The Voyages of Adriaan van Berkel to Guiana
Amerindian-Dutch Relationships in 17th-Century Guyana
Edited by Martijn van den Bel, Lodewijk Hulsman & Lodewijk Wagenaar | 2014
This book is a reissue of the travelogue of Adriaan van Berkel, first published in 1695 by Johan ten Hoorn in Amsterdam. The first part deals with Van Berkel’s adventures in the Dutch colony located…

De reizen van Adriaan van Berkel naar Guiana
Indianen en planters in de 17de eeuw
Bezorgd door Martijn van den Bel, Lodewijk Hulsman & Lodewijk Wagenaar | 2014
Dit boek is de heruitgave van de reisverslagen van Adriaan van Berkel, oorspronkelijk gepubliceerd in 1695 door uitgever Johan ten Hoorn in Amsterdam. Het eerste deel beschrijft de avonturen van Adriaan van Berkel in Berbice,…

The Connected Caribbean
A socio-material network approach to patterns of homogeneity and diversity in the pre-colonial period
Angus A.A. Mol | 2014
The modern-day Caribbean is a stunningly diverse but also intricately interconnected geo-cultural region, resulting partly from the islands’ shared colonial histories and an increasingly globalizing economy. Perhaps more importantly, before the encounter between the New…

Archéologie des habitations-plantations des Petites Antilles - Lesser Antilles Plantation Archaeology
Edited by Kenneth Kelly & Benoit Bérard | 2014
Les habitations-plantations constituent le creuset historique et symbolique où fut fondu l’alliage original que sont les cultures antillaises. Elles sont le berceau des sociétés créoles contemporaines qui y ont puisé tant leur forte parenté que…

Martinique, terre amérindienne
Une approche pluridisciplinaire
Benoît Bérard (ed.) | 2013
Aujourd’hui, les traces de la présence amérindienne en Martinique constituent, en dehors des pétroglyphes de la forêt de Montravail et des pièces exposées dans les musées de l’île, un patrimoine invisible. Cependant, avant son invasion…

Amotopoan Trails
A recent archaeology of Trio movements
Jimmy Mans | 2012
In this book the concept of mobility is explored for the archaeology of the Amazonian and Caribbean region. As a result of technological and methodological progress in archaeology, mobility has become increasingly visible on the…

The End Of Our Fifth Decade
Edited by Corrie Bakels & Hans Kamermans | 2012
In 2012 it was 50 years ago that the initial independent core of the Faculty of Archaeology was founded. On the occasion of this 50th anniversary the Board of the Faculty of Archaeology has asked…

Search results for cat-ancient-americas
The Voyages of Adriaan van Berkel to Guiana
Amerindian-Dutch Relationships in 17th-Century Guyana
Edited by Martijn van den Bel, Lodewijk Hulsman & Lodewijk Wagenaar | 2014
This book is a reissue of the travelogue of Adriaan van Berkel, first published in 1695 by Johan ten Hoorn in Amsterdam. The first part deals with Van Berkel’s adventures in the Dutch colony located…

De reizen van Adriaan van Berkel naar Guiana
Indianen en planters in de 17de eeuw
Bezorgd door Martijn van den Bel, Lodewijk Hulsman & Lodewijk Wagenaar | 2014
Dit boek is de heruitgave van de reisverslagen van Adriaan van Berkel, oorspronkelijk gepubliceerd in 1695 door uitgever Johan ten Hoorn in Amsterdam. Het eerste deel beschrijft de avonturen van Adriaan van Berkel in Berbice,…

The Connected Caribbean
A socio-material network approach to patterns of homogeneity and diversity in the pre-colonial period
Angus A.A. Mol | 2014
The modern-day Caribbean is a stunningly diverse but also intricately interconnected geo-cultural region, resulting partly from the islands’ shared colonial histories and an increasingly globalizing economy. Perhaps more importantly, before the encounter between the New…

Archéologie des habitations-plantations des Petites Antilles - Lesser Antilles Plantation Archaeology
Edited by Kenneth Kelly & Benoit Bérard | 2014
Les habitations-plantations constituent le creuset historique et symbolique où fut fondu l’alliage original que sont les cultures antillaises. Elles sont le berceau des sociétés créoles contemporaines qui y ont puisé tant leur forte parenté que…

Martinique, terre amérindienne
Une approche pluridisciplinaire
Benoît Bérard (ed.) | 2013
Aujourd’hui, les traces de la présence amérindienne en Martinique constituent, en dehors des pétroglyphes de la forêt de Montravail et des pièces exposées dans les musées de l’île, un patrimoine invisible. Cependant, avant son invasion…

Amotopoan Trails
A recent archaeology of Trio movements
Jimmy Mans | 2012
In this book the concept of mobility is explored for the archaeology of the Amazonian and Caribbean region. As a result of technological and methodological progress in archaeology, mobility has become increasingly visible on the…

The End Of Our Fifth Decade
Edited by Corrie Bakels & Hans Kamermans | 2012
In 2012 it was 50 years ago that the initial independent core of the Faculty of Archaeology was founded. On the occasion of this 50th anniversary the Board of the Faculty of Archaeology has asked…

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