Oudheidkundige Mededelingen uit het Rijksmuseum van Oudheden te Leiden

Volume 37 - 1956 (Nieuwe Reeks)

Edited by Wijngaarden, W.D.

Oudheidkundige Mededelingen uit het Rijksmuseum van Oudheden te Leiden

Volume 37 - 1956 (Nieuwe Reeks)

Edited by Wijngaarden, W.D.

Imprint: Distributed Title | Format: 210x280mm | 114 pp. | OMROL 37 (Nieuwe Reeks), 1956 | Language: Various | Keywords: Dutch archaeology; prehistory; museology | download cover

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Since 1907 the Dutch National Museum of Antiquities (Leiden) has published the research results related to the collection of the museum and the museum’s excavations in their own journal, a series of monographs and catalogues accompanying temporary exhibitions.

The series entitled “Oudheidkundige Medede(e)lingen uit het Rijksmuseum van Oudheden te Leiden” (OMROL) was published from 1907 up until 1999. Currently, all editions up until 1960 have been digitised and added to both the museum’s and Sidestone’s website.

An initial series from 1907 to 1913 is known as the “Oude Reeks” (old series), the volumes dating from 1920 and later are known as the “Nieuwe Reeks” (new series).

Kern, J.H.C., A Greek Bronze Mirror-handle of the 5th century B.C, p. 1-6

Kern, J.H.C., A Pelikoid Vase from Olbia (South Russia), p. 7-11

Klasens, A., Een grafsteen uit de eerste dynastie. (With Summary), p. 12-34

Stricker, B.H., Bes de danser, p. 35-48

Stricker, B.H., De Egyptische mysteriën. Pap. Leiden T 32, p. 49-67

Braat, W.C., Le cimetière mérovingien de Rothem, commune de Meerssen, p. 68-81

Braat, W.C., Brandgraven uit de 7e eeuw in de duinen bij Monster. (Avec résumé), p. 82-91


Since 1907 the Dutch National Museum of Antiquities (Leiden) has published the research results related to the collection of the museum and the museum’s excavations in their own journal, a series of monographs and catalogues accompanying temporary exhibitions.

The series entitled “Oudheidkundige Medede(e)lingen uit het Rijksmuseum van Oudheden te Leiden” (OMROL) was published from 1907 up until 1999. Currently, all editions up until 1960 have been digitised and added to both the museum’s and Sidestone’s website.

An initial series from 1907 to 1913 is known as the “Oude Reeks” (old series), the volumes dating from 1920 and later are known as the “Nieuwe Reeks” (new series).


Kern, J.H.C., A Greek Bronze Mirror-handle of the 5th century B.C, p. 1-6

Kern, J.H.C., A Pelikoid Vase from Olbia (South Russia), p. 7-11

Klasens, A., Een grafsteen uit de eerste dynastie. (With Summary), p. 12-34

Stricker, B.H., Bes de danser, p. 35-48

Stricker, B.H., De Egyptische mysteriën. Pap. Leiden T 32, p. 49-67

Braat, W.C., Le cimetière mérovingien de Rothem, commune de Meerssen, p. 68-81

Braat, W.C., Brandgraven uit de 7e eeuw in de duinen bij Monster. (Avec résumé), p. 82-91

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