Advances in Digital Scholarly Editing
Papers presented at the DiXiT conferences in The Hague, Cologne, and Antwerp
Edited by Peter Boot, Anna Cappellotto, Wout Dillen, Franz Fischer, Aodhán Kelly, Andreas Mertgens, Anna-Maria Sichani, Elena Spadini & Dirk van Hulle | 2017

Advances in Digital Scholarly Editing
Papers presented at the DiXiT conferences in The Hague, Cologne, and Antwerp
Edited by Peter Boot, Anna Cappellotto, Wout Dillen, Franz Fischer, Aodhán Kelly, Andreas Mertgens, Anna-Maria Sichani, Elena Spadini & Dirk van Hulle | 2017
Paperback ISBN: 9789088904837 | Hardback ISBN: 9789088904844 | Imprint: Sidestone Press | Format: 182x257mm | 476 pp. | Language: English | 113 illus. (fc) | Keywords: digital scholarly edition, critical edition, textual scholarship, text, scholarly editing, software, technology, society, data, digital humanities, archive, media, digital turn | download cover
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Paperback ISBN: 9789088904837 | Hardback ISBN: 9789088904844 | Imprint: Sidestone Press | Format: 182x257mm | 476 pp. | Language: English | 113 illus. (fc) | Keywords: digital scholarly edition, critical edition, textual scholarship, text, scholarly editing, software, technology, society, data, digital humanities, archive, media, digital turn | download cover
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As the papers in this volume testify, digital scholarly editing is a vibrant practice. Scholarly editing has a long-standing tradition in the humanities. It is of crucial importance within disciplines such as literary studies, philology, history, philosophy, library and information science, and bibliography. In fact, digital scholarly editing represents one of the longest traditions in the field of Digital Humanities — and the theories, concepts, and practices that were designed for editing in a digital environment have in turn deeply influenced the development of Digital Humanities as a discipline. By bringing together the extended abstracts from three conferences organised within the DiXiT project (2013-2017), this volume shows how digital scholarly editing is still developing and constantly redefining itself.
DiXiT (Digital Scholarly Editing Initial Training) is one of the most innovative training networks for a new generation of scholars in the field of digital scholarly editing, established by ten leading European institutions from academia, in close collaboration with the private sector and cultural heritage institutions, and funded under the EU’s Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions. The partners together represent a wide variety of technologies and approaches to European digital scholarly editing.
The extended abstracts of the convention contributions assembled in this volume showcase the multiplicity of subjects dealt with in and around the topics of digital editing: from issues of sustainability to changes in publication cultures, from the integrity of research and intellectual rights to mixed methods applied to digital editing — to name only a few.
Andreas Speer, Welcome
Arianna Ciula, Gregory Crane, Hans Walter Gabler, Espen Ore, Preface
Peter Boot, Franz Fischer, Dirk van Hulle, Introduction
List of beneficiaries
List of DiXiT fellows
Part 1: Theory, Practice, Methods
Francisco Javier Álvarez Carbajal, Towards a TEI model for the encoding of diplomatic charters: The charters of the County of Luna at the end of the Middle Ages
Mateusz Antoniuk, The Uncommon Literary Draft and its Editorial Representation
Gioele Barabucci, Franz Fischer, The formalization of textual criticism: bridging the gap between automated collation and edited critical texts
Gioele Barabucci, Elena Spadini, Magdalena Turska, Data vs Presentation. What is the core of a Scholarly Digital Edition?
Elli Bleeker, Modelling process and the process of modelling: the genesis of a modern literary Text
Christine Blondel, Marco Segala, Towards open, multi-source, and multi-authors digital scholarly editions. The Ampère platform.
Ben Brumfield, Accidental editors
Fabio Ciotti, Toward a new realism for digital textuality
Arianna Ciula, Modelling Textuality: A Material Culture Framework
Claire Clivaz, Multimodal Literacies and Continuous Data Publishing: une question de rythme
Isabel de la Cruz-Cabanillas, Editing the Medical Recipes in the Glasgow University Library Ferguson Collection
Richard Cunningham, Theorizing a Digital Scholarly Edition of Paradise Lost
Tom De Keyser, Vincent Neyt, Mark Nixon, Dirk van Hulle, The Digital Libraries of James Joyce and Samuel Beckett
Paul Eggert, The archival impulse and the editorial impulse
Ulrike Henny, Pedro Sepúlveda, Pessoa’s editorial projects and publications: the digital edition as a multiple form of textual criticism
Maurizio Lana et al, “…but what should I put in a digital apparatus?” A not-so-obvious choice. New types of digital scholarly editions
Caroline Macé, Critical editions and the digital medium
Chaim Milikowsky, Scholarly Editions of Three Rabbinic Texts One Critical and Two Digital
Sara Norja, From manuscript to digital edition: The challenges of editing early English alchemical texts
Chiara Palladino, Towards a digital edition of the Minor Greek Geographers
Elsa Pereira, Challenges of a digital approach: considerations for an edition of Pedro Homem de Mello’s poetry
