Mediterranean Connections
How the sea links people and transforms identities
Edited by Laura C. Schmidt, Anja Rutter, Lutz Käppel & Oliver Nakoinz | 2023
The present publication constitutes the Proceedings of Session 7 of the ‘Creation of landscapes VI’ workshop, hosted by the CAU Kiel in 2019. The session was entitled ‘Mediterranean Connections – how the sea links people…

(On)aangenaam verleden
Waarom het verleden ertoe doet en archeologie geschiedenis moet schrijven
David Fontijn | 2023
Met het huidige archeologisch bestel, de impact van de ‘third science’- revolutie en de toenemende aandacht voor erfgoed lijkt de Nederlandse archeologie sterker in de samenleving verankerd dan ooit. Maar wie zit er eigenlijk te…

Separation, hybridisation, and networks
Globular Amphora sedentary pastoralists ca. 3200-2700 BCE
Johannes Müller | 2023
Around 3000 BCE, a turning point occurred in Europe: Long-existing regional societies entered into a process of transformation. The result is a world in which new global communication networks brought different regions closer together. From…

Metaaltijden (vol. 10)
Bijdragen in de studie van de metaaltijden
Edited by Stijn Arnoldussen, Judith van der Leije & Karen M. de Vries | 2023
Deze bundel vormt de neerslag van de 10e Nederlandse metaaltijdendag gehouden op 16 en 17 oktober 2022 in Assen. Op de ochtend van de eerste dag werden lezingen gehouden rondom de tentoonstelling van de Nebraschijf.…

Mensch – Körper – Tod
Der Umgang mit menschlichen Überresten im Neolithikum Mitteleuropas
Edited by Nadia Balkowski, Kerstin P. Hofmann, Isabel A. Hohle, Almut Schülke | 2023
Das europäische Neolithikum zeichnet sich durch eine Vielzahl von Umgangsweisen mit menschlichen Körpern von Toten aus. Der archäologische Diskurs zu Mensch, Körper und Tod stützte sich für das Neolithikum traditionell jedoch auf Körperbestattungen. Dies ist…

Changing Identity in a Changing World
Current Studies on the Stone Age around 4000 BCE
Edited by Daniel Groß and Mikael Rothstein | 2023
From 2013-2022 the largest Stone Age excavation ever undertaken in Denmark, uncovered an entire fjord landscape beneath marine sediments at Rødbyhavn on the island of Lolland. Based on the excavations, Museum Lolland-Falster, in collaboration with…

"What Does This Have to Do with Archaeology?"
Essays on the Occasion of the 65th Birthday of Reinhard Bernbeck
Editorial Collective | 2023
“What Does This Have to Do with Archaeology?” is a collection of essays published on the occasion of Reinhard Bernbeck’s 65th birthday. The distinguished archaeologist Reinhard Bernbeck from the Institute of Near Eastern Archaeology at…

Search results for cat-prehistory
Mediterranean Connections
How the sea links people and transforms identities
Edited by Laura C. Schmidt, Anja Rutter, Lutz Käppel & Oliver Nakoinz | 2023
The present publication constitutes the Proceedings of Session 7 of the ‘Creation of landscapes VI’ workshop, hosted by the CAU Kiel in 2019. The session was entitled ‘Mediterranean Connections – how the sea links people…

(On)aangenaam verleden
Waarom het verleden ertoe doet en archeologie geschiedenis moet schrijven
David Fontijn | 2023
Met het huidige archeologisch bestel, de impact van de ‘third science’- revolutie en de toenemende aandacht voor erfgoed lijkt de Nederlandse archeologie sterker in de samenleving verankerd dan ooit. Maar wie zit er eigenlijk te…

Separation, hybridisation, and networks
Globular Amphora sedentary pastoralists ca. 3200-2700 BCE
Johannes Müller | 2023
Around 3000 BCE, a turning point occurred in Europe: Long-existing regional societies entered into a process of transformation. The result is a world in which new global communication networks brought different regions closer together. From…

Metaaltijden (vol. 10)
Bijdragen in de studie van de metaaltijden
Edited by Stijn Arnoldussen, Judith van der Leije & Karen M. de Vries | 2023
Deze bundel vormt de neerslag van de 10e Nederlandse metaaltijdendag gehouden op 16 en 17 oktober 2022 in Assen. Op de ochtend van de eerste dag werden lezingen gehouden rondom de tentoonstelling van de Nebraschijf.…

Mensch – Körper – Tod
Der Umgang mit menschlichen Überresten im Neolithikum Mitteleuropas
Edited by Nadia Balkowski, Kerstin P. Hofmann, Isabel A. Hohle, Almut Schülke | 2023
Das europäische Neolithikum zeichnet sich durch eine Vielzahl von Umgangsweisen mit menschlichen Körpern von Toten aus. Der archäologische Diskurs zu Mensch, Körper und Tod stützte sich für das Neolithikum traditionell jedoch auf Körperbestattungen. Dies ist…

Changing Identity in a Changing World
Current Studies on the Stone Age around 4000 BCE
Edited by Daniel Groß and Mikael Rothstein | 2023
From 2013-2022 the largest Stone Age excavation ever undertaken in Denmark, uncovered an entire fjord landscape beneath marine sediments at Rødbyhavn on the island of Lolland. Based on the excavations, Museum Lolland-Falster, in collaboration with…

"What Does This Have to Do with Archaeology?"
Essays on the Occasion of the 65th Birthday of Reinhard Bernbeck
Editorial Collective | 2023
“What Does This Have to Do with Archaeology?” is a collection of essays published on the occasion of Reinhard Bernbeck’s 65th birthday. The distinguished archaeologist Reinhard Bernbeck from the Institute of Near Eastern Archaeology at…

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