Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia 41

Edited by Corrie Bakels & Hans Kamermans | 2009

This volume contains five articles on recent research from the Faculty of Archaeology of Leiden University. Two of them have as topic the Palaeolithic, three Palaeobotany. Watching the river flow: a small-scale survey of the…

Midden-bronstijdsamenlevingen in het zuiden van de Lage Landen

Een evaluatie van het begrip ‘Hilversum-cultuur’

Liesbeth Theunissen | 2009

In deze studie staan de overblijfselen van prehistorische boerengemeenschappen van omstreeks 3500 jaar geleden centraal. Het gaat om samenlevingen die de pleistocene zandgronden van Zuid-Nederland en Vlaanderen in de periode van 1800 tot 1050 voor…

A view to a kill

Investigating Middle Palaeolithic subsistence using an Optimal Foraging perspective

Gerrit L. Dusseldorp | 2009

The sophistication of Neanderthal behavioural strategies have been the subject of debate from the moment of their recognition as a separate species of hominin in 1856. This book presents a study on Neanderthal foraging prowess.…

Hilversumsche Oudheden

Eene bijdrage tot de ontwikkelingsgeschiedenis der vroegste Europesche volken

L.J.F. Janssen | 2009

In 1856 verscheen het boek “Hilversumsche Oudheden” van L.J.F Janssen, toenmalig conservator van het Rijksmuseum van Oudheden te Leiden. Het zal niet als verrassing komen dat dit boek vanuit archeologisch perspectief niet helemaal meer up-to-date…

The TRB West Group

Studies in the Chronology and Geography of the Makers of Hunebeds and Tiefstich Pottery

Jan Albert Bakker | 2009

In 1979 the by now classic work on the pottery of the TRB West group of Jan Albert Bakker was published. In his book Bakker deals with the research history and typochronology of the TRB…

Between Foraging and Farming

Edited by Harry Fokkens, Bryony J. Coles, Annelou van Gijn, Jos P. Kleijne, Hedwig H. Ponjee & Corijanne G. Slappendel | 2008

Between Foraging and Farming is liber amicorum for prof. Leendert Louwe Kooijmans, former dean of the Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University. Neolithisation has been Louwe Kooijmans’ research field since the nineteen-sixties and that is the…

A Living Landscape

Bronze Age settlement sites in the Dutch river area (c. 2000-800 BC)

Stijn Arnoldussen | 2008

Today, half of the Netherlands is situated below sea level. Because of this, water-management is of key importance when it comes to maintaining present-day habitation of the Dutch low-lands. In prehistory, however, large parts of…

Search results for cat-prehistory:

Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia 41

Edited by Corrie Bakels & Hans Kamermans | 2009

This volume contains five articles on recent research from the Faculty of Archaeology of Leiden University. Two of them have as topic the Palaeolithic, three Palaeobotany. Watching the river flow: a small-scale survey of the…

Midden-bronstijdsamenlevingen in het zuiden van de Lage Landen

Een evaluatie van het begrip ‘Hilversum-cultuur’

Liesbeth Theunissen | 2009

In deze studie staan de overblijfselen van prehistorische boerengemeenschappen van omstreeks 3500 jaar geleden centraal. Het gaat om samenlevingen die de pleistocene zandgronden van Zuid-Nederland en Vlaanderen in de periode van 1800 tot 1050 voor…

A view to a kill

Investigating Middle Palaeolithic subsistence using an Optimal Foraging perspective

Gerrit L. Dusseldorp | 2009

The sophistication of Neanderthal behavioural strategies have been the subject of debate from the moment of their recognition as a separate species of hominin in 1856. This book presents a study on Neanderthal foraging prowess.…

Hilversumsche Oudheden

Eene bijdrage tot de ontwikkelingsgeschiedenis der vroegste Europesche volken

L.J.F. Janssen | 2009

In 1856 verscheen het boek “Hilversumsche Oudheden” van L.J.F Janssen, toenmalig conservator van het Rijksmuseum van Oudheden te Leiden. Het zal niet als verrassing komen dat dit boek vanuit archeologisch perspectief niet helemaal meer up-to-date…

The TRB West Group

Studies in the Chronology and Geography of the Makers of Hunebeds and Tiefstich Pottery

Jan Albert Bakker | 2009

In 1979 the by now classic work on the pottery of the TRB West group of Jan Albert Bakker was published. In his book Bakker deals with the research history and typochronology of the TRB…

Between Foraging and Farming

Edited by Harry Fokkens, Bryony J. Coles, Annelou van Gijn, Jos P. Kleijne, Hedwig H. Ponjee & Corijanne G. Slappendel | 2008

Between Foraging and Farming is liber amicorum for prof. Leendert Louwe Kooijmans, former dean of the Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University. Neolithisation has been Louwe Kooijmans’ research field since the nineteen-sixties and that is the…

A Living Landscape

Bronze Age settlement sites in the Dutch river area (c. 2000-800 BC)

Stijn Arnoldussen | 2008

Today, half of the Netherlands is situated below sea level. Because of this, water-management is of key importance when it comes to maintaining present-day habitation of the Dutch low-lands. In prehistory, however, large parts of…

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