Leeuwe | 2023
Before the introduction of Roman temples in the Low Countries, there used to be ‘open air cult places’ in the Iron Age. That is at least the assumption based on descriptions given by classical writers…

Search results for cat-dutch-archaeology
Bijdragen aan de Dag van de historische maritieme archeologie in Nederland (15de Glavimans symposion)
Edited by A.F.L. van Holk, R. Oosting, A.B.M. Overmeer, A.D. Vos & W.B. Waldus | 2024
Op 8 december 2023 is bij Batavialand te Lelystad de Dag van de historische maritieme archeologie in Nederland (het vijftiende Glavimans symposion) georganiseerd. Dit jaar was ‘Straatvaart’ het centrale thema, de scheepvaart op het Mediterrane…

Chariots on fire, reins of power
Early La Tène elite burials from the Lower Rhine-Meuse region and their Northwest European context
Edited by Nico Roymans, Liesbeth Theunissen, Louis Swinkels & Sasja van der Vaart-Verschoof | 2024
Chariots on Fire, Reins of Power presents the first comprehensive overview of 5th century BC elite graves from the Lower Rhine-Meuse region. Characterised by imported grave goods such as bronze vessels, horse tack, weapons and…

Metaaltijden (vol. 11)
Bijdragen in de studie van de metaaltijden
Edited by P. van de Geer, A. Müller, M.D.R. Schurmans, N. de Vries | 2024
Normaal gesproken vormt deze bundel de neerslag van de laatste metaaltijdendag. Op 20 oktober 2023 was de metaaltijdendag te gast in Tiel, en werden de resultaten van het grootste onderzoek Tiel-Medel gepresenteerd. De onderzoekers hadden…

Bronstijd. Vuur van verandering
Edited by Luc Amkreutz & Sasja van der Vaart-Verschoof | 2024
De bronstijd (2000-800 v.Chr.) is een sleutelperiode in de prehistorie van Nederland en Europa. De opkomst van een nieuw metaal – brons – leidt tot ingrijpende ontwikkelingen in de samenleving die tot de dag van…

Serial Learners
Interactions between Funnel Beaker West and Corded Ware Communities in the Netherlands during the Third Millennium BCE from the Perspective of Ceramic Technology
E.J. Kroon | 2024
5,000 years ago, a migration shaped Europe’s future. Migrating communities spread across Europe within two centuries, leaving lasting changes in interconnectivity, language, and ancestry. Yet these migrating communities did not enter an empty continent. Across…

Larger than Life
The Ommerschans hoard and the role of giant swords in the European Bronze Age (1500-1100 BC)
Edited by Luc W.S.W. Amkreutz & David Fontijn | 2024
In 1896 a remarkable hoard was discovered near Ommerschans in the eastern Netherlands that included a spectacular object: a giant bronze sword. It was obtained by the landowner and kept by a forester, until it…

Before Temples
Rectangular structures of the Low Countries and their place in the Iron Age belief system
R. de Leeuwe | 2023
Before the introduction of Roman temples in the Low Countries, there used to be ‘open air cult places’ in the Iron Age. That is at least the assumption based on descriptions given by classical writers…

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