Metaaltijden (vol. 7)

Bijdragen in de studie van de metaaltijden

Edited by M. Hendriksen, E. Norde & N. de Vries | 2020

Deze bundel vormt de neerslag van de 7e Nederlandse metaaltijdendag gehouden op 4 oktober 2019. Op die dag werden lezingen gehouden over diverse onderwerpen aangaande de brons- en ijzertijdgemeenschappen van de Lage landen gecombineerd met…

Stonehenge for the Ancestors: Part 1

Landscape and Monuments

Mike Parker Pearson, Joshua Pollard, Colin Richards, Julian Thomas, Chris Tilley & Kate Welham | 2020

For many centuries, scholars and enthusiasts have been fascinated by Stonehenge, the world’s most famous stone circle. In 2003 a team of archaeologists commenced a long-term fieldwork project there for the first time in decades.…

Cleaning and Value

Interdisciplinary Investigations

Edited by Isabel Bredenbröker, Christina Hanzen, Felix Kotzur | 2020

This volume combines scholarly contributions on the relation between values and cleaning processes in different places, cultures and times. The core disciplines are archaeology and anthropology with interdisciplinary additions from sinology, classic philology, philosophy, sociology…

Hellenistic Architecture and Human Action

A Case of Reciprocal Influence

Edited by Annette Haug & Asja Müller | 2020

This book examines the mutual influence of architecture and human action during a key period of history: the Hellenistic age. During this era, the profound transformations in the Mediterranean’s archaeological and historical record are detectable,…

Pandemien und Krisen

Entfernte Zeiten so nah

Edited by Lutz Käppel, Cheryl Makarewicz & Johannes Müller | 2020

Archäologie leistet einen Beitrag für das gesellschaftliche Verständnis von Krisen, einschließlich gegenwärtiger und potentieller zukünftiger Notlagen. Auch Krankheiten wie Pandemien wurden und werden von der Archäologie in vergangenen Gesellschaften beobachtet. Einige solche Beispiele finden sich…

Pandemics and Crises Reloaded

Distant Times So Close

Edited by Lutz Käppel, Cheryl Makarewicz & Johannes Müller | 2020

Archaeology is all about how the present came into existence. Thus, it contributes to the social understanding of crises, including present and potential future adversities. Even diseases, such as pandemics in past societies, were and…

Ci, Gender and Social Change among the Asmat of Papua, Indonesia

Onesius Otenieli Daeli | 2020

Ci is the Asmat word for dugout canoe. The ci is an integral part of the everyday life of the Asmat – an ethnic group residing in eastern Indonesia in Papua province (formerly Irian Jaya)…

Metaaltijden (vol. 7)

Bijdragen in de studie van de metaaltijden

Edited by M. Hendriksen, E. Norde & N. de Vries | 2020

Deze bundel vormt de neerslag van de 7e Nederlandse metaaltijdendag gehouden op 4 oktober 2019. Op die dag werden lezingen gehouden over diverse onderwerpen aangaande de brons- en ijzertijdgemeenschappen van de Lage landen gecombineerd met…

Stonehenge for the Ancestors: Part 1

Landscape and Monuments

Mike Parker Pearson, Joshua Pollard, Colin Richards, Julian Thomas, Chris Tilley & Kate Welham | 2020

For many centuries, scholars and enthusiasts have been fascinated by Stonehenge, the world’s most famous stone circle. In 2003 a team of archaeologists commenced a long-term fieldwork project there for the first time in decades.…

Cleaning and Value

Interdisciplinary Investigations

Edited by Isabel Bredenbröker, Christina Hanzen, Felix Kotzur | 2020

This volume combines scholarly contributions on the relation between values and cleaning processes in different places, cultures and times. The core disciplines are archaeology and anthropology with interdisciplinary additions from sinology, classic philology, philosophy, sociology…

Hellenistic Architecture and Human Action

A Case of Reciprocal Influence

Edited by Annette Haug & Asja Müller | 2020

This book examines the mutual influence of architecture and human action during a key period of history: the Hellenistic age. During this era, the profound transformations in the Mediterranean’s archaeological and historical record are detectable,…

Pandemien und Krisen

Entfernte Zeiten so nah

Edited by Lutz Käppel, Cheryl Makarewicz & Johannes Müller | 2020

Archäologie leistet einen Beitrag für das gesellschaftliche Verständnis von Krisen, einschließlich gegenwärtiger und potentieller zukünftiger Notlagen. Auch Krankheiten wie Pandemien wurden und werden von der Archäologie in vergangenen Gesellschaften beobachtet. Einige solche Beispiele finden sich…

Pandemics and Crises Reloaded

Distant Times So Close

Edited by Lutz Käppel, Cheryl Makarewicz & Johannes Müller | 2020

Archaeology is all about how the present came into existence. Thus, it contributes to the social understanding of crises, including present and potential future adversities. Even diseases, such as pandemics in past societies, were and…

Ci, Gender and Social Change among the Asmat of Papua, Indonesia

Onesius Otenieli Daeli | 2020

Ci is the Asmat word for dugout canoe. The ci is an integral part of the everyday life of the Asmat – an ethnic group residing in eastern Indonesia in Papua province (formerly Irian Jaya)…

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