Thorsten Ries, Hands-on Workshop: The Born Digital Record of the Writing Process. Discussing Concepts of Representation for the DSE
Mehdy Sedaghat Payam, Digital Editions and Materiality, a Media-specific Analysis of the First and the Last Edition of Michael Joyce’s Afternoon
Peter Shillingsburg, Enduring Distinctions in Textual Studies
Alex Speed Kjeldsen, Reproducible Editions
Andreas Speer, Blind Spots of Digital Editions: The Case of Huge Text Corpora in Philosophy, Theology and the History of Sciences
Linda Spinazzè, Richard Hadden, Misha Broughton, Data Driven Editing: Materials, Product, and Analysis
Katrhyn Sutherland, Making Copies
Georgy Vekshin, Ekaterina Khomyakova, The Videotext Project: Solutions for the New Age of Digital Genetic Reading
Klaus Wachtel, A Stemmatological Approach in Editing the Greek New Testament: The Coherence-Based Genealogical Method
Part 2: Technology, Standards, Software
Tara Andrews, What We Talk About When We Talk About Collation
Dániel Balogh, The Growing Pains of an Indic Epigraphic Corpus
Elli Bleeker, Bram Buitendijk, Ronald Haentjens Dekker, Vincent Neyt and Dirk van Hulle, The Challenges of Automated Collation of Manuscripts
Federico Boschetti, Riccardo Del Gratta, Angelo Del Grosso, The role of digital scholarly editors in the design of components for cooperative philology
Stefan Budenbender, Inventorying, transcribing, collating: basic components of a virtual platform for scholarly editing, developed for the Historical-Critical Schnitzler Edition
Mathias Coeckelbergs, Seth van Hooland and Pierre Van Hecke, Combining Topic Modeling and Fuzzy Matching Techniques to Build Bridges between Primary and Secondary Source Materials. A Test Case from the King James Version Bible
Angelo Mario Del Grosso, Emiliano Giovannetti, Simone Marchi, The Importance of Being… Object-Oriented: Old Means for New Perspectives in Digital Textual Scholarship
Chiara Di Pietro, Roberto Rosselli Del Turco, Edition Visualization Technology 2.0: affordable DSE publishing, support for critical editions, and more
Vera Faßhauer, Multi-Level Annotation, Analysis and Edition of a Historical Text Corpus: Private Ducal Correspondences in Early Modern Germany
Jiří Flaišman, Michal Kosák and Jakub Říha, Hybrid Scholarly Edition and the Visualization of Textual Variants
Costanza Giannaccini, where Scholarly Edition and Semantic Digital Library meet
Elena González-Blanco et al, Evi-Linhd, A Virtual Research Environment For Digital Scholarly Editing
Charles Li, Critical diplomatic editing. Applying text-critical principles as algorithms
Frederike Neuber, St-G and DIN 16518, or: requirements on type classification in the Stefan George edition
Elisa Nury, Visualizing Collation Results
Dirk Roorda, The Hebrew Bible as Data: Text and Annotations
Felicia Roșu, Full Dublin-Core Jacket: The Constraints and Rewards of Managing a Growing Collection of Sources on
Daniela Schulz, Of general and homemade encoding problems
Elena Spadini, The role of the base manuscript in the collation of medieval texts
Tuomo Toljamo, A Tailored Approach to Digitally Access and Prepare the 1740 Dutch Resolutions of the States General
Tuomo Toljamo, Editorial Tools and their Development as a Mode of Mediated Interaction
Magdalena Turska, TEI Simple Processing Model
Part 3: Academia, Cultural Heritage, Society
Hilde Boe, Edvard Munch’s Writings. Experiences From Digitising The Museum
Misha Broughton, Crowdfunding the Digital Scholarly Edition: Webcomics, Tip Jars, and a Bowl of Potato Salad
Jan Burgers, Editing medieval charters in the digital age
Federico Caria, What the people do with, around (and at the centre) of the digital editions
Wout Dillen, Editing Copyrighted Materials: On Sharing What You Can
Wout Dillen, What You C(apture) Is What You Get. Authenticity and Quality Control in Digitization Practices
Till Grallert, The journal al-Muqtabas between, HathiTrust, and GitHub: producing open, collaborative, and fully-referencable digital editions of early Arabic periodicals—with almost no funds
Leo Jansen, Digital editions of artists’ writings: first Van Gogh, then Mondrian
Aodhán Kelly, Digital editing: valorisation and diverse audiences
Aodhán Kelly, Social responsibilities in digital editing – DiXiT Panel: ‘Editing and Society: Cultural considerations for construction, dissemination and preservation of editions’
Merisa Martinez, Documenting the digital edition on film
Katerina Michalopoulou, Antonis Touloumis, Digital Rockaby
Daniel Powell, Towards a definition of “the social” in knowledge work
Anna-Maria Sichani, Beyond Open Access: (re)use, impact and the ethos of openness in digital editing
Anna-Maria Sichani, The business logic of digital scholarly editing and the economics of scholarly publishing
Ray Siemens et al, The Social Edition in the Context of Open Social Scholarship: The Case of the Devonshire Manuscript (BL Add Ms 17,492)
Bartłomiej Szleszyński, Nowa Panorama Literatury Polskiej (New Panorama of Polish Literature) – how to present knowledge on the Internet (Polish specifics of the issue)
Dr. Peter Boot
Peter Boot is a senior researcher at the Huygens Institute for the History of the Netherlands. He studied mathematics and Dutch literature and wrote a thesis about electronic annotation in digital editions.

