Animals in Saxon and Scandinavian England

Backbones of Economy and Society

Matilda Holmes | 2014

In this book an analysis of over 300 animal bone assemblages from English Saxon and Scandinavian sites is presented. The data set is summarised in extensive tables for use as comparanda for future archaeozoological studies.…

Tying the Threads of Eurasia

Trans-regional Routes and Material Flows in Transcaucasia, eastern Anatolia and western Central Asia, c.3000-1500BC

Toby C. Wilkinson | 2014

The famous ‘Silk Roads’ have long evoked a romantic picture of travel through colourful civilizations that connected the western and eastern poles of Eurasia, facilitating the exchange of exotic luxury goods, peoples, pathogens and ideas.…

De archeologische schatkamer Maaskant

Bewoning van het Noordoost-Brabantse rivierengebied tussen 3000 v. en 1500 n.chr.

Edited by Richard Jansen | 2014

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De Maaskant ligt in het noordoosten van Noord-Brabant tussen de rivier de Maas en de stad Oss. Het gebied herbergt een groot aantal archeologische vindplaatsen die aantonen dat zich hier reeds vijfduizend jaar geleden boeren…

The Connected Caribbean

A socio-material network approach to patterns of homogeneity and diversity in the pre-colonial period

Angus A.A. Mol | 2014

The modern-day Caribbean is a stunningly diverse but also intricately interconnected geo-cultural region, resulting partly from the islands’ shared colonial histories and an increasingly globalizing economy. Perhaps more importantly, before the encounter between the New…


Archéologie des habitations-plantations des Petites Antilles - Lesser Antilles Plantation Archaeology

Edited by Kenneth Kelly & Benoit Bérard | 2014

Les habitations-plantations constituent le creuset historique et symbolique où fut fondu l’alliage original que sont les cultures antillaises. Elles sont le berceau des sociétés créoles contemporaines qui y ont puisé tant leur forte parenté que…

Rural Capitalist Development in The Jordan Valley

The case of Deir Alla - The Rise and Demise of Social Groups

Mohamed F. Tarawneh | 2014

The case of Deir Alla is a social and economic case study of developing Third World agriculture. The study is based upon historical sources, contemporary public information with statistics, and field work in the Jordanian…

Echo’s uit de IJzertijd

Een grafheuveltweeling bij Apeldoorn

Evert van Ginkel | 2014

Even ten noorden van de legendarische Echoput bij Apeldoorn liggen twee grote prehistorische grafheuvels in het bos. Er is ooit wel in gegraven, maar niet door archeologen en met onbekend resultaat. Een ploeg archeologen van…

Animals in Saxon and Scandinavian England

Backbones of Economy and Society

Matilda Holmes | 2014

In this book an analysis of over 300 animal bone assemblages from English Saxon and Scandinavian sites is presented. The data set is summarised in extensive tables for use as comparanda for future archaeozoological studies.…

Tying the Threads of Eurasia

Trans-regional Routes and Material Flows in Transcaucasia, eastern Anatolia and western Central Asia, c.3000-1500BC

Toby C. Wilkinson | 2014

The famous ‘Silk Roads’ have long evoked a romantic picture of travel through colourful civilizations that connected the western and eastern poles of Eurasia, facilitating the exchange of exotic luxury goods, peoples, pathogens and ideas.…

De archeologische schatkamer Maaskant

Bewoning van het Noordoost-Brabantse rivierengebied tussen 3000 v. en 1500 n.chr.

Edited by Richard Jansen | 2014

Now 50% off!

De Maaskant ligt in het noordoosten van Noord-Brabant tussen de rivier de Maas en de stad Oss. Het gebied herbergt een groot aantal archeologische vindplaatsen die aantonen dat zich hier reeds vijfduizend jaar geleden boeren…

The Connected Caribbean

A socio-material network approach to patterns of homogeneity and diversity in the pre-colonial period

Angus A.A. Mol | 2014

The modern-day Caribbean is a stunningly diverse but also intricately interconnected geo-cultural region, resulting partly from the islands’ shared colonial histories and an increasingly globalizing economy. Perhaps more importantly, before the encounter between the New…


Archéologie des habitations-plantations des Petites Antilles - Lesser Antilles Plantation Archaeology

Edited by Kenneth Kelly & Benoit Bérard | 2014

Les habitations-plantations constituent le creuset historique et symbolique où fut fondu l’alliage original que sont les cultures antillaises. Elles sont le berceau des sociétés créoles contemporaines qui y ont puisé tant leur forte parenté que…

Rural Capitalist Development in The Jordan Valley

The case of Deir Alla - The Rise and Demise of Social Groups

Mohamed F. Tarawneh | 2014

The case of Deir Alla is a social and economic case study of developing Third World agriculture. The study is based upon historical sources, contemporary public information with statistics, and field work in the Jordanian…

Echo’s uit de IJzertijd

Een grafheuveltweeling bij Apeldoorn

Evert van Ginkel | 2014

Even ten noorden van de legendarische Echoput bij Apeldoorn liggen twee grote prehistorische grafheuvels in het bos. Er is ooit wel in gegraven, maar niet door archeologen en met onbekend resultaat. Een ploeg archeologen van…

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