Thirdspace in Assyrien und Urartu

Eine Archäologie der Sinne und Subalternität in der Eisenzeit in Nordmesopotamien

Vera Egbers | 2023

Wie lässt sich Subalternität in der Vergangenheit untersuchen, wenn heute fast ausschließlich Hinterlassenschaften der Eliten erhalten sind? Warum lohnt sich eine solche Untersuchung und wo führt sie hin? Diesen Fragen wird in dem vorliegenden Buch…

Contemporary Philosophy for Maritime Archaeology

Flat Ontologies, Oceanic Thought, and the Anthropocene

Edited by Sara A. Rich & Peter B. Campbell | 2023

While terrestrial archaeology has engaged with contemporary philosophy, maritime archaeology has remained in comparative disciplinary – or subdisciplinary – isolation. However, the issues that humans face in the Anthropocene – from global warming to global…

Complexity and dynamics

Settlement and landscape from the Bronze Age to the Renaissance in the Nordic Countries (1700 BC–AD 1600)

Edited by Marie Ødegaard & Ingrid Ystgaard | 2023

How did people organize their settlements in later prehistoric societies? How do architecture, spatial organization, land divisions, and landscape use relate to different modes of social organization? The papers in this book contribute to a…


The presence of absence and the absence of presence

Mark Adams and Nicholas Thomas | 2023

Ethnographic museums, now often rebranded as collections of ‘world cultures’, appear permanently problematic, even as their contexts and the orientation of their activities change. Across Europe and elsewhere, curators and other museum staff are committed…

Revealing Christian Heritage. Volume I

The rediscovery of Christian archaeology between 1860 and 1930

Edited by Chiara Cecalupo | 2023

This volume collects different case studies of rediscovery of Christian antiquities between 1860-1930 in Europe and the Mediterranean basin, in order to stimulate reflections about the impact of these rediscoveries on our culture in a…

Connectivity Matters!

Social, Environmental and Cultural Connectivity in Past Societies

Edited by Johannes Müller | 2022

This book is a presentation of the basic concept of social, environmental and cultural connectivity in past societies, as embodied in a diversity of disciplines in the Cluster of Excellence ROOTS. Thus, rather pragmatically driven…

Cooking with plants in ancient Europe and beyond

Interdisciplinary approaches to the archaeology of plant foods

Edited by Soultana Maria Valamoti, Anastasia Dimoula & Maria Ntinou | 2022

Plants have constituted the basis of human subsistence. This volume focuses on plant food ingredients that were consumed by the members of past societies and on the ways these ingredients were transformed into food. The…

Thirdspace in Assyrien und Urartu

Eine Archäologie der Sinne und Subalternität in der Eisenzeit in Nordmesopotamien

Vera Egbers | 2023

Wie lässt sich Subalternität in der Vergangenheit untersuchen, wenn heute fast ausschließlich Hinterlassenschaften der Eliten erhalten sind? Warum lohnt sich eine solche Untersuchung und wo führt sie hin? Diesen Fragen wird in dem vorliegenden Buch…

Contemporary Philosophy for Maritime Archaeology

Flat Ontologies, Oceanic Thought, and the Anthropocene

Edited by Sara A. Rich & Peter B. Campbell | 2023

While terrestrial archaeology has engaged with contemporary philosophy, maritime archaeology has remained in comparative disciplinary – or subdisciplinary – isolation. However, the issues that humans face in the Anthropocene – from global warming to global…

Complexity and dynamics

Settlement and landscape from the Bronze Age to the Renaissance in the Nordic Countries (1700 BC–AD 1600)

Edited by Marie Ødegaard & Ingrid Ystgaard | 2023

How did people organize their settlements in later prehistoric societies? How do architecture, spatial organization, land divisions, and landscape use relate to different modes of social organization? The papers in this book contribute to a…


The presence of absence and the absence of presence

Mark Adams and Nicholas Thomas | 2023

Ethnographic museums, now often rebranded as collections of ‘world cultures’, appear permanently problematic, even as their contexts and the orientation of their activities change. Across Europe and elsewhere, curators and other museum staff are committed…

Revealing Christian Heritage. Volume I

The rediscovery of Christian archaeology between 1860 and 1930

Edited by Chiara Cecalupo | 2023

This volume collects different case studies of rediscovery of Christian antiquities between 1860-1930 in Europe and the Mediterranean basin, in order to stimulate reflections about the impact of these rediscoveries on our culture in a…

Connectivity Matters!

Social, Environmental and Cultural Connectivity in Past Societies

Edited by Johannes Müller | 2022

This book is a presentation of the basic concept of social, environmental and cultural connectivity in past societies, as embodied in a diversity of disciplines in the Cluster of Excellence ROOTS. Thus, rather pragmatically driven…

Cooking with plants in ancient Europe and beyond

Interdisciplinary approaches to the archaeology of plant foods

Edited by Soultana Maria Valamoti, Anastasia Dimoula & Maria Ntinou | 2022

Plants have constituted the basis of human subsistence. This volume focuses on plant food ingredients that were consumed by the members of past societies and on the ways these ingredients were transformed into food. The…

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