Thomas, Brittany (Dr.)

Brittany Thomas is in the writing-up stage of her PhD at the University of Leicester, working on the late antique art and architecture of Ravenna under Dr Neil Christie. Her research interests include interaction with art in public spaces, imagined and re-visioned space, and notions of the gaze and the ‘viewer’ in antiquity.

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Thomas, Julian (Prof. dr.)

Julian Thomas is Professor of Archaeology at the University of Manchester. He is a leading expert on Neolithic Britain, and has directed excavations in many parts of Britain from Scotland to southern England. His books include Understanding the Neolithic, Time, Culture and Identity, and The Birth of Neolithic Britain.

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Thomas, Nicholas (Prof. dr.)

Nicholas Thomas did doctoral research in the Marquesas Islands and has since written extensively on exploration and cross-cultural encounters and on art histories in the Pacific. He has been Director of the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology in Cambridge since 2006.

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Tilley, Chris (Prof. dr.)

Chris Tilley is Professor of Anthropology at University College London (UCL). He has directed archaeological projects in Britain and has written widely on many topics including archaeological theory and phenomenology, for which he is known internationally. His books include A Phenomenology of Landscape, Metaphor and Material Culture, An Anthropology of Landscape and The Materiality of Stone.

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Tromp, Heimerick (Dr.)

Dr. H.M.J. Tromp (1950) is cultuurhistoricus, buitenplaatsdeskundige en oud-wetenschappelijk medewerker van de Stichting tot behoud van Particuliere Historische Buitenplaatsen (1984-2010). Hij promoveerde in 2000 op de introductie van de Landschapsstijl in Nederland.

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Turner, Daniel R. (Dr.)

Daniel R. Turner holds a B.A. in Anthropology from the University of Alabama (2010) with specialisations in medieval history and the archaeology of complex societies. He received an M.Phil. in Archaeological Research from the University of Cambridge (2012) after completing a dissertation on comparative labour costs of early medieval earthworks in the British Isles. From 2012 to 2015, he served as a Staff Archaeologist for the cultural resource management firm, Panamerican Consultants, Inc. (PCI), directing more than 60 surveys and excavations across the south-eastern U.S. In 2016, he joined the ERC-funded SETinSTONE project as a PhD candidate within the Faculty of Archaeology at Leiden University, continuing with the project as a postdoctoral researcher in early 2020.

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Twiston Davies, Huw (Dr.)

Huw Twiston Davies was a postdoctoral research fellow of the Vidi-project The Walking Dead at Saqqara, The Making of a Cultural Geography, kindly funded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (2018–2022), and was additionally Lecturer in Egyptology at the University of Manchester 2020–2021. Twiston Davies studied Egyptology at the University of Liverpool, where he received his doctorate in 2018.

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Thomas, Brittany (Dr.)

Brittany Thomas is in the writing-up stage of her PhD at the University of Leicester, working on the late antique art and architecture of Ravenna under Dr Neil Christie. Her research interests include interaction with art in public spaces, imagined and re-visioned space, and notions of the gaze and the ‘viewer’ in antiquity.

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Thomas, Julian (Prof. dr.)

Julian Thomas is Professor of Archaeology at the University of Manchester. He is a leading expert on Neolithic Britain, and has directed excavations in many parts of Britain from Scotland to southern England. His books include Understanding the Neolithic, Time, Culture and Identity, and The Birth of Neolithic Britain.

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Thomas, Nicholas (Prof. dr.)

Nicholas Thomas did doctoral research in the Marquesas Islands and has since written extensively on exploration and cross-cultural encounters and on art histories in the Pacific. He has been Director of the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology in Cambridge since 2006.

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Tilley, Chris (Prof. dr.)

Chris Tilley is Professor of Anthropology at University College London (UCL). He has directed archaeological projects in Britain and has written widely on many topics including archaeological theory and phenomenology, for which he is known internationally. His books include A Phenomenology of Landscape, Metaphor and Material Culture, An Anthropology of Landscape and The Materiality of Stone.

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Tromp, Heimerick (Dr.)

Dr. H.M.J. Tromp (1950) is cultuurhistoricus, buitenplaatsdeskundige en oud-wetenschappelijk medewerker van de Stichting tot behoud van Particuliere Historische Buitenplaatsen (1984-2010). Hij promoveerde in 2000 op de introductie van de Landschapsstijl in Nederland.

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Turner, Daniel R. (Dr.)

Daniel R. Turner holds a B.A. in Anthropology from the University of Alabama (2010) with specialisations in medieval history and the archaeology of complex societies. He received an M.Phil. in Archaeological Research from the University of Cambridge (2012) after completing a dissertation on comparative labour costs of early medieval earthworks in the British Isles. From 2012 to 2015, he served as a Staff Archaeologist for the cultural resource management firm, Panamerican Consultants, Inc. (PCI), directing more than 60 surveys and excavations across the south-eastern U.S. In 2016, he joined the ERC-funded SETinSTONE project as a PhD candidate within the Faculty of Archaeology at Leiden University, continuing with the project as a postdoctoral researcher in early 2020.

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Twiston Davies, Huw (Dr.)

Huw Twiston Davies was a postdoctoral research fellow of the Vidi-project The Walking Dead at Saqqara, The Making of a Cultural Geography, kindly funded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (2018–2022), and was additionally Lecturer in Egyptology at the University of Manchester 2020–2021. Twiston Davies studied Egyptology at the University of Liverpool, where he received his doctorate in 2018.

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