Migration Narratives in Archaeology
Edited by Daniela Hofmann, Catherine J. Frieman & Astrid J. Nyland | 2023
Migration is not just a recent, crisis-driven phenomenon, but a fundamental part of human life – and has always been so. This booklet is aimed at everyone who is interested in human migration in the…

Arkeologiske fortellinger om migrasjon
Edited by Daniela Hofmann, Catherine J. Frieman & Astrid J. Nyland | 2023
Denne boken er rettet mot alle som er interessert i menneskers migrasjon i fortiden. Men migrasjon er ikke et nytt, krise-drevet fenomen. Det er og har alltid vært en fundamental del av livet. I boken…

Gender stereotypes in archaeology
A short reflection in image and text
Edited by Laura Coltofean-Arizancu, Bisserka Gaydarska & Uroš Matić | 2021
Were men the only hunters and producers of tools, art and innovation in prehistory? Were women the only gatherers, home-bound breeders and caregivers? Are all prehistoric female depictions mother goddesses? And do women and men…

Search results for HotAcademia
Migration Narratives in Archaeology
Edited by Daniela Hofmann, Catherine J. Frieman & Astrid J. Nyland | 2023
Migration is not just a recent, crisis-driven phenomenon, but a fundamental part of human life – and has always been so. This booklet is aimed at everyone who is interested in human migration in the…

Arkeologiske fortellinger om migrasjon
Edited by Daniela Hofmann, Catherine J. Frieman & Astrid J. Nyland | 2023
Denne boken er rettet mot alle som er interessert i menneskers migrasjon i fortiden. Men migrasjon er ikke et nytt, krise-drevet fenomen. Det er og har alltid vært en fundamental del av livet. I boken…

Gender stereotypes in archaeology
A short reflection in image and text
Edited by Laura Coltofean-Arizancu, Bisserka Gaydarska & Uroš Matić | 2021
Were men the only hunters and producers of tools, art and innovation in prehistory? Were women the only gatherers, home-bound breeders and caregivers? Are all prehistoric female depictions mother goddesses? And do women and men…

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