Digging up the Bible?

The Excavations at Tell Deir Alla, Jordan (1960-1967)

Margreet L. Steiner & Bart Wagemakers | 2019

This is the account of a remarkable excavation. It started with a modest dig on an unremarkable tell in Jordan. The name of the tell does not occur in the Bible, and no ancient town…

This is not a grass skirt

On fibre skirts (liku) and female tattooing (veiqia) in nineteenth century Fiji

Karen Jacobs | 2019

The Pacific ‘grass skirt’ has provoked debates about the demeaning and sexualised depiction of Pacific bodies. While these stereotypical portrayals associated with ‘nakedness’ are challenged in this book, the complex uses and meanings of the…

Was tranken die frühen Kelten?

Bedeutungen und Funktionen mediterraner Importe im früheisenzeitlichen Mitteleuropa. Internationale Konferenz Kloster Weltenburg 28.04.-01.05.2017.

Edited by Philipp W. Stockhammer & Janine Fries-Knoblach | 2019

Was die sogenannten „frühen Kelten” tranken, weckt seit über hundert Jahren das Interesse der Wissenschaft und der Öffentlichkeit. Funde mediterraner Importkeramik ließen Forscher_innen schon früh vermuten, dass den „Kelten“ vor allem an einer Nachahmung mediterraner…

Indigenous Ancestors and Healing Landscapes

Cultural Memory and Intercultural Communication in the Dominican Republic and Cuba

Jana Pešoutová | 2019

This book presents new interpretations of current healing practices in Cuba and the Dominican Republic juxtaposed against the European colonization of the Caribbean after 1492. By combining data from critical historical analyses and ethnographic fieldwork,…

Cyprus. Eiland in beweging

Redactie: Ruurd Binnert Halbertsma en Despina Pilides | 2019

Cyprus kent een lange en veelbewogen geschiedenis. Het eiland ligt in het oostelijk Middellandse Zeegebied, waar in de oudheid de culturen van Anatolië, Assyrië, de Levant, Egypte en Griekenland bloeiden. Elk van deze grote beschavingen…

Matters of Belonging

Ethnographic Museums in a Changing Europe

Edited by Wayne Modest, Nicholas Thomas, Doris Prlić & Claudia Augustat | 2019

Matters of Belonging brings to the foreground critical practices within ethnographic museums in relation to their diverse stakeholders, with a special focus on collaboration with artists and differently constituted, self-identified communities. This book emerges from…

Looking Closely

Excavations at Monjukli Depe, Turkmenistan, 2010 – 2014

Edited by Susan Pollock, Reinhard Bernbeck & Birgül Öğüt | 2019

Soviet archaeological research in southern Turkmenistan revealed a series of small Late Neolithic and Aeneolithic villages strung along the streams that emerge from the Kopet Dag and water the narrow foothill zone separating the mountains…

Digging up the Bible?

The Excavations at Tell Deir Alla, Jordan (1960-1967)

Margreet L. Steiner & Bart Wagemakers | 2019

This is the account of a remarkable excavation. It started with a modest dig on an unremarkable tell in Jordan. The name of the tell does not occur in the Bible, and no ancient town…

This is not a grass skirt

On fibre skirts (liku) and female tattooing (veiqia) in nineteenth century Fiji

Karen Jacobs | 2019

The Pacific ‘grass skirt’ has provoked debates about the demeaning and sexualised depiction of Pacific bodies. While these stereotypical portrayals associated with ‘nakedness’ are challenged in this book, the complex uses and meanings of the…

Was tranken die frühen Kelten?

Bedeutungen und Funktionen mediterraner Importe im früheisenzeitlichen Mitteleuropa. Internationale Konferenz Kloster Weltenburg 28.04.-01.05.2017.

Edited by Philipp W. Stockhammer & Janine Fries-Knoblach | 2019

Was die sogenannten „frühen Kelten” tranken, weckt seit über hundert Jahren das Interesse der Wissenschaft und der Öffentlichkeit. Funde mediterraner Importkeramik ließen Forscher_innen schon früh vermuten, dass den „Kelten“ vor allem an einer Nachahmung mediterraner…

Indigenous Ancestors and Healing Landscapes

Cultural Memory and Intercultural Communication in the Dominican Republic and Cuba

Jana Pešoutová | 2019

This book presents new interpretations of current healing practices in Cuba and the Dominican Republic juxtaposed against the European colonization of the Caribbean after 1492. By combining data from critical historical analyses and ethnographic fieldwork,…

Cyprus. Eiland in beweging

Redactie: Ruurd Binnert Halbertsma en Despina Pilides | 2019

Cyprus kent een lange en veelbewogen geschiedenis. Het eiland ligt in het oostelijk Middellandse Zeegebied, waar in de oudheid de culturen van Anatolië, Assyrië, de Levant, Egypte en Griekenland bloeiden. Elk van deze grote beschavingen…

Matters of Belonging

Ethnographic Museums in a Changing Europe

Edited by Wayne Modest, Nicholas Thomas, Doris Prlić & Claudia Augustat | 2019

Matters of Belonging brings to the foreground critical practices within ethnographic museums in relation to their diverse stakeholders, with a special focus on collaboration with artists and differently constituted, self-identified communities. This book emerges from…

Looking Closely

Excavations at Monjukli Depe, Turkmenistan, 2010 – 2014

Edited by Susan Pollock, Reinhard Bernbeck & Birgül Öğüt | 2019

Soviet archaeological research in southern Turkmenistan revealed a series of small Late Neolithic and Aeneolithic villages strung along the streams that emerge from the Kopet Dag and water the narrow foothill zone separating the mountains…

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