Gender Transformations in Prehistoric and Archaic Societies
Edited by Julia Katharina Koch & Wiebke Kirleis | 2019
In which chronological, spatial, and social contexts is gender a relevant social category that is noticeable in the archaeological material? How can transformations in social gender relations and identity be recognized archaeologically? Is the identity…
In the Footsteps of Honor Frost
The life and legacy of a pioneer in maritime archaeology
Edited by Lucy Blue | 2019
Maritime archaeologist Honor Frost (1917-2010) was a pioneer in her field. She left a rich legacy through her innovative research conducted in the eastern Mediterranean on the remains of ports and harbours, sea-level change, shipwrecks…
Digging up the Bible?
The Excavations at Tell Deir Alla, Jordan (1960-1967)
Margreet L. Steiner & Bart Wagemakers | 2019
This is the account of a remarkable excavation. It started with a modest dig on an unremarkable tell in Jordan. The name of the tell does not occur in the Bible, and no ancient town…
Verdronken hoeksteen van het Romeinse Rijk
Tom Buijtendorp | 2019
Vanaf de late middeleeuwen tot eind 18e eeuw kwamen aan de kust bij Katwijk regelmatig de resten van een mysterieuze ruïne tevoorschijn die vanaf 1543 als curiosum regelmatig op Nederlandse kaarten werd afgebeeld. Volgens Romeinse…
A Shadow of War
Archaeological approaches to uncovering the darker sides of conflict from the 20th century
Claudia Theune | 2018
This book presents archaeological research from places of war, violence, protest and oppression of the 20th and the 21st centuries; sites where the material relics give a deep insight to fateful events – a shadow…
‘The most prominent Dutchman in Egypt’
Jan Herman Insinger and the Egyptian collection in Leiden
Maarten J. Raven | 2018
Jan Herman Insinger was a well-known character in the history of Egyptology, mainly because his name has been linked forever with a famous demotic wisdom papyrus now in Leiden. Although he is mentioned by many…
We graven hier niet de bijbel op!
De Nederlandse opgraving op Tell Deir Alla (1960-1967)
Margreet L. Steiner & Bart Wagemakers | 2018
Dit is het verhaal van een bijzondere opgraving. Onderzocht werd een onaanzienlijke ruïneheuvel in Jordanië. De naam van de ruïneheuvel kwam niet in de Bijbel voor, en er was geen belangrijke stad onder het puin…
Search results for cat-history-of-archaeology
Gender Transformations in Prehistoric and Archaic Societies
Edited by Julia Katharina Koch & Wiebke Kirleis | 2019
In which chronological, spatial, and social contexts is gender a relevant social category that is noticeable in the archaeological material? How can transformations in social gender relations and identity be recognized archaeologically? Is the identity…
In the Footsteps of Honor Frost
The life and legacy of a pioneer in maritime archaeology
Edited by Lucy Blue | 2019
Maritime archaeologist Honor Frost (1917-2010) was a pioneer in her field. She left a rich legacy through her innovative research conducted in the eastern Mediterranean on the remains of ports and harbours, sea-level change, shipwrecks…
Digging up the Bible?
The Excavations at Tell Deir Alla, Jordan (1960-1967)
Margreet L. Steiner & Bart Wagemakers | 2019
This is the account of a remarkable excavation. It started with a modest dig on an unremarkable tell in Jordan. The name of the tell does not occur in the Bible, and no ancient town…
Verdronken hoeksteen van het Romeinse Rijk
Tom Buijtendorp | 2019
Vanaf de late middeleeuwen tot eind 18e eeuw kwamen aan de kust bij Katwijk regelmatig de resten van een mysterieuze ruïne tevoorschijn die vanaf 1543 als curiosum regelmatig op Nederlandse kaarten werd afgebeeld. Volgens Romeinse…
A Shadow of War
Archaeological approaches to uncovering the darker sides of conflict from the 20th century
Claudia Theune | 2018
This book presents archaeological research from places of war, violence, protest and oppression of the 20th and the 21st centuries; sites where the material relics give a deep insight to fateful events – a shadow…
‘The most prominent Dutchman in Egypt’
Jan Herman Insinger and the Egyptian collection in Leiden
Maarten J. Raven | 2018
Jan Herman Insinger was a well-known character in the history of Egyptology, mainly because his name has been linked forever with a famous demotic wisdom papyrus now in Leiden. Although he is mentioned by many…
We graven hier niet de bijbel op!
De Nederlandse opgraving op Tell Deir Alla (1960-1967)
Margreet L. Steiner & Bart Wagemakers | 2018
Dit is het verhaal van een bijzondere opgraving. Onderzocht werd een onaanzienlijke ruïneheuvel in Jordanië. De naam van de ruïneheuvel kwam niet in de Bijbel voor, en er was geen belangrijke stad onder het puin…
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