Leiden Journal of Pottery Studies vol. 25

Edited by Abraham van As | 2009

Leiden Journal of Pottery Studies vol. 25

Edited by Abraham van As | 2009

Imprint: Distributed Title | Format: 160x240mm | 208 pp. | Leiden Journal of Pottery Studies vol. 25 | Language: English | Keywords: archaeology; ceramology; ceramics; pottery; ancient Near East; pottery technology | download cover

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ISSN: 1574-1753 (vol. 25) |

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The Leiden Journal of Pottery Studies was published by the Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University. The first volume was published in 1983. The series ran for 26 years until its last volume was issued in 2010. The journal contains a myriad of different topics related to the study of ceramics, ranging from ethno-archaeology and experimental archaeology to high-tech archaeometric analyses.

In collaboration with the Faculty of Archaeology, all volumes in this journal are now made available in digital format at Sidestone Press.

The potters of Fustat (Cairo) in 2008: a preliminary report
A. van As, K. Duistermaat, N.C.F. Groot, L. Jacobs, J. Schoester, N. Staring and R. Zin El Deen

A simulation experiment in the context of a technological study of Levantine Iron Age clay loom weights
J. H. Boertien

Timeless pottery traditions and organization of the ceramics industry in ancient Jordan and Israel: a case-study from Tall Hisban and Tel Jezreel
G.A. London and R.D. Shuster

Ayyubid-Mamluk sugar pottery from Tell Abu Sarbut, Jordan
H.E. LaGro

Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis of two vessels from Tel Yin’am
H. Liebowitz and J. Yellin

The Nabatean painted pottery in the Dhiban Plateau, Jordan: statistical modeling and its implication for the Nabatean settlement
Chang-Ho C. Ji

Middle Bronze Age II pottery production in the western Shephelah: comparing methods from Tel Nagila, Tel es-Safi/Gath, and Tel Burna
J. Uziel, D. Ben-Shlomo, D. Ilan, I. Shai and A.M. Maeir

Canaanite EB-IB ‘Proto-Metallic Ware’: the earliest production of ceramic ‘Metallic Ware’ in the land of Israel
Y. Paz, S. Shoval and 0. Zlatkin

Exhibition and book reviews

Terra cotta at the National Museum of Antiquities: the conservation of a figurine of Aphrodite.
R. Dooijes

Book review: Grace Barretto-Tesoro 2008. Identity and Reciprocity in the 15th Century Philippines, Oxford
M. Neupert

Book review: Dragos Gheorghiu (ed.) 2009. Early Farmers, Late Foragers, and Ceramic Traditions: On the Beginning of Pottery in the Near East and Europe, Cambridge
O.P. Nieuwenhuyse

Current research of the Leiden Department of Pottery Technology (2009)



The Leiden Journal of Pottery Studies was published by the Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University. The first volume was published in 1983. The series ran for 26 years until its last volume was issued in 2010. The journal contains a myriad of different topics related to the study of ceramics, ranging from ethno-archaeology and experimental archaeology to high-tech archaeometric analyses.

In collaboration with the Faculty of Archaeology, all volumes in this journal are now made available in digital format at Sidestone Press.


The potters of Fustat (Cairo) in 2008: a preliminary report
A. van As, K. Duistermaat, N.C.F. Groot, L. Jacobs, J. Schoester, N. Staring and R. Zin El Deen

A simulation experiment in the context of a technological study of Levantine Iron Age clay loom weights
J. H. Boertien

Timeless pottery traditions and organization of the ceramics industry in ancient Jordan and Israel: a case-study from Tall Hisban and Tel Jezreel
G.A. London and R.D. Shuster

Ayyubid-Mamluk sugar pottery from Tell Abu Sarbut, Jordan
H.E. LaGro

Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis of two vessels from Tel Yin’am
H. Liebowitz and J. Yellin

The Nabatean painted pottery in the Dhiban Plateau, Jordan: statistical modeling and its implication for the Nabatean settlement
Chang-Ho C. Ji

Middle Bronze Age II pottery production in the western Shephelah: comparing methods from Tel Nagila, Tel es-Safi/Gath, and Tel Burna
J. Uziel, D. Ben-Shlomo, D. Ilan, I. Shai and A.M. Maeir

Canaanite EB-IB ‘Proto-Metallic Ware’: the earliest production of ceramic ‘Metallic Ware’ in the land of Israel
Y. Paz, S. Shoval and 0. Zlatkin

Exhibition and book reviews

Terra cotta at the National Museum of Antiquities: the conservation of a figurine of Aphrodite.
R. Dooijes

Book review: Grace Barretto-Tesoro 2008. Identity and Reciprocity in the 15th Century Philippines, Oxford
M. Neupert

Book review: Dragos Gheorghiu (ed.) 2009. Early Farmers, Late Foragers, and Ceramic Traditions: On the Beginning of Pottery in the Near East and Europe, Cambridge
O.P. Nieuwenhuyse

Current research of the Leiden Department of Pottery Technology (2009)


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