Dr. Wout Dillen
Wout Dillen is a postdoctoral researcher working at the University of Antwerp as the coordinator of the Antwerp division of the DARIAH-VL consortium of DARIAH-BE. In 2015 he defended a Ph.D. thesis on ‘Digital Scholarly Editing for the Genetic Orientation.’

Dr. Franz Fischer
Franz Fischer is coordinator and researcher at the Cologne Center for eHumanities (CCeH), University of Cologne. He studied History, Latin and Italian in Cologne and Rome and has been awarded a doctoral degree in Medieval Latin for his digital edition of William of Auxerre’s treatise on liturgy.

Anna-Maria Sichani MA
Anna-Maria Sichani is a researcher in Modern Greek Literary Studies and Digital Humanities. She is currently a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Early Stage Researcher affiliated with DiXiT, based at the Huygens Institute for the History of the Netherlands and she is finishing her PhD at University of Ioannina (Greece).

Dr. Elena Spadini
Elena Spadini is a researcher in digital humanities at at the Huygens Institute for the History of the Netherlands. She holds a Ph.D. in romance philology from Sapienza Università di Roma. Her research pursues digital scholarly editing, as regards the scientific and technical aspects, and includes medieval literature, the history of textual criticism and the history of digital humanities. She wrote on digital editing tools, automatic collation, the textual transmission of Arthurian old-French literature.

Prof. dr. Dirk van Hulle
Dirk van Hulle, professor of English literature at the University of Antwerp and director of the Centre for Manuscript Genetics, recently edited the new Cambridge Companion to Samuel Beckett (2015). With Mark Nixon, he is co-director of the Beckett Digital Manuscript Project ( and editor-in-chief of the Journal of Beckett Studies.

Andreas Mertgens MA
Andreas Mertgens is a research associate at the Cologne Center for eHumanities (CCeH), University of Cologne. He studied English and American Studies (B.A.) and Scholarly Editing and Documentology (M.A.) at the University of Wuppertal.

