Spirituality in Psychotherapy

How do Psychotherapists Understand, Navigate, Experience and Integrate Spirituality in their Professional Encounters with Clients?

Amalia E.M. Carli | 2020

This book explores how Western European psychotherapists, interviewed between 2016 and 2019, understand spirituality and how they address spiritual matters in clinical sessions. By studying a purposive sample of 15 clinicians from Spain, England, Switzerland,…

Exploring human nature

A reflexive mixed methods enquiry into Solo time in the wilderness

Jana Lemke | 2018

Exploring human nature takes the reader deep into the human experience of being in nature. Our current ecological predicament highlights the need to change people’s nature awareness and behaviour. This pioneering mixed methods study investigates…

Chimes of Time

Wounded Health Professionals. Essays on Recovery

Bruce Kirkcaldy | 2013

This book represents an ambitious project that unites various fields in a multidisciplinary venture drawing on a diverse range of academics and clinicians from medicine, psychology and the educational sciences. The volume presents a plethora…

Blijvende inzetbaarheid in langere loopbanen

Felix J. Steemers | 2010

Wat moeten mensen en organisaties doen om in een langere loopbaan inzetbaar te blijven? Hoe kun je het vermogen om prestaties te leveren die en hier en nu toe doen, onderhouden of versterken, ook op…

Net het echte leven

Belangen, macht en illusies in professionele teams

Belia van den Berg | 2009

Hoe overleven leden van professionele teams in een wereld die gekenmerkt wordt door individualisering, versnelling en winstmaximalisatie? In tegenstelling tot de theorieën in de gangbare managementliteratuur concludeert dit onderzoek, dat de dynamiek in teams in…

Spirituality in Psychotherapy

How do Psychotherapists Understand, Navigate, Experience and Integrate Spirituality in their Professional Encounters with Clients?

Amalia E.M. Carli | 2020

This book explores how Western European psychotherapists, interviewed between 2016 and 2019, understand spirituality and how they address spiritual matters in clinical sessions. By studying a purposive sample of 15 clinicians from Spain, England, Switzerland,…

Exploring human nature

A reflexive mixed methods enquiry into Solo time in the wilderness

Jana Lemke | 2018

Exploring human nature takes the reader deep into the human experience of being in nature. Our current ecological predicament highlights the need to change people’s nature awareness and behaviour. This pioneering mixed methods study investigates…

Chimes of Time

Wounded Health Professionals. Essays on Recovery

Bruce Kirkcaldy | 2013

This book represents an ambitious project that unites various fields in a multidisciplinary venture drawing on a diverse range of academics and clinicians from medicine, psychology and the educational sciences. The volume presents a plethora…

Blijvende inzetbaarheid in langere loopbanen

Felix J. Steemers | 2010

Wat moeten mensen en organisaties doen om in een langere loopbaan inzetbaar te blijven? Hoe kun je het vermogen om prestaties te leveren die en hier en nu toe doen, onderhouden of versterken, ook op…

Net het echte leven

Belangen, macht en illusies in professionele teams

Belia van den Berg | 2009

Hoe overleven leden van professionele teams in een wereld die gekenmerkt wordt door individualisering, versnelling en winstmaximalisatie? In tegenstelling tot de theorieën in de gangbare managementliteratuur concludeert dit onderzoek, dat de dynamiek in teams in…

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