The Secret Signs in South New Guinea Art

A comprehensive guide to understanding Asmat and Papuan Gulf Art

Holger Braun | Forthcoming

The chain of linked cultures of the southern coast of New Guinea, from the Asmat in the west to the Papuan Gulf in the east all share remarkably similar mythology and rituals, inspired by a…

Roman Pottery in the Low Countries

Past Research, Current State, Future Directions

Edited by Roderick C.A. Geerts & Philip Bes | Forthcoming

This edited volume was written on the occasion of the 33rd Congress of the Rei Cretariæ Romanæ Fautores (, which was held in September 2024 in Leiden, and offers a status quaestionis of Roman pottery…

Serial Learners

Interactions between Funnel Beaker West and Corded Ware Communities in the Netherlands during the Third Millennium BCE from the Perspective of Ceramic Technology

E.J. Kroon | Forthcoming

5,000 years ago, a migration shaped Europe’s future. Migrating communities spread across Europe within two centuries, leaving lasting changes in interconnectivity, language, and ancestry. Yet these migrating communities did not enter an empty continent. Across…

Figurine-making in the Neolithic Aegean

Edited by Stratos Nanoglou and Fanis Mavridis | Forthcoming

This volume presents a cutting-edge perspective on figurine studies in the Neolithic Aegean, sparking renewed interest and innovative ideas. It celebrates two significant milestones in the field: the 50th anniversary of Giorgos Hourmouziadis’ Ph.D. thesis…

Chariots on fire, reins of power

Early La Tène elite burials from the Lower Rhine-Meuse region and their Northwest European context

Edited by Nico Roymans, Liesbeth Theunissen, Louis Swinkels & Sasja van der Vaart-Verschoof | Forthcoming

Chariots on Fire, Reins of Power presents the first comprehensive overview of 5th century BC elite graves from the Lower Rhine-Meuse region. Characterised by imported grave goods such as bronze vessels, horse tack, weapons and…

Cremation in the Early Middle Ages

Death, fire and identity in North-West Europe

Edited by Howard Williams & Femke Lippok | Forthcoming

Cremation in the Early Middle Ages draws together the latest research and thinking on early medieval cremation practices. The book takes you on a journey through 19 chapters exploring cremation practices from the fifth to…

Identity, Power and Group Formation in Archaic Macedonia (600-400 BC)

Christos Giamakis | Forthcoming

The first ever large-scale synthesis on identity and social dynamics across archaic Macedonia (600-400 BC), Christos Giamakis’s book provides a detailed narrative exploring the role of power as displayed through material culture in the formation…

The Secret Signs in South New Guinea Art

A comprehensive guide to understanding Asmat and Papuan Gulf Art

Holger Braun | Forthcoming

The chain of linked cultures of the southern coast of New Guinea, from the Asmat in the west to the Papuan Gulf in the east all share remarkably similar mythology and rituals, inspired by a…

Roman Pottery in the Low Countries

Past Research, Current State, Future Directions

Edited by Roderick C.A. Geerts & Philip Bes | Forthcoming

This edited volume was written on the occasion of the 33rd Congress of the Rei Cretariæ Romanæ Fautores (, which was held in September 2024 in Leiden, and offers a status quaestionis of Roman pottery…

Serial Learners

Interactions between Funnel Beaker West and Corded Ware Communities in the Netherlands during the Third Millennium BCE from the Perspective of Ceramic Technology

E.J. Kroon | Forthcoming

5,000 years ago, a migration shaped Europe’s future. Migrating communities spread across Europe within two centuries, leaving lasting changes in interconnectivity, language, and ancestry. Yet these migrating communities did not enter an empty continent. Across…

Figurine-making in the Neolithic Aegean

Edited by Stratos Nanoglou and Fanis Mavridis | Forthcoming

This volume presents a cutting-edge perspective on figurine studies in the Neolithic Aegean, sparking renewed interest and innovative ideas. It celebrates two significant milestones in the field: the 50th anniversary of Giorgos Hourmouziadis’ Ph.D. thesis…

Chariots on fire, reins of power

Early La Tène elite burials from the Lower Rhine-Meuse region and their Northwest European context

Edited by Nico Roymans, Liesbeth Theunissen, Louis Swinkels & Sasja van der Vaart-Verschoof | Forthcoming

Chariots on Fire, Reins of Power presents the first comprehensive overview of 5th century BC elite graves from the Lower Rhine-Meuse region. Characterised by imported grave goods such as bronze vessels, horse tack, weapons and…

Cremation in the Early Middle Ages

Death, fire and identity in North-West Europe

Edited by Howard Williams & Femke Lippok | Forthcoming

Cremation in the Early Middle Ages draws together the latest research and thinking on early medieval cremation practices. The book takes you on a journey through 19 chapters exploring cremation practices from the fifth to…

Identity, Power and Group Formation in Archaic Macedonia (600-400 BC)

Christos Giamakis | Forthcoming

The first ever large-scale synthesis on identity and social dynamics across archaic Macedonia (600-400 BC), Christos Giamakis’s book provides a detailed narrative exploring the role of power as displayed through material culture in the formation…

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