Dr. Anna Cappellotto
Anna Cappellotto is a post-doctoral research fellow in Medieval Studies at the University of Verona. At the same institution she has been recently awarded a PhD in Medieval Philology and her thesis deals with the edition of a Middle High German translation of Ovid’s Metamorphoses.

Aodhán Kelly MA
Aodhán Kelly is a PhD student at the Centre for Manuscript Genetics at the University of Antwerp and one of the Early Stage Researchers within the DiXiT Network. His doctoral research is on the dissemination of digital scholarly editions to broader audiences. Aodhán holds a BA in History and Economics as well as an MLitt in History from Maynooth University in Ireland and worked for several years in digital publishing in the UK.

As the papers in this volume testify, digital scholarly editing is a vibrant practice. Scholarly editing has a long-standing tradition in the humanities. It is of crucial importance within disciplines such as literary studies, philology, history, philosophy, library and information science, and bibliography. In fact, digital scholarly editing represents one of the longest traditions in the field of Digital Humanities — and the theories, concepts, and practices that were designed for editing in a digital environment have in turn deeply influenced the development of Digital Humanities as a discipline. By bringing together the extended abstracts from three conferences organised within the DiXiT project (2013-2017), this volume shows how digital scholarly editing is still developing and constantly redefining itself.
DiXiT (Digital Scholarly Editing Initial Training) is one of the most innovative training networks for a new generation of scholars in the field of digital scholarly editing, established by ten leading European institutions from academia, in close collaboration with the private sector and cultural heritage institutions, and funded under the EU’s Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions. The partners together represent a wide variety of technologies and approaches to European digital scholarly editing.
The extended abstracts of the convention contributions assembled in this volume showcase the multiplicity of subjects dealt with in and around the topics of digital editing: from issues of sustainability to changes in publication cultures, from the integrity of research and intellectual rights to mixed methods applied to digital editing — to name only a few.
Andreas Speer, Welcome
Arianna Ciula, Gregory Crane, Hans Walter Gabler, Espen Ore, Preface
Peter Boot, Franz Fischer, Dirk van Hulle, Introduction
List of beneficiaries
List of DiXiT fellows
Part 1: Theory, Practice, Methods
Francisco Javier Álvarez Carbajal, Towards a TEI model for the encoding of diplomatic charters: The charters of the County of Luna at the end of the Middle Ages
Mateusz Antoniuk, The Uncommon Literary Draft and its Editorial Representation
Gioele Barabucci, Franz Fischer, The formalization of textual criticism: bridging the gap between automated collation and edited critical texts
Gioele Barabucci, Elena Spadini, Magdalena Turska, Data vs Presentation. What is the core of a Scholarly Digital Edition?
Elli Bleeker, Modelling process and the process of modelling: the genesis of a modern literary Text
Christine Blondel, Marco Segala, Towards open, multi-source, and multi-authors digital scholarly editions. The Ampère platform.
Ben Brumfield, Accidental editors
Fabio Ciotti, Toward a new realism for digital textuality
Arianna Ciula, Modelling Textuality: A Material Culture Framework
Claire Clivaz, Multimodal Literacies and Continuous Data Publishing: une question de rythme
Isabel de la Cruz-Cabanillas, Editing the Medical Recipes in the Glasgow University Library Ferguson Collection
Richard Cunningham, Theorizing a Digital Scholarly Edition of Paradise Lost
Tom De Keyser, Vincent Neyt, Mark Nixon, Dirk van Hulle, The Digital Libraries of James Joyce and Samuel Beckett
Paul Eggert, The archival impulse and the editorial impulse
Ulrike Henny, Pedro Sepúlveda, Pessoa’s editorial projects and publications: the digital edition as a multiple form of textual criticism
Maurizio Lana et al, “…but what should I put in a digital apparatus?” A not-so-obvious choice. New types of digital scholarly editions
Caroline Macé, Critical editions and the digital medium
Chaim Milikowsky, Scholarly Editions of Three Rabbinic Texts One Critical and Two Digital
Sara Norja, From manuscript to digital edition: The challenges of editing early English alchemical texts
Chiara Palladino, Towards a digital edition of the Minor Greek Geographers
Elsa Pereira, Challenges of a digital approach: considerations for an edition of Pedro Homem de Mello’s poetry
Thorsten Ries, Hands-on Workshop: The Born Digital Record of the Writing Process. Discussing Concepts of Representation for the DSE
