A Living Landscape

Bronze Age settlement sites in the Dutch river area (c. 2000-800 BC)

Stijn Arnoldussen | 2008

Today, half of the Netherlands is situated below sea level. Because of this, water-management is of key importance when it comes to maintaining present-day habitation of the Dutch low-lands. In prehistory, however, large parts of…

Appendices to: A Living Landscape

Bronze Age settlement sites in the Dutch river area (c. 2000-800 BC)

Stijn Arnoldussen | 2008

This publication contains the six main appendices to the PhD thesis ‘A Living Landscape. Bronze Age settlement sites in the Dutch river area (c. 2000-800 BC)’ by Stijn Arnoldussen which was published by Sidestone Press…

Korte Beschryvinge van eenige Vergetene en Verborgene ANTIQUITETEN Der Provintien en Landen gelegen tusschen de Noord-Zee, de Yssel, Emse en Lippe

Johan Picardt | 2008

In 1660 verscheen één van de eerste overzichtswerken over de (voor)geschiedenis van Noord-Nederland, Johan Picardts ‘Korte Beschryvinge Van eenige Vergetene en Verborgene Antiquiteten’. De auteur behandelt in zijn driedelige studie tal van onderwerpen, zoals…

Bronze Age Metalworking in the Netherlands (c.2000-800BC)

A research into the preservation of metallurgy related artefacts and the social position of the smith

Maikel H.G. Kuijpers | 2008

Almost fifty years ago J.J. Butler started his research to trace the possible remains of a Bronze Age metalworkers workshop in the Netherlands. Yet, while metalworking has been deduced on the ground of the existence…

Excavations at Geleen-Janskamperveld 1990/1991

Edited by Pieter van de Velde | 2007

In the summer of 1991, the Dutch media featured extensively the excavation of an early Bandkeramik (LBK) village in Geleen, Limburg. The headlines in the newspapers read: “7000 years old farmers village”, “Oldest village of…

Beyond the Site

The Saalian archaeological record at Maastricht-Belvédère (the Netherlands)

Dimitri De Loecker | 2006

Between 1980 and 1990, the former Belvédère gravel- and loess pit was given specific attention due to the discovery of in situ Middle Palaeolithic artefacts and faunal remains, in the Saalian and Weichselian strata. These…

Ceci n'est pas une hache

Neolithic Depositions in the Northern Netherlands

Karsten Wentink | 2006

As early as the 19th century discoveries of groups of large axes puzzled those confronted with them. The fact that most were found in waterlogged places in particular formed the basis of speculation as to…

Search results for cat-dutch-archaeology:

A Living Landscape

Bronze Age settlement sites in the Dutch river area (c. 2000-800 BC)

Stijn Arnoldussen | 2008

Today, half of the Netherlands is situated below sea level. Because of this, water-management is of key importance when it comes to maintaining present-day habitation of the Dutch low-lands. In prehistory, however, large parts of…

Appendices to: A Living Landscape

Bronze Age settlement sites in the Dutch river area (c. 2000-800 BC)

Stijn Arnoldussen | 2008

This publication contains the six main appendices to the PhD thesis ‘A Living Landscape. Bronze Age settlement sites in the Dutch river area (c. 2000-800 BC)’ by Stijn Arnoldussen which was published by Sidestone Press…

Korte Beschryvinge van eenige Vergetene en Verborgene ANTIQUITETEN Der Provintien en Landen gelegen tusschen de Noord-Zee, de Yssel, Emse en Lippe

Johan Picardt | 2008

In 1660 verscheen één van de eerste overzichtswerken over de (voor)geschiedenis van Noord-Nederland, Johan Picardts ‘Korte Beschryvinge Van eenige Vergetene en Verborgene Antiquiteten’. De auteur behandelt in zijn driedelige studie tal van onderwerpen, zoals…

Bronze Age Metalworking in the Netherlands (c.2000-800BC)

A research into the preservation of metallurgy related artefacts and the social position of the smith

Maikel H.G. Kuijpers | 2008

Almost fifty years ago J.J. Butler started his research to trace the possible remains of a Bronze Age metalworkers workshop in the Netherlands. Yet, while metalworking has been deduced on the ground of the existence…

Excavations at Geleen-Janskamperveld 1990/1991

Edited by Pieter van de Velde | 2007

In the summer of 1991, the Dutch media featured extensively the excavation of an early Bandkeramik (LBK) village in Geleen, Limburg. The headlines in the newspapers read: “7000 years old farmers village”, “Oldest village of…

Beyond the Site

The Saalian archaeological record at Maastricht-Belvédère (the Netherlands)

Dimitri De Loecker | 2006

Between 1980 and 1990, the former Belvédère gravel- and loess pit was given specific attention due to the discovery of in situ Middle Palaeolithic artefacts and faunal remains, in the Saalian and Weichselian strata. These…

Ceci n'est pas une hache

Neolithic Depositions in the Northern Netherlands

Karsten Wentink | 2006

As early as the 19th century discoveries of groups of large axes puzzled those confronted with them. The fact that most were found in waterlogged places in particular formed the basis of speculation as to…

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