Spirituality in Psychotherapy

How do Psychotherapists Understand, Navigate, Experience and Integrate Spirituality in their Professional Encounters with Clients?

Amalia E.M. Carli | 2020

This book explores how Western European psychotherapists, interviewed between 2016 and 2019, understand spirituality and how they address spiritual matters in clinical sessions. By studying a purposive sample of 15 clinicians from Spain, England, Switzerland,…

Cleaning and Value

Interdisciplinary Investigations

Edited by Isabel Bredenbröker, Christina Hanzen, Felix Kotzur | 2020

This volume combines scholarly contributions on the relation between values and cleaning processes in different places, cultures and times. The core disciplines are archaeology and anthropology with interdisciplinary additions from sinology, classic philology, philosophy, sociology…

Pandemien und Krisen

Entfernte Zeiten so nah

Edited by Lutz Käppel, Cheryl Makarewicz & Johannes Müller | 2020

Archäologie leistet einen Beitrag für das gesellschaftliche Verständnis von Krisen, einschließlich gegenwärtiger und potentieller zukünftiger Notlagen. Auch Krankheiten wie Pandemien wurden und werden von der Archäologie in vergangenen Gesellschaften beobachtet. Einige solche Beispiele finden sich…

Pandemics and Crises Reloaded

Distant Times So Close

Edited by Lutz Käppel, Cheryl Makarewicz & Johannes Müller | 2020

Archaeology is all about how the present came into existence. Thus, it contributes to the social understanding of crises, including present and potential future adversities. Even diseases, such as pandemics in past societies, were and…


The role of grave sets in Corded Ware and Bell Beaker funerary practices

Karsten Wentink | 2020

Throughout northern Europe, thousands of burial mounds were erected in the third millennium BCE. Starting in the Corded Ware culture, individual people were being buried underneath these mounds, often equipped with an almost rigid set…

Determining Prehistoric Skin Processing Technologies

The macro and microscopic characteristics of experimental samples

Theresa Emmerich Kamper | 2020

The importance of skin processing technologies in the history and expansion of humankind cannot be overstated, yet these technologies can be difficult to identify in the archaeological record. This research outlines the development of a…

Heritage Education

Memories of the Past in the Present Caribbean Social Studies Curriculum: A View from Teacher Practice

Eldris Con Aguilar | 2020

This book compiles the results of a doctoral research study that sought to gain insight into how indigenous heritage is represented in the school curriculum for social studies. To this end, the questions focused on…

Search results for DAR:

Spirituality in Psychotherapy

How do Psychotherapists Understand, Navigate, Experience and Integrate Spirituality in their Professional Encounters with Clients?

Amalia E.M. Carli | 2020

This book explores how Western European psychotherapists, interviewed between 2016 and 2019, understand spirituality and how they address spiritual matters in clinical sessions. By studying a purposive sample of 15 clinicians from Spain, England, Switzerland,…

Cleaning and Value

Interdisciplinary Investigations

Edited by Isabel Bredenbröker, Christina Hanzen, Felix Kotzur | 2020

This volume combines scholarly contributions on the relation between values and cleaning processes in different places, cultures and times. The core disciplines are archaeology and anthropology with interdisciplinary additions from sinology, classic philology, philosophy, sociology…

Pandemien und Krisen

Entfernte Zeiten so nah

Edited by Lutz Käppel, Cheryl Makarewicz & Johannes Müller | 2020

Archäologie leistet einen Beitrag für das gesellschaftliche Verständnis von Krisen, einschließlich gegenwärtiger und potentieller zukünftiger Notlagen. Auch Krankheiten wie Pandemien wurden und werden von der Archäologie in vergangenen Gesellschaften beobachtet. Einige solche Beispiele finden sich…

Pandemics and Crises Reloaded

Distant Times So Close

Edited by Lutz Käppel, Cheryl Makarewicz & Johannes Müller | 2020

Archaeology is all about how the present came into existence. Thus, it contributes to the social understanding of crises, including present and potential future adversities. Even diseases, such as pandemics in past societies, were and…


The role of grave sets in Corded Ware and Bell Beaker funerary practices

Karsten Wentink | 2020

Throughout northern Europe, thousands of burial mounds were erected in the third millennium BCE. Starting in the Corded Ware culture, individual people were being buried underneath these mounds, often equipped with an almost rigid set…

Determining Prehistoric Skin Processing Technologies

The macro and microscopic characteristics of experimental samples

Theresa Emmerich Kamper | 2020

The importance of skin processing technologies in the history and expansion of humankind cannot be overstated, yet these technologies can be difficult to identify in the archaeological record. This research outlines the development of a…

Heritage Education

Memories of the Past in the Present Caribbean Social Studies Curriculum: A View from Teacher Practice

Eldris Con Aguilar | 2020

This book compiles the results of a doctoral research study that sought to gain insight into how indigenous heritage is represented in the school curriculum for social studies. To this end, the questions focused on…

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