Crossing the Alps

Early Urbanism between Northern Italy and Central Europe (900-400 BC)

Edited by Lorenzo Zamboni, Manuel Fernández-Götz & Carola Metzner-Nebelsick | 2020

This volume offers the first comprehensive overview of the urbanisation processes that took place south and north of the Alps during the early first millennium BC, highlighting the interactions between the different geographical areas. The…

Collecting Ancient Europe

National Museums and the search for European Antiquities in the 19th-early 20th century

Edited by Luc W.S.W. Amkreutz | 2020

In order to understand our past, we need to understand ourselves as archaeologists and our discipline. This volume presents recent research into collecting practices of European Antiquities by national museums, institutes and individuals during the…

Grave Reminders

Comparing Mycenaean tomb building with labour and memory

Daniel R. Turner | 2020

From ca. 1600 – 1000 BC, builders across southern Greece crafted thousands of rock-cut chamber tombs similar to earlier and contemporary ‘beehive’ tholos tombs. Both tomb styles were designed with multiple uses in mind, filling…

Managing Archaeology in Dynamic Urban Centres

Edited by Paul Belford & Jeroen Bouwmeester | 2020

This book looks at how archaeologists in the early 21st century are dealing with the challenges and opportunities presented by development in archaeologically sensitive urban centres. Based on a session held at the 2017 EAA…

The tombs of Ptahemwia and Sethnakht at Saqqara

Maarten J. Raven | 2020

The two tombs dealt with in this book were discovered in 2007 and 2010 by the Leiden Expedition in the New Kingdom necropolis of Saqqara. Both date to the transition period between the reign of…

Unhinging the National Framework

Perspectives on Transnational Life Writing

Edited by Babs Boter, Marleen Rensen & Giles Scott-Smith | 2020

This book focuses on the 20th century lives of men and women whose life-work and life experiences transgressed and surpassed the national boundaries that existed or emerged in the 20th century. The chapters explore how…

Forging Identities in the prehistory of Old Europe

Dividuals, individuals and communities, 7000-3000 BC

John Chapman | 2020

Balkan prehistory conjures up images of the Exotic and the Other in comparison with the better-known prehistory of Western Europe – often written in unfamiliar languages about lesser known places. Combined with the information revolution…

Search results for chasing. Free browsing in the e-library:

Crossing the Alps

Early Urbanism between Northern Italy and Central Europe (900-400 BC)

Edited by Lorenzo Zamboni, Manuel Fernández-Götz & Carola Metzner-Nebelsick | 2020

This volume offers the first comprehensive overview of the urbanisation processes that took place south and north of the Alps during the early first millennium BC, highlighting the interactions between the different geographical areas. The…

Collecting Ancient Europe

National Museums and the search for European Antiquities in the 19th-early 20th century

Edited by Luc W.S.W. Amkreutz | 2020

In order to understand our past, we need to understand ourselves as archaeologists and our discipline. This volume presents recent research into collecting practices of European Antiquities by national museums, institutes and individuals during the…

Grave Reminders

Comparing Mycenaean tomb building with labour and memory

Daniel R. Turner | 2020

From ca. 1600 – 1000 BC, builders across southern Greece crafted thousands of rock-cut chamber tombs similar to earlier and contemporary ‘beehive’ tholos tombs. Both tomb styles were designed with multiple uses in mind, filling…

Managing Archaeology in Dynamic Urban Centres

Edited by Paul Belford & Jeroen Bouwmeester | 2020

This book looks at how archaeologists in the early 21st century are dealing with the challenges and opportunities presented by development in archaeologically sensitive urban centres. Based on a session held at the 2017 EAA…

The tombs of Ptahemwia and Sethnakht at Saqqara

Maarten J. Raven | 2020

The two tombs dealt with in this book were discovered in 2007 and 2010 by the Leiden Expedition in the New Kingdom necropolis of Saqqara. Both date to the transition period between the reign of…

Unhinging the National Framework

Perspectives on Transnational Life Writing

Edited by Babs Boter, Marleen Rensen & Giles Scott-Smith | 2020

This book focuses on the 20th century lives of men and women whose life-work and life experiences transgressed and surpassed the national boundaries that existed or emerged in the 20th century. The chapters explore how…

Forging Identities in the prehistory of Old Europe

Dividuals, individuals and communities, 7000-3000 BC

John Chapman | 2020

Balkan prehistory conjures up images of the Exotic and the Other in comparison with the better-known prehistory of Western Europe – often written in unfamiliar languages about lesser known places. Combined with the information revolution…

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