Alles bleibt anders
Transformationsprozesse in Raum und Zeit
Edited by Wiebke Kirleis, Johannes Müller, Anna E. Reuter | 2024
Keine Gesellschaft lebt ewig. Diese Tatsache mag erst einmal für Aufregung sorgen – dabei stellt dies den normalen Verlauf der Geschichte dar, denn Gesellschaften und ihre Umwelten verändern sich ständig. Transformationen bestimmen, wer wir sind,…

Archéologie en musée et identités nationales en Europe (1848-1914)
Un héritage en quête de nouveaux défis au 21e siècle
Edited by Catherine Louboutin & Anne Lehoërff | 2024
Des spécialistes de l’ensemble de l’Europe décrivent les enjeux politiques et scientifiques auxquelles a présidé la fondation des musées d’archéologie entre 1848 et 1914. Au travers de personnalités éminentes, le livre restitue un tour d’horizon…

Revealing Christian Heritage. Volume II. Spain
The rediscovery of Christian archaeology between 1860 and 1930
Edited by Chiara Cecalupo | 2023
This volume collects different case studies of rediscovery of Christian antiquities between 1860-1930 in Spain, in order to stimulate reflections about the impact of these rediscoveries on our culture in a period of great political…

Encounters with Troubled Pasts in Contemporary Dutch and Greek Historiography
Edited by Philip Carabott & Willem W. Ledeboer | 2023
The volume in hand throws light on historical encounters with troubled pasts in contemporary Dutch and Greek historiography. Contributors, experts in their respective research fields with a wide range of scholarly publications, eschew dominant national…

The presence of absence and the absence of presence
Mark Adams and Nicholas Thomas | 2023
Ethnographic museums, now often rebranded as collections of ‘world cultures’, appear permanently problematic, even as their contexts and the orientation of their activities change. Across Europe and elsewhere, curators and other museum staff are committed…

Revealing Christian Heritage. Volume I
The rediscovery of Christian archaeology between 1860 and 1930
Edited by Chiara Cecalupo | 2023
This volume collects different case studies of rediscovery of Christian antiquities between 1860-1930 in Europe and the Mediterranean basin, in order to stimulate reflections about the impact of these rediscoveries on our culture in a…

Living (World) Heritage Cities
Opportunities, challenges, and future perspectives of people-centered approaches in dynamic historic urban landscapes
Edited by Maaike S. de Waal, Ilaria Rosetti, Mara de Groot & Uditha Jinadasa | 2022
Cities are in a constant process of change and are the theater of interaction among people and their complex, historically multi-layered, culturally diverse living environment. Therefore, various interests, needs, and values affect these dynamics of…

Alles bleibt anders
Transformationsprozesse in Raum und Zeit
Edited by Wiebke Kirleis, Johannes Müller, Anna E. Reuter | 2024
Keine Gesellschaft lebt ewig. Diese Tatsache mag erst einmal für Aufregung sorgen – dabei stellt dies den normalen Verlauf der Geschichte dar, denn Gesellschaften und ihre Umwelten verändern sich ständig. Transformationen bestimmen, wer wir sind,…

Archéologie en musée et identités nationales en Europe (1848-1914)
Un héritage en quête de nouveaux défis au 21e siècle
Edited by Catherine Louboutin & Anne Lehoërff | 2024
Des spécialistes de l’ensemble de l’Europe décrivent les enjeux politiques et scientifiques auxquelles a présidé la fondation des musées d’archéologie entre 1848 et 1914. Au travers de personnalités éminentes, le livre restitue un tour d’horizon…

Revealing Christian Heritage. Volume II. Spain
The rediscovery of Christian archaeology between 1860 and 1930
Edited by Chiara Cecalupo | 2023
This volume collects different case studies of rediscovery of Christian antiquities between 1860-1930 in Spain, in order to stimulate reflections about the impact of these rediscoveries on our culture in a period of great political…

Encounters with Troubled Pasts in Contemporary Dutch and Greek Historiography
Edited by Philip Carabott & Willem W. Ledeboer | 2023
The volume in hand throws light on historical encounters with troubled pasts in contemporary Dutch and Greek historiography. Contributors, experts in their respective research fields with a wide range of scholarly publications, eschew dominant national…

The presence of absence and the absence of presence
Mark Adams and Nicholas Thomas | 2023
Ethnographic museums, now often rebranded as collections of ‘world cultures’, appear permanently problematic, even as their contexts and the orientation of their activities change. Across Europe and elsewhere, curators and other museum staff are committed…

Revealing Christian Heritage. Volume I
The rediscovery of Christian archaeology between 1860 and 1930
Edited by Chiara Cecalupo | 2023
This volume collects different case studies of rediscovery of Christian antiquities between 1860-1930 in Europe and the Mediterranean basin, in order to stimulate reflections about the impact of these rediscoveries on our culture in a…

Living (World) Heritage Cities
Opportunities, challenges, and future perspectives of people-centered approaches in dynamic historic urban landscapes
Edited by Maaike S. de Waal, Ilaria Rosetti, Mara de Groot & Uditha Jinadasa | 2022
Cities are in a constant process of change and are the theater of interaction among people and their complex, historically multi-layered, culturally diverse living environment. Therefore, various interests, needs, and values affect these dynamics of…

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