Spataro, Michela (Dr.)

Michela Spataro is a scientist in the department of Scientific Research at the British Museum (London, UK). Previously, as a Leverhulme Research Fellow at the Institute of Archaeology, she completed an archaeometric project on the earliest pottery from the central Balkans, the Starčevo culture. She has a degree in Literature and Philosophy and a PhD in archaeology from the Institute of Archaeology, University College London (UK).

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Stancioff, Charlotte Eloise (Dr.)

Charlotte Eloise Stancioff is a Bulgarian-American GIS and Ecosystem services specialist. Born in Washington, DC but residing in the Netherlands, She holds a a BA in International Relations and Geography at the University of Chapel Hill in North Carolina and a MSc in Geoinformatics at the University of Toulouse-Jean Jaurès/ École Nationale Supérieure Agronomique in Toulouse, France.

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Stapfer, Regine MA (MA)

Regine Stapfer is an archaeologist specializing in Neolithic wetland sites and works as a research and teaching assistant at the University of Bern (Switzerland), Institute of Archaeological Sciences (Prehistory). She is part of the research team of the project ‘Mobilities, Entanglements and Transformations in Neolithic Societies of the Swiss Plateau (3900–3500 BC)’ supported by the SNFS.

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Staring, Nico (Dr.)

Nico Staring is a postdoctoral research fellow (Chargé de recherches) at the F.R.S.-FRNS / Université de Liège (2021-2024). He previously held a postdoctoral fellowship at Leiden University’s Walking Dead project and lectured at KU Leuven University. Staring received his doctorate from Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia.

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Stauder, Andréas (Prof. Dr.)

Andréas Stauder is Professor of Egyptology at the École Pratique des Hautes Études/PSL Research University in Paris. He was previously a researcher with the Swiss National Science Foundation and the University of Basel, and a post-doctoral fellow at the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago.

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Steiner, Margreet L. (Dr.)

Margreet L. Steiner is an archaeologist with a special interest in the Southern Levant. In cooperation with Henk Franken she published Kathleen Kenyon’s excavations in Jerusalem and for many years has conducted archaeological research in Israel, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon. Working for several excavations seasons at Tell Deir Alla as a site supervisor and area supervisor has provided her with an intimate knowledge of the site.

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Stelten, Ruud (Dr.)

Ruud Stelten (Roermond, 1986) completed BA and MA degrees in Archaeology at the Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University in 2009 and 2010 respectively. Research for his theses focused on maritime archaeology on the Dutch Caribbean island St. Eustatius, where he also worked on his first Caribbean archaeological research projects under the direction of the St. Eustatius Center for Archaeological Research (SECAR).

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Spataro, Michela (Dr.)

Michela Spataro is a scientist in the department of Scientific Research at the British Museum (London, UK). Previously, as a Leverhulme Research Fellow at the Institute of Archaeology, she completed an archaeometric project on the earliest pottery from the central Balkans, the Starčevo culture. She has a degree in Literature and Philosophy and a PhD in archaeology from the Institute of Archaeology, University College London (UK).

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Stancioff, Charlotte Eloise (Dr.)

Charlotte Eloise Stancioff is a Bulgarian-American GIS and Ecosystem services specialist. Born in Washington, DC but residing in the Netherlands, She holds a a BA in International Relations and Geography at the University of Chapel Hill in North Carolina and a MSc in Geoinformatics at the University of Toulouse-Jean Jaurès/ École Nationale Supérieure Agronomique in Toulouse, France.

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Stapfer, Regine MA (MA)

Regine Stapfer is an archaeologist specializing in Neolithic wetland sites and works as a research and teaching assistant at the University of Bern (Switzerland), Institute of Archaeological Sciences (Prehistory). She is part of the research team of the project ‘Mobilities, Entanglements and Transformations in Neolithic Societies of the Swiss Plateau (3900–3500 BC)’ supported by the SNFS.

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Staring, Nico (Dr.)

Nico Staring is a postdoctoral research fellow (Chargé de recherches) at the F.R.S.-FRNS / Université de Liège (2021-2024). He previously held a postdoctoral fellowship at Leiden University’s Walking Dead project and lectured at KU Leuven University. Staring received his doctorate from Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia.

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Stauder, Andréas (Prof. Dr.)

Andréas Stauder is Professor of Egyptology at the École Pratique des Hautes Études/PSL Research University in Paris. He was previously a researcher with the Swiss National Science Foundation and the University of Basel, and a post-doctoral fellow at the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago.

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Steiner, Margreet L. (Dr.)

Margreet L. Steiner is an archaeologist with a special interest in the Southern Levant. In cooperation with Henk Franken she published Kathleen Kenyon’s excavations in Jerusalem and for many years has conducted archaeological research in Israel, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon. Working for several excavations seasons at Tell Deir Alla as a site supervisor and area supervisor has provided her with an intimate knowledge of the site.

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Stelten, Ruud (Dr.)

Ruud Stelten (Roermond, 1986) completed BA and MA degrees in Archaeology at the Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University in 2009 and 2010 respectively. Research for his theses focused on maritime archaeology on the Dutch Caribbean island St. Eustatius, where he also worked on his first Caribbean archaeological research projects under the direction of the St. Eustatius Center for Archaeological Research (SECAR).

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