Change and continuity at the Roman coastal fort at Oudenburg from the late 2nd until the early 5th century AD (Volume III)


Edited by S. Vanhoutte | 2023

In the later Roman period the North Sea and Channel region was the scene of seaborne attacks, political crises, army reforms, Germanic invasions and changing imperial defence strategies. Literary evidence for this era is poor.…

Burgäschisee 5000-3000 v. Chr.

Siedlungsdynamik und Mobilität, Landnutzung und Subsistenz

Edited by Albert Hafner & Marco Hostettler | 2022

Seeufersiedlungen mit Feuchtbodenerhaltung sind für die Erforschung des Neolithikums des Alpenvorlandes von herausragender Bedeutung. Die ausserordentlich gute Erhaltung der Siedlungsschichten lässt weitgehende Einblicke in die Lebensweise der prähistorischen Menschen zu. Das Hinterland der grossen Seen…

Stonehenge for the Ancestors: Part 2


Mike Parker Pearson, Joshua Pollard, Colin Richards, Julian Thomas, Chris Tilley & Kate Welham | 2022

For many centuries, scholars and enthusiasts have been fascinated by Stonehenge, the world’s most famous stone circle. In 2003 a team of archaeologists commenced a long-term fieldwork project for the first time in decades. The…

Making a Neolithic non-megalithic monument

A TRB burial ground at Dalfsen (the Netherlands), c. 3000-2750 cal. BC

Edited by H.M. van der Velde, N. Bouma & Daan Raemaekers | 2022

In 2015 at Dalfsen (the Netherlands) archaeologists made an amazing discovery. They found a burial ground dating from the TRB-period (3000-2750 BC) comprising 141 burial pits. The TRB is dated in the last phase of…

Making a Neolithic non-megalithic monument - Catalogue

Catalogue of a TRB burial ground at Dalfsen (the Netherlands), c. 3000-2750 cal. BC

Edited by H.M. van der Velde, N. Bouma & Daan Raemaekers | 2022

In 2015 at Dalfsen (the Netherlands) archaeologists made an amazing discovery. They found a burial ground dating from the TRB-period (3000-2750 BC) comprising 141 burial pits. The TRB is dated in the last phase of…

Heuvels op de Heide

Bronstijd grafheuvels, een ijzertijd urnenveld met elite inhumatiegraf en graven uit de Romeinse tijd op de Slabroekse Heide bij Uden

Edited by Richard Jansen & Sasja van der Vaart-Verschoof | 2021

Zo’n 3000 tot 3500 jaar geleden richten, in een gebied dat we nu kennen als de Slabroekse Heide (Uden, N.-Br.), de toenmalige bewoners een aantal grafheuvels op. Gedurende de daaropvolgende eeuwen werden hier regelmatig mensen…

The tombs of Ptahemwia and Sethnakht at Saqqara

Maarten J. Raven | 2020

The two tombs dealt with in this book were discovered in 2007 and 2010 by the Leiden Expedition in the New Kingdom necropolis of Saqqara. Both date to the transition period between the reign of…

Search results for cat-arch-reports:

Change and continuity at the Roman coastal fort at Oudenburg from the late 2nd until the early 5th century AD (Volume III)


Edited by S. Vanhoutte | 2023

In the later Roman period the North Sea and Channel region was the scene of seaborne attacks, political crises, army reforms, Germanic invasions and changing imperial defence strategies. Literary evidence for this era is poor.…

Burgäschisee 5000-3000 v. Chr.

Siedlungsdynamik und Mobilität, Landnutzung und Subsistenz

Edited by Albert Hafner & Marco Hostettler | 2022

Seeufersiedlungen mit Feuchtbodenerhaltung sind für die Erforschung des Neolithikums des Alpenvorlandes von herausragender Bedeutung. Die ausserordentlich gute Erhaltung der Siedlungsschichten lässt weitgehende Einblicke in die Lebensweise der prähistorischen Menschen zu. Das Hinterland der grossen Seen…

Stonehenge for the Ancestors: Part 2


Mike Parker Pearson, Joshua Pollard, Colin Richards, Julian Thomas, Chris Tilley & Kate Welham | 2022

For many centuries, scholars and enthusiasts have been fascinated by Stonehenge, the world’s most famous stone circle. In 2003 a team of archaeologists commenced a long-term fieldwork project for the first time in decades. The…

Making a Neolithic non-megalithic monument

A TRB burial ground at Dalfsen (the Netherlands), c. 3000-2750 cal. BC

Edited by H.M. van der Velde, N. Bouma & Daan Raemaekers | 2022

In 2015 at Dalfsen (the Netherlands) archaeologists made an amazing discovery. They found a burial ground dating from the TRB-period (3000-2750 BC) comprising 141 burial pits. The TRB is dated in the last phase of…

Making a Neolithic non-megalithic monument - Catalogue

Catalogue of a TRB burial ground at Dalfsen (the Netherlands), c. 3000-2750 cal. BC

Edited by H.M. van der Velde, N. Bouma & Daan Raemaekers | 2022

In 2015 at Dalfsen (the Netherlands) archaeologists made an amazing discovery. They found a burial ground dating from the TRB-period (3000-2750 BC) comprising 141 burial pits. The TRB is dated in the last phase of…

Heuvels op de Heide

Bronstijd grafheuvels, een ijzertijd urnenveld met elite inhumatiegraf en graven uit de Romeinse tijd op de Slabroekse Heide bij Uden

Edited by Richard Jansen & Sasja van der Vaart-Verschoof | 2021

Zo’n 3000 tot 3500 jaar geleden richten, in een gebied dat we nu kennen als de Slabroekse Heide (Uden, N.-Br.), de toenmalige bewoners een aantal grafheuvels op. Gedurende de daaropvolgende eeuwen werden hier regelmatig mensen…

The tombs of Ptahemwia and Sethnakht at Saqqara

Maarten J. Raven | 2020

The two tombs dealt with in this book were discovered in 2007 and 2010 by the Leiden Expedition in the New Kingdom necropolis of Saqqara. Both date to the transition period between the reign of…

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