Harnessing Horses from Prehistory to History

Approaches and Case Studies

Edited by Katherine Kanne, Helene Benkert, and Camille M.L. Vo Van Qui | Forthcoming

The human past is unimaginable without the horse. From our ancestors hunting and painting horses in the Upper Palaeolithic, to the earliest riders, the rise of equestrian empires, and the critical role of horses in…

The Early Neolithic of northern Europe

New approaches to migration, movement and social connection

Edited by Daniela Hofmann, Vicki Cummings, Mathias Bjørnevad-Ahlqvist & Rune Iversen | Forthcoming

In Britain, Ireland and Southern Scandinavia, the Early Neolithic is characterised by monumental constructions (e.g. causewayed enclosures, dolmens) and by specific traditions of depositional practice. Some aspects of these practices are similar in both regions,…

Evolution of burial practices within Neolithic cist graves

Tracking funerary customs in the Western Alpine region (4800–3800 BCE)

Noah Steuri | Forthcoming

In the 5th millennium BCE, the first farming societies in the Western Alps developed unique burial practices characterized by Chamblandes-type graves. These box-shaped graves, constructed from stone slabs or wooden planks, have intrigued archaeologists since…

Social Groups and Production in Mycenaean Economies

Papers from the Langford Conference, Florida State University, Tallahassee, 24-25 February 2023

Edited by Daniel J. Pullen | Forthcoming

The main goal of this volume is to look at social groups involved in economic activity other than members of the palace-based institutions and “elites” in Late Bronze Age Mycenaean Greek societies. The palaces and…

Archaeology Of Coastal Settlements / Archéologie des peuplements littoraux

HOMER 2021 Conference

Edited by Catherine Dupont, Anna Baudry & Marie-Yvane Daire | Forthcoming

This volume presents the proceedings of the HOMER 2021 international conference, held in September/October 2021 on the Island of Oléron, France. The conference focused on recent advances in coastal and island archaeology across a wide…

Gesellschaft und Monumentalität zwischen Nordatlantik und Ostsee 4500–1800 v. Chr.

Johanna Brinkmann | Forthcoming

Kurz vor 4000 v. Chr. erreicht der Neolithisierungsprozess mit den Britischen Inseln und dem westlichen Ostseeraum den Norden Europas. Die Einführung der neuen Subsistenzweise bringt tiefgreifende Veränderungen, zu denen mit einer gewissen zeitlichen Verzögerung auch…

Bernstein in der Bronzezeit

Netzwerke und Interaktion in Europa

Benjamin Serbe | Forthcoming

Die vorliegende Arbeit bietet einen detaillierten Einblick in die Verbreitungsmechanismen von Bernstein in Europa während der Bronzezeit (2200-800 v. Chr.) mithilfe statistischer, räumlicher und netzwerkbasierter Analysen. Während das Konzept der Bernsteinstraße vor fast einem Jahrhundert…

Search results for cat-prehistory:

Harnessing Horses from Prehistory to History

Approaches and Case Studies

Edited by Katherine Kanne, Helene Benkert, and Camille M.L. Vo Van Qui | Forthcoming

The human past is unimaginable without the horse. From our ancestors hunting and painting horses in the Upper Palaeolithic, to the earliest riders, the rise of equestrian empires, and the critical role of horses in…

The Early Neolithic of northern Europe

New approaches to migration, movement and social connection

Edited by Daniela Hofmann, Vicki Cummings, Mathias Bjørnevad-Ahlqvist & Rune Iversen | Forthcoming

In Britain, Ireland and Southern Scandinavia, the Early Neolithic is characterised by monumental constructions (e.g. causewayed enclosures, dolmens) and by specific traditions of depositional practice. Some aspects of these practices are similar in both regions,…

Evolution of burial practices within Neolithic cist graves

Tracking funerary customs in the Western Alpine region (4800–3800 BCE)

Noah Steuri | Forthcoming

In the 5th millennium BCE, the first farming societies in the Western Alps developed unique burial practices characterized by Chamblandes-type graves. These box-shaped graves, constructed from stone slabs or wooden planks, have intrigued archaeologists since…

Social Groups and Production in Mycenaean Economies

Papers from the Langford Conference, Florida State University, Tallahassee, 24-25 February 2023

Edited by Daniel J. Pullen | Forthcoming

The main goal of this volume is to look at social groups involved in economic activity other than members of the palace-based institutions and “elites” in Late Bronze Age Mycenaean Greek societies. The palaces and…

Archaeology Of Coastal Settlements / Archéologie des peuplements littoraux

HOMER 2021 Conference

Edited by Catherine Dupont, Anna Baudry & Marie-Yvane Daire | Forthcoming

This volume presents the proceedings of the HOMER 2021 international conference, held in September/October 2021 on the Island of Oléron, France. The conference focused on recent advances in coastal and island archaeology across a wide…

Gesellschaft und Monumentalität zwischen Nordatlantik und Ostsee 4500–1800 v. Chr.

Johanna Brinkmann | Forthcoming

Kurz vor 4000 v. Chr. erreicht der Neolithisierungsprozess mit den Britischen Inseln und dem westlichen Ostseeraum den Norden Europas. Die Einführung der neuen Subsistenzweise bringt tiefgreifende Veränderungen, zu denen mit einer gewissen zeitlichen Verzögerung auch…

Bernstein in der Bronzezeit

Netzwerke und Interaktion in Europa

Benjamin Serbe | Forthcoming

Die vorliegende Arbeit bietet einen detaillierten Einblick in die Verbreitungsmechanismen von Bernstein in Europa während der Bronzezeit (2200-800 v. Chr.) mithilfe statistischer, räumlicher und netzwerkbasierter Analysen. Während das Konzept der Bernsteinstraße vor fast einem Jahrhundert…

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