Corded Ware Coastal Communities

Using ceramic analysis to reconstruct third millennium BC societies in the Netherlands

Sandra Mariët Beckerman | 2015

The Corded Ware Culture (c. 2900–2300 BC) is found in a large area, from Russia to the Netherlands and from Scandinavia to Switzerland. Supra-regional elements include beakers decorated with cord and/or spatula imprints, battle-axes, and…

Settlement and Metalworking in the Middle Bronze Age and Beyond

New evidence from Tremough, Cornwall

Edited by Andy M. Jones, James Gossip and Henrietta Quinnell | 2015

Between 2008 and 2011 excavations were undertaken by the Cornwall Archaeological Unit at Tremough, near Penryn, Cornwall. The site is situated on a plateau overlooking the Carrick Roads, historically one of the busiest waterways in…

Archaeology of Salt

Approaching an invisible past

Edited by Robin Brigand & Olivier Weller | 2015

Salt is an invisible object for research in archaeology. However, ancient writings, ethnographic studies and the evidence of archaeological exploitation highlight it as an essential reference for humanity. Both an edible product and a crucial…

Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia 45

Edited by Corrie Bakels & Hans Kamermans | 2015

This volume is a collection of papers written by staff members of the Faculty of Archaeology and presents a good overview in time and space of the kind of research the Institute in Leiden is…

‘Vergeten’ Bandkeramiek

Een Odyssee naar de oudste neolithische bewoning in Nederland

Edited by Ivo van Wijk, Luc W.S.W. Amkreutz & Piet van de Velde | 2014

Het archeologisch onderzoek in Nederland naar de vroegneolithische Lineaire Bandkeramiek cultuur of LBK (5250-4950 v. Chr.) heeft een lange geschiedenis. Sinds de eerste vondsten in 1925 werken amateur- en beroepsarcheologen er aan om onze kennis…

Breaking with Tradition

Cultural influences for the decline of the Circum-Alpine region lake-dwellings

Benjamin Jennings | 2014

Over 150 years of research in the Circum-Alpine region have produced a vast amount of data on the lakeshore and wetland settlements found throughout the area. Particularly in the northern region, dendrochronological studies have provided…

Traditions techniques et production céramique au Néolithique ancien

Étude de huit sites rubanés du nord est de la France et de Belgique

Louise Gomart | 2014

La présente étude propose une approche technologique de la céramique rubanée, au travers de l’étude de huit sites localisés dans le quart nord-est de la France et en Belgique (5300-4900 av. J.C.). Les études typologiques…

Search results for cat-prehistory:

Corded Ware Coastal Communities

Using ceramic analysis to reconstruct third millennium BC societies in the Netherlands

Sandra Mariët Beckerman | 2015

The Corded Ware Culture (c. 2900–2300 BC) is found in a large area, from Russia to the Netherlands and from Scandinavia to Switzerland. Supra-regional elements include beakers decorated with cord and/or spatula imprints, battle-axes, and…

Settlement and Metalworking in the Middle Bronze Age and Beyond

New evidence from Tremough, Cornwall

Edited by Andy M. Jones, James Gossip and Henrietta Quinnell | 2015

Between 2008 and 2011 excavations were undertaken by the Cornwall Archaeological Unit at Tremough, near Penryn, Cornwall. The site is situated on a plateau overlooking the Carrick Roads, historically one of the busiest waterways in…

Archaeology of Salt

Approaching an invisible past

Edited by Robin Brigand & Olivier Weller | 2015

Salt is an invisible object for research in archaeology. However, ancient writings, ethnographic studies and the evidence of archaeological exploitation highlight it as an essential reference for humanity. Both an edible product and a crucial…

Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia 45

Edited by Corrie Bakels & Hans Kamermans | 2015

This volume is a collection of papers written by staff members of the Faculty of Archaeology and presents a good overview in time and space of the kind of research the Institute in Leiden is…

‘Vergeten’ Bandkeramiek

Een Odyssee naar de oudste neolithische bewoning in Nederland

Edited by Ivo van Wijk, Luc W.S.W. Amkreutz & Piet van de Velde | 2014

Het archeologisch onderzoek in Nederland naar de vroegneolithische Lineaire Bandkeramiek cultuur of LBK (5250-4950 v. Chr.) heeft een lange geschiedenis. Sinds de eerste vondsten in 1925 werken amateur- en beroepsarcheologen er aan om onze kennis…

Breaking with Tradition

Cultural influences for the decline of the Circum-Alpine region lake-dwellings

Benjamin Jennings | 2014

Over 150 years of research in the Circum-Alpine region have produced a vast amount of data on the lakeshore and wetland settlements found throughout the area. Particularly in the northern region, dendrochronological studies have provided…

Traditions techniques et production céramique au Néolithique ancien

Étude de huit sites rubanés du nord est de la France et de Belgique

Louise Gomart | 2014

La présente étude propose une approche technologique de la céramique rubanée, au travers de l’étude de huit sites localisés dans le quart nord-est de la France et en Belgique (5300-4900 av. J.C.). Les études typologiques…

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