Containers of Change
Ancient Container Technologies from Eastern to Western Asia
Edited by Olivier P. Nieuwenhuyse†, Reinhard Bernbeck & Koen Berghuijs | 2023
Across Western Asia, the astonishing increase in the availability of durable ceramic containers in the seventh millennium BCE had significant societal repercussions – so much so that vital social, economic, and symbolic activities became dependent…
Variant scholarship
Ancient texts in modern contexts
Edited by Neil Brodie, Morag M. Kersel & Josephine Munch Rasmussen | 2023
Since the eighteenth century, many if not most ancient and medieval manuscripts or other text-bearing or associated objects have been procured through imperial expropriation or through the antiquities market with little or no evidence of…
Coming to Terms with the Future
Concepts of Resilience for the Study of Early Iranian Societies
Edited by Reinhard Bernbeck, Gisela Eberhardt & Susan Pollock | 2023
The collection of essays in this book focuses on the highlands of Iran in pre-modern times, reaching from the Paleolithic to the medieval period. What holds the diverse contributions together is an issue that is…
Thirdspace in Assyrien und Urartu
Eine Archäologie der Sinne und Subalternität in der Eisenzeit in Nordmesopotamien
Vera Egbers | 2023
Wie lässt sich Subalternität in der Vergangenheit untersuchen, wenn heute fast ausschließlich Hinterlassenschaften der Eliten erhalten sind? Warum lohnt sich eine solche Untersuchung und wo führt sie hin? Diesen Fragen wird in dem vorliegenden Buch…
The Basketry from the Tomb of Tutankhamun
Catalogue and Analysis
André J. Veldmeijer & Salima Ikram. With a contribution by Lucy Kubiak-Martens | 2022
The tomb of Tutankhamun, discovered in 1922 in the Valley of the Kings in Luxor (Egypt) by Howard Carted, yielded over 5000 items. Among the vast number of richly embellished precious objects, such as the…
Perspectives on Lived Religion II
The Making of a Cultural Geography
Edited by Lara Weiss, Nico Staring, Huw Twiston Davies | 2022
Ancient Egyptian elites invested immense cultural and economic efforts in preparing for their afterlives. However, the diversity of choices open to them is often overlooked. These choices included tomb size, tomb location, and architectural design,…
Tracking the Neolithic in the Near East
Lithic Perspectives on Its Origins, Development and Dispersals
Edited by Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Osamu Maeda & Makoto Arimura | 2022
This book combines the latest studies of Near Eastern Neolithic lithics by leading international archaeologists to develop their analytical potential and advance our understanding of the world oldest farming societies of the Near East in…
Search results for cat-egypt-near-east
Containers of Change
Ancient Container Technologies from Eastern to Western Asia
Edited by Olivier P. Nieuwenhuyse†, Reinhard Bernbeck & Koen Berghuijs | 2023
Across Western Asia, the astonishing increase in the availability of durable ceramic containers in the seventh millennium BCE had significant societal repercussions – so much so that vital social, economic, and symbolic activities became dependent…
Variant scholarship
Ancient texts in modern contexts
Edited by Neil Brodie, Morag M. Kersel & Josephine Munch Rasmussen | 2023
Since the eighteenth century, many if not most ancient and medieval manuscripts or other text-bearing or associated objects have been procured through imperial expropriation or through the antiquities market with little or no evidence of…
Coming to Terms with the Future
Concepts of Resilience for the Study of Early Iranian Societies
Edited by Reinhard Bernbeck, Gisela Eberhardt & Susan Pollock | 2023
The collection of essays in this book focuses on the highlands of Iran in pre-modern times, reaching from the Paleolithic to the medieval period. What holds the diverse contributions together is an issue that is…
Thirdspace in Assyrien und Urartu
Eine Archäologie der Sinne und Subalternität in der Eisenzeit in Nordmesopotamien
Vera Egbers | 2023
Wie lässt sich Subalternität in der Vergangenheit untersuchen, wenn heute fast ausschließlich Hinterlassenschaften der Eliten erhalten sind? Warum lohnt sich eine solche Untersuchung und wo führt sie hin? Diesen Fragen wird in dem vorliegenden Buch…
The Basketry from the Tomb of Tutankhamun
Catalogue and Analysis
André J. Veldmeijer & Salima Ikram. With a contribution by Lucy Kubiak-Martens | 2022
The tomb of Tutankhamun, discovered in 1922 in the Valley of the Kings in Luxor (Egypt) by Howard Carted, yielded over 5000 items. Among the vast number of richly embellished precious objects, such as the…
Perspectives on Lived Religion II
The Making of a Cultural Geography
Edited by Lara Weiss, Nico Staring, Huw Twiston Davies | 2022
Ancient Egyptian elites invested immense cultural and economic efforts in preparing for their afterlives. However, the diversity of choices open to them is often overlooked. These choices included tomb size, tomb location, and architectural design,…
Tracking the Neolithic in the Near East
Lithic Perspectives on Its Origins, Development and Dispersals
Edited by Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Osamu Maeda & Makoto Arimura | 2022
This book combines the latest studies of Near Eastern Neolithic lithics by leading international archaeologists to develop their analytical potential and advance our understanding of the world oldest farming societies of the Near East in…
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