Before Temples

Rectangular structures of the Low Countries and their place in the Iron Age belief system

R. de Leeuwe | 2023

Before the introduction of Roman temples in the Low Countries, there used to be ‘open air cult places’ in the Iron Age. That is at least the assumption based on descriptions given by classical writers…

Dynamik und Kommunikation prähistorischer Gesellschaften im zentralen Alpenraum

Konzepte zu Mobilität und Netzwerken

Mirco Brunner | 2023

Im südlichen Mitteleuropa stellen die Alpen zugleich Barrieren als auch Kommunikationsräume dar. Über diese topografischen, naturräumlichen Begrenzungen hinweg belegen archäologische Fundsituationen immer wieder zahlreiche Nachweise transalpiner Mobilität, deren Entwicklung im Verlauf der prähistorischen Epochen in…

Mediterranean Connections

How the sea links people and transforms identities

Edited by Laura C. Schmidt, Anja Rutter, Lutz Käppel & Oliver Nakoinz | 2023

The present publication constitutes the Proceedings of Session 7 of the ‘Creation of landscapes VI’ workshop, hosted by the CAU Kiel in 2019. The session was entitled ‘Mediterranean Connections – how the sea links people…

Zeegaande houten schepen

Bijdragen aan de Dag van de historische maritieme archeologie in Nederland (14de Glavimans symposion)

Edited by A.F.L. van Holk, R. Oosting, A.B.M. Overmeer, A.D. Vos en W.B. Waldus | 2023

Op 9 december 2022 is bij Batavialand te Lelystad de Dag van de historische maritieme archeologie in Nederland (het 14de Glavimans symposion) georganiseerd. Het centrale thema was ‘Zeegaande houten schepen’. Als bestuur van de Glavimans…

Fields, Sherds and Scholars

Recording and Interpreting Survey Ceramics

Edited by Anna Meens, Margarita Nazou, Winfred van de Put | 2023

This book is a significant contribution to the field of survey pottery studies, which is not frequently theorised, and could also serve as a guide and provide inspiration to archaeologists designing their own survey projects…

The Urge to Collect

Motives, Obsessions and Tensions

Edited by Holly O’Farrell and Pieter ter Keurs | 2023

Why do we collect? Where does the urge to collect come from? This book explores the phenomenon of collecting in various contexts. Collecting is an illustration of a strong human-thing entanglement. It can be caused…

Urban Design: Cities in Past, Present and Future

Edited by Annette Haug and Philipp Kobusch | 2023

As central places of human interaction, cities influence the reality of our lives like no other phenomenon. They are in a highly complex, reciprocal relationship with changing environmental, social, political, economic and religious constellations. Accordingly,…

Before Temples

Rectangular structures of the Low Countries and their place in the Iron Age belief system

R. de Leeuwe | 2023

Before the introduction of Roman temples in the Low Countries, there used to be ‘open air cult places’ in the Iron Age. That is at least the assumption based on descriptions given by classical writers…

Dynamik und Kommunikation prähistorischer Gesellschaften im zentralen Alpenraum

Konzepte zu Mobilität und Netzwerken

Mirco Brunner | 2023

Im südlichen Mitteleuropa stellen die Alpen zugleich Barrieren als auch Kommunikationsräume dar. Über diese topografischen, naturräumlichen Begrenzungen hinweg belegen archäologische Fundsituationen immer wieder zahlreiche Nachweise transalpiner Mobilität, deren Entwicklung im Verlauf der prähistorischen Epochen in…

Mediterranean Connections

How the sea links people and transforms identities

Edited by Laura C. Schmidt, Anja Rutter, Lutz Käppel & Oliver Nakoinz | 2023

The present publication constitutes the Proceedings of Session 7 of the ‘Creation of landscapes VI’ workshop, hosted by the CAU Kiel in 2019. The session was entitled ‘Mediterranean Connections – how the sea links people…

Zeegaande houten schepen

Bijdragen aan de Dag van de historische maritieme archeologie in Nederland (14de Glavimans symposion)

Edited by A.F.L. van Holk, R. Oosting, A.B.M. Overmeer, A.D. Vos en W.B. Waldus | 2023

Op 9 december 2022 is bij Batavialand te Lelystad de Dag van de historische maritieme archeologie in Nederland (het 14de Glavimans symposion) georganiseerd. Het centrale thema was ‘Zeegaande houten schepen’. Als bestuur van de Glavimans…

Fields, Sherds and Scholars

Recording and Interpreting Survey Ceramics

Edited by Anna Meens, Margarita Nazou, Winfred van de Put | 2023

This book is a significant contribution to the field of survey pottery studies, which is not frequently theorised, and could also serve as a guide and provide inspiration to archaeologists designing their own survey projects…

The Urge to Collect

Motives, Obsessions and Tensions

Edited by Holly O’Farrell and Pieter ter Keurs | 2023

Why do we collect? Where does the urge to collect come from? This book explores the phenomenon of collecting in various contexts. Collecting is an illustration of a strong human-thing entanglement. It can be caused…

Urban Design: Cities in Past, Present and Future

Edited by Annette Haug and Philipp Kobusch | 2023

As central places of human interaction, cities influence the reality of our lives like no other phenomenon. They are in a highly complex, reciprocal relationship with changing environmental, social, political, economic and religious constellations. Accordingly,…

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