Stockhammer, Philipp W. (Prof Dr.)

Philipp W. Stockhammer is professor for prehistoric archaeology with a focus on the Eastern Mediterranean at Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU) Munich and co-director of Max Planck-Harvard Research Center for the Archaeoscience of the Ancient Mediterranean, Jena.

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Stocks, Claire (Dr.)

Claire Stocks is Lecturer for Classics at Newcastle University (UK). Her research interests include Augustan and post Augustan epic, especially Flavian epic. She is the author of The Roman Hannibal: Remembering the Enemy in Silius Italicus’ Punica, Liverpool, 2014 and co-editor of Horace’s Epodes: Context, Intertexts, and Reception, Oxford, 2016, and Fides in Flavian Poetry, Toronto, 2019. She is currently working on a monograph on the representation of Space in Domitianic Rome.

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Stolte, Carolien Mphil (Dr. Mphil)

Carolien Stolte is a University Lecturer in History at Leiden University. She studied History and South Asian Studies at Leiden, Paris (EHESS) and Geneva (IHEID), and was a postdoctoral fellow at the History Department at Harvard University in 2014-2015. Carolien is editor of the book series Dutch Sources on South Asia, as well as managing editor of the Cambridge University Press journal Itinerario.

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Sundström, Sofia (Dr.)

Sofia Sundström is fascinated by how a culture absorbs and develops an outside religious artistic influence. Her interest in the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara started during her MA studies at the School of Oriental and African Studies in London. She continued her studies at the University of Leiden and her PhD thesis examines images of Avalokiteśvara from the Buddhist period in Java.

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Swinkels, Louis (Drs.)

Louis Swinkels was curator of archaeology at the Valkhof Museum in Nijmegen. His research interests lie primarily in the fields of Roman iconography and epigraphy, museum studies and the history of archaeology.

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s’Jacob, Hugo (Dr.)

Hugo s’Jacob was tot zijn pensionering universitair hoofddocent aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Daarna was hij als vrijwillig onderzoeker verbonden aan het Huygens Instituut voor Nederlandse Geschiedenis (KNAW). Hij is de vierde editeur van de Generale Missiven, sinds het begin van de serie in 1960.

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Tarawneh, Mohamed F.

Mohamed Fayez Tarawneh is Associate Professor at Yarmouk University, specialized in the Anthropology of development and particularly interested in rural development and social change. Furthermore, he is the general manager of the Hashemite Fund for the Development of Jordan Badia. Some of his major publications concern a historical and social geographic study of the Jordanian town and countryside of Kerak, the participatory development in Wadi Araba and Poverty in Jordan.

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Stockhammer, Philipp W. (Prof Dr.)

Philipp W. Stockhammer is professor for prehistoric archaeology with a focus on the Eastern Mediterranean at Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU) Munich and co-director of Max Planck-Harvard Research Center for the Archaeoscience of the Ancient Mediterranean, Jena.

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Stocks, Claire (Dr.)

Claire Stocks is Lecturer for Classics at Newcastle University (UK). Her research interests include Augustan and post Augustan epic, especially Flavian epic. She is the author of The Roman Hannibal: Remembering the Enemy in Silius Italicus’ Punica, Liverpool, 2014 and co-editor of Horace’s Epodes: Context, Intertexts, and Reception, Oxford, 2016, and Fides in Flavian Poetry, Toronto, 2019. She is currently working on a monograph on the representation of Space in Domitianic Rome.

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Stolte, Carolien Mphil (Dr. Mphil)

Carolien Stolte is a University Lecturer in History at Leiden University. She studied History and South Asian Studies at Leiden, Paris (EHESS) and Geneva (IHEID), and was a postdoctoral fellow at the History Department at Harvard University in 2014-2015. Carolien is editor of the book series Dutch Sources on South Asia, as well as managing editor of the Cambridge University Press journal Itinerario.

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Sundström, Sofia (Dr.)

Sofia Sundström is fascinated by how a culture absorbs and develops an outside religious artistic influence. Her interest in the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara started during her MA studies at the School of Oriental and African Studies in London. She continued her studies at the University of Leiden and her PhD thesis examines images of Avalokiteśvara from the Buddhist period in Java.

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Swinkels, Louis (Drs.)

Louis Swinkels was curator of archaeology at the Valkhof Museum in Nijmegen. His research interests lie primarily in the fields of Roman iconography and epigraphy, museum studies and the history of archaeology.

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s’Jacob, Hugo (Dr.)

Hugo s’Jacob was tot zijn pensionering universitair hoofddocent aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Daarna was hij als vrijwillig onderzoeker verbonden aan het Huygens Instituut voor Nederlandse Geschiedenis (KNAW). Hij is de vierde editeur van de Generale Missiven, sinds het begin van de serie in 1960.

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Tarawneh, Mohamed F.

Mohamed Fayez Tarawneh is Associate Professor at Yarmouk University, specialized in the Anthropology of development and particularly interested in rural development and social change. Furthermore, he is the general manager of the Hashemite Fund for the Development of Jordan Badia. Some of his major publications concern a historical and social geographic study of the Jordanian town and countryside of Kerak, the participatory development in Wadi Araba and Poverty in Jordan.

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