Mehdy Sedaghat Payam, Digital Editions and Materiality, a Media-specific Analysis of the First and the Last Edition of Michael Joyce’s Afternoon
Peter Shillingsburg, Enduring Distinctions in Textual Studies
Alex Speed Kjeldsen, Reproducible Editions
Andreas Speer, Blind Spots of Digital Editions: The Case of Huge Text Corpora in Philosophy, Theology and the History of Sciences
Linda Spinazzè, Richard Hadden, Misha Broughton, Data Driven Editing: Materials, Product, and Analysis
Katrhyn Sutherland, Making Copies
Georgy Vekshin, Ekaterina Khomyakova, The Videotext Project: Solutions for the New Age of Digital Genetic Reading
Klaus Wachtel, A Stemmatological Approach in Editing the Greek New Testament: The Coherence-Based Genealogical Method
Part 2: Technology, Standards, Software
Tara Andrews, What We Talk About When We Talk About Collation
Dániel Balogh, The Growing Pains of an Indic Epigraphic Corpus
Elli Bleeker, Bram Buitendijk, Ronald Haentjens Dekker, Vincent Neyt and Dirk van Hulle, The Challenges of Automated Collation of Manuscripts
Federico Boschetti, Riccardo Del Gratta, Angelo Del Grosso, The role of digital scholarly editors in the design of components for cooperative philology
Stefan Budenbender, Inventorying, transcribing, collating: basic components of a virtual platform for scholarly editing, developed for the Historical-Critical Schnitzler Edition
Mathias Coeckelbergs, Seth van Hooland and Pierre Van Hecke, Combining Topic Modeling and Fuzzy Matching Techniques to Build Bridges between Primary and Secondary Source Materials. A Test Case from the King James Version Bible
Angelo Mario Del Grosso, Emiliano Giovannetti, Simone Marchi, The Importance of Being… Object-Oriented: Old Means for New Perspectives in Digital Textual Scholarship
Chiara Di Pietro, Roberto Rosselli Del Turco, Edition Visualization Technology 2.0: affordable DSE publishing, support for critical editions, and more
Vera Faßhauer, Multi-Level Annotation, Analysis and Edition of a Historical Text Corpus: Private Ducal Correspondences in Early Modern Germany
Jiří Flaišman, Michal Kosák and Jakub Říha, Hybrid Scholarly Edition and the Visualization of Textual Variants
Costanza Giannaccini, where Scholarly Edition and Semantic Digital Library meet
Elena González-Blanco et al, Evi-Linhd, A Virtual Research Environment For Digital Scholarly Editing
Charles Li, Critical diplomatic editing. Applying text-critical principles as algorithms
Frederike Neuber, St-G and DIN 16518, or: requirements on type classification in the Stefan George edition
Elisa Nury, Visualizing Collation Results
Dirk Roorda, The Hebrew Bible as Data: Text and Annotations
Felicia Roșu, Full Dublin-Core Jacket: The Constraints and Rewards of Managing a Growing Collection of Sources on
Daniela Schulz, Of general and homemade encoding problems
Elena Spadini, The role of the base manuscript in the collation of medieval texts
Tuomo Toljamo, A Tailored Approach to Digitally Access and Prepare the 1740 Dutch Resolutions of the States General
Tuomo Toljamo, Editorial Tools and their Development as a Mode of Mediated Interaction
Magdalena Turska, TEI Simple Processing Model
Part 3: Academia, Cultural Heritage, Society
Hilde Boe, Edvard Munch’s Writings. Experiences From Digitising The Museum
Misha Broughton, Crowdfunding the Digital Scholarly Edition: Webcomics, Tip Jars, and a Bowl of Potato Salad
Jan Burgers, Editing medieval charters in the digital age
Federico Caria, What the people do with, around (and at the centre) of the digital editions
Wout Dillen, Editing Copyrighted Materials: On Sharing What You Can
Wout Dillen, What You C(apture) Is What You Get. Authenticity and Quality Control in Digitization Practices
Till Grallert, The journal al-Muqtabas between, HathiTrust, and GitHub: producing open, collaborative, and fully-referencable digital editions of early Arabic periodicals—with almost no funds
Leo Jansen, Digital editions of artists’ writings: first Van Gogh, then Mondrian
Aodhán Kelly, Digital editing: valorisation and diverse audiences
Aodhán Kelly, Social responsibilities in digital editing – DiXiT Panel: ‘Editing and Society: Cultural considerations for construction, dissemination and preservation of editions’
Merisa Martinez, Documenting the digital edition on film
Katerina Michalopoulou, Antonis Touloumis, Digital Rockaby
Daniel Powell, Towards a definition of “the social” in knowledge work
Anna-Maria Sichani, Beyond Open Access: (re)use, impact and the ethos of openness in digital editing
Anna-Maria Sichani, The business logic of digital scholarly editing and the economics of scholarly publishing
Ray Siemens et al, The Social Edition in the Context of Open Social Scholarship: The Case of the Devonshire Manuscript (BL Add Ms 17,492)
Bartłomiej Szleszyński, Nowa Panorama Literatury Polskiej (New Panorama of Polish Literature) – how to present knowledge on the Internet (Polish specifics of the issue)

