Death at the Dunnu
Investigating Funerary Variety at Middle Assyrian Tell Sabi Abyad, Syria
Keshia A.N. Akkermans | 2023
During the roughly hundred years (ca. 1225 – 1125 BCE) that the Middle Assyrian dunnu at Tell Sabi Abyad was in operation, some forty-nine individuals were interred in graves of a striking diversity. In this…
Navigating with White-Faced Capuchin Monkeys
Primate Behavioral Ecology and Spatial Cognition in a Mesoamerican Rainforest
Bernardo Urbani | 2023
This monograph examines a set of questions concerning human and nonhuman primate cognition, spatial memory, foraging behavior, and the ability of monkeys to form mental maps of the location and distribution of feeding and resting…
Household goods in the European Medieval and Early Modern Countryside
Edited by Catarina Tente and Claudia Theune | 2023
Although household goods are a well-establish topic in Medieval and Early Modern archaeology, more recent research is overcoming simple typological and technological aspects and pointing to broader approaches, which relates to the understanding of goods’…
Migration Narratives in Archaeology
Edited by Daniela Hofmann, Catherine J. Frieman & Astrid J. Nyland | 2023
Migration is not just a recent, crisis-driven phenomenon, but a fundamental part of human life – and has always been so. This booklet is aimed at everyone who is interested in human migration in the…
Arkeologiske fortellinger om migrasjon
Edited by Daniela Hofmann, Catherine J. Frieman & Astrid J. Nyland | 2023
Denne boken er rettet mot alle som er interessert i menneskers migrasjon i fortiden. Men migrasjon er ikke et nytt, krise-drevet fenomen. Det er og har alltid vært en fundamental del av livet. I boken…
Mentale Konzepte der Stadt in Bild- und Textmedien der Vormoderne
Edited by Margit Dahm & Timo Felber | 2023
Der Band versammelt Beiträge aus verschiedenen wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen, die sich mentalen Konzepten, d.h. Vorstellungen oder Imaginationen der westeuropäischen mittelalterlichen Stadt widmen, die epochenübergreifend in unterschiedlichsten narrativen, diskursiven und visuellen Repräsentationen in Erscheinung treten. Stadt wird…
Roots of Routes. Mobility and Networks between the Past and the Future
Edited by Henny Piezonka, Lutz Käppel & Andrea Ricci | 2023
People and spaces have always been connected by routes: paths, trails, roads – on land, on water and sometimes even through the air, over hill and dale as well as over wooden planks, pavement and…
Death at the Dunnu
Investigating Funerary Variety at Middle Assyrian Tell Sabi Abyad, Syria
Keshia A.N. Akkermans | 2023
During the roughly hundred years (ca. 1225 – 1125 BCE) that the Middle Assyrian dunnu at Tell Sabi Abyad was in operation, some forty-nine individuals were interred in graves of a striking diversity. In this…
Navigating with White-Faced Capuchin Monkeys
Primate Behavioral Ecology and Spatial Cognition in a Mesoamerican Rainforest
Bernardo Urbani | 2023
This monograph examines a set of questions concerning human and nonhuman primate cognition, spatial memory, foraging behavior, and the ability of monkeys to form mental maps of the location and distribution of feeding and resting…
Household goods in the European Medieval and Early Modern Countryside
Edited by Catarina Tente and Claudia Theune | 2023
Although household goods are a well-establish topic in Medieval and Early Modern archaeology, more recent research is overcoming simple typological and technological aspects and pointing to broader approaches, which relates to the understanding of goods’…
Migration Narratives in Archaeology
Edited by Daniela Hofmann, Catherine J. Frieman & Astrid J. Nyland | 2023
Migration is not just a recent, crisis-driven phenomenon, but a fundamental part of human life – and has always been so. This booklet is aimed at everyone who is interested in human migration in the…
Arkeologiske fortellinger om migrasjon
Edited by Daniela Hofmann, Catherine J. Frieman & Astrid J. Nyland | 2023
Denne boken er rettet mot alle som er interessert i menneskers migrasjon i fortiden. Men migrasjon er ikke et nytt, krise-drevet fenomen. Det er og har alltid vært en fundamental del av livet. I boken…
Mentale Konzepte der Stadt in Bild- und Textmedien der Vormoderne
Edited by Margit Dahm & Timo Felber | 2023
Der Band versammelt Beiträge aus verschiedenen wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen, die sich mentalen Konzepten, d.h. Vorstellungen oder Imaginationen der westeuropäischen mittelalterlichen Stadt widmen, die epochenübergreifend in unterschiedlichsten narrativen, diskursiven und visuellen Repräsentationen in Erscheinung treten. Stadt wird…
Roots of Routes. Mobility and Networks between the Past and the Future
Edited by Henny Piezonka, Lutz Käppel & Andrea Ricci | 2023
People and spaces have always been connected by routes: paths, trails, roads – on land, on water and sometimes even through the air, over hill and dale as well as over wooden planks, pavement and…
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