Dr. Peter Boot
Peter Boot is a senior researcher at the Huygens Institute for the History of the Netherlands. He studied mathematics and Dutch literature and wrote a thesis about electronic annotation in digital editions.

Dr. Wout Dillen
Wout Dillen is a postdoctoral researcher working at the University of Antwerp as the coordinator of the Antwerp division of the DARIAH-VL consortium of DARIAH-BE. In 2015 he defended a Ph.D. thesis on ‘Digital Scholarly Editing for the Genetic Orientation.’

Dr. Franz Fischer
Franz Fischer is coordinator and researcher at the Cologne Center for eHumanities (CCeH), University of Cologne. He studied History, Latin and Italian in Cologne and Rome and has been awarded a doctoral degree in Medieval Latin for his digital edition of William of Auxerre’s treatise on liturgy.

Anna-Maria Sichani MA
Anna-Maria Sichani is a researcher in Modern Greek Literary Studies and Digital Humanities. She is currently a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Early Stage Researcher affiliated with DiXiT, based at the Huygens Institute for the History of the Netherlands and she is finishing her PhD at University of Ioannina (Greece).

Dr. Elena Spadini
Elena Spadini is a researcher in digital humanities at at the Huygens Institute for the History of the Netherlands. She holds a Ph.D. in romance philology from Sapienza Università di Roma. Her research pursues digital scholarly editing, as regards the scientific and technical aspects, and includes medieval literature, the history of textual criticism and the history of digital humanities. She wrote on digital editing tools, automatic collation, the textual transmission of Arthurian old-French literature.

Prof. dr. Dirk van Hulle
Dirk van Hulle, professor of English literature at the University of Antwerp and director of the Centre for Manuscript Genetics, recently edited the new Cambridge Companion to Samuel Beckett (2015). With Mark Nixon, he is co-director of the Beckett Digital Manuscript Project ( and editor-in-chief of the Journal of Beckett Studies.

Andreas Mertgens MA
Andreas Mertgens is a research associate at the Cologne Center for eHumanities (CCeH), University of Cologne. He studied English and American Studies (B.A.) and Scholarly Editing and Documentology (M.A.) at the University of Wuppertal.

Dr. Anna Cappellotto
Anna Cappellotto is a post-doctoral research fellow in Medieval Studies at the University of Verona. At the same institution she has been recently awarded a PhD in Medieval Philology and her thesis deals with the edition of a Middle High German translation of Ovid’s Metamorphoses.

Aodhán Kelly MA
Aodhán Kelly is a PhD student at the Centre for Manuscript Genetics at the University of Antwerp and one of the Early Stage Researchers within the DiXiT Network. His doctoral research is on the dissemination of digital scholarly editions to broader audiences. Aodhán holds a BA in History and Economics as well as an MLitt in History from Maynooth University in Ireland and worked for several years in digital publishing in the UK.

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