Meens, Anna MA (MA)

Anna Meens is a PhD candidate at the University of Amsterdam. She has participated in multiple survey and excavation projects in Greece and Turkey as a pottery specialist (for example the Boeotia Survey, the excavations of the Halos Archaeological Project at Magoula Plataniotiki in Thessaly). Her main research interest is the ancient countryside (in the Classical and Hellenistic period), for which survey ceramics are a particularly useful source of information. In her research she attempts to characterize ancient Greek rural households through patterns of pottery consumption. Besides working on rural landscapes, she also studies pottery from city settlements: she contributed to the forthcoming volume about the Boeotian town of Hyettos (with Vladimir Stissi) and currently examines ceramics from the city of Koroneia. She has also written about the Classical and Hellenistic sites in the Valley of the Muses and on the Cycladic island of Keros, both awaiting publication.

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Meignen, Liliane (Dr.)

Liliane Meignen is a geologist and prehistorian by training. She received her Ph.D. in Prehistory/ Human Paleontology, in 1972, from the University of Paris VI (France). She joined the Centre Recherches Archéologiques (CRA)- CNRS in 1976 in Sophia-Antipolis (France). She is currently Director of research (emerita) at the CEPAM (Cultures et Environnements Préhistoire, Antiquité, Moyen Age), Université Côte d’Azur and French National Research Center (CNRS), in Nice (France).

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Mens, Emmanuel (Dr.)

Emmanuel MENS, docteur en archéologie de l’université de Nantes en 2002, est actuellement ingénieur de Recherche au CNRS au laboratoire TRACES (UMR 5608) au sein du programme ANR MONUMEN (V. Ard et V. Mathé dir.), dont il assure la coordination de l’axe sur le mégalithisme. Spécialisé dans le mégalithisme de l’Europe atlantique (dolmens et menhirs), il analyse ces architectures à la fois comme une production technique et symbolique. La lecture complémentaire des traces de la chaine opératoire de production et du codage symbolique des parois (formes, couleur, surfaces, gravures…) sert à caractériser le projet architectural mégalithique et son fonctionnement.

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Mertgens, Andreas MA (MA)

Andreas Mertgens is a research associate at the Cologne Center for eHumanities (CCeH), University of Cologne. He studied English and American Studies (B.A.) and Scholarly Editing and Documentology (M.A.) at the University of Wuppertal.

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Metzner-Nebelsick, Carola (Prof. dr.)

Carola Metzner-Nebelsick is Full Professor and Chair for Pre- and Protohistoric Archaeology at the Institute of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Archaeology and the Archaeology of the Roman Provinces at the LMU Munich. She has directed several fieldwork and interdisciplinary research projects, including sites in Romania, Bavaria, Croatia, and Italy (Como). She was also co-speaker for the Munich Graduate School ‘Distant Worlds’, and PI of the LMU-based Research Unit ‘Transalpine Mobility and Cultural Transfer’. Her research interests focus on the European Bronze and Iron Ages with a wide thematic and geographical scope.

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Mickleburgh, Hayley L. (Dr.)

Hayley Mickleburgh specializes in human dental wear patterns and dental pathology, with a special focus on the circum-Caribbean region. Her current PhD project “Teeth Tell Tales” combines human dental wear analysis with data from archaeology, ethnohistorical and ethnographical accounts, and modern dentistry in order to understand subsistence strategies, gender-based divisions for certain cultural practices, and the implications of these aspects of lifestyle for oral and general health.

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Mills, Andy (Dr.)

Andy Mills is curator for Archaeology and World Cultures at The Hunterian. He is a world art historian, ethnohistorian and anthropologist, with specialist interests in Oceanic art, collections provenance, missionary collecting, textiles, and arms and armour, among other things; he is the co-editor, with Tom Crowley, of Weapons, Culture and the Anthropology Museum. During the project Situating Pacific Barkcloth in Time and Place, Andy’s research focused on historical change in the arts of Polynesian barkcloth, analysing the materials and processes of tapa-making, and exploring the histories of barkcloth in the world’s museums.

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Meens, Anna MA (MA)

Anna Meens is a PhD candidate at the University of Amsterdam. She has participated in multiple survey and excavation projects in Greece and Turkey as a pottery specialist (for example the Boeotia Survey, the excavations of the Halos Archaeological Project at Magoula Plataniotiki in Thessaly). Her main research interest is the ancient countryside (in the Classical and Hellenistic period), for which survey ceramics are a particularly useful source of information. In her research she attempts to characterize ancient Greek rural households through patterns of pottery consumption. Besides working on rural landscapes, she also studies pottery from city settlements: she contributed to the forthcoming volume about the Boeotian town of Hyettos (with Vladimir Stissi) and currently examines ceramics from the city of Koroneia. She has also written about the Classical and Hellenistic sites in the Valley of the Muses and on the Cycladic island of Keros, both awaiting publication.

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Meignen, Liliane (Dr.)

Liliane Meignen is a geologist and prehistorian by training. She received her Ph.D. in Prehistory/ Human Paleontology, in 1972, from the University of Paris VI (France). She joined the Centre Recherches Archéologiques (CRA)- CNRS in 1976 in Sophia-Antipolis (France). She is currently Director of research (emerita) at the CEPAM (Cultures et Environnements Préhistoire, Antiquité, Moyen Age), Université Côte d’Azur and French National Research Center (CNRS), in Nice (France).

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Mens, Emmanuel (Dr.)

Emmanuel MENS, docteur en archéologie de l’université de Nantes en 2002, est actuellement ingénieur de Recherche au CNRS au laboratoire TRACES (UMR 5608) au sein du programme ANR MONUMEN (V. Ard et V. Mathé dir.), dont il assure la coordination de l’axe sur le mégalithisme. Spécialisé dans le mégalithisme de l’Europe atlantique (dolmens et menhirs), il analyse ces architectures à la fois comme une production technique et symbolique. La lecture complémentaire des traces de la chaine opératoire de production et du codage symbolique des parois (formes, couleur, surfaces, gravures…) sert à caractériser le projet architectural mégalithique et son fonctionnement.

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Mertgens, Andreas MA (MA)

Andreas Mertgens is a research associate at the Cologne Center for eHumanities (CCeH), University of Cologne. He studied English and American Studies (B.A.) and Scholarly Editing and Documentology (M.A.) at the University of Wuppertal.

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Metzner-Nebelsick, Carola (Prof. dr.)

Carola Metzner-Nebelsick is Full Professor and Chair for Pre- and Protohistoric Archaeology at the Institute of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Archaeology and the Archaeology of the Roman Provinces at the LMU Munich. She has directed several fieldwork and interdisciplinary research projects, including sites in Romania, Bavaria, Croatia, and Italy (Como). She was also co-speaker for the Munich Graduate School ‘Distant Worlds’, and PI of the LMU-based Research Unit ‘Transalpine Mobility and Cultural Transfer’. Her research interests focus on the European Bronze and Iron Ages with a wide thematic and geographical scope.

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Mickleburgh, Hayley L. (Dr.)

Hayley Mickleburgh specializes in human dental wear patterns and dental pathology, with a special focus on the circum-Caribbean region. Her current PhD project “Teeth Tell Tales” combines human dental wear analysis with data from archaeology, ethnohistorical and ethnographical accounts, and modern dentistry in order to understand subsistence strategies, gender-based divisions for certain cultural practices, and the implications of these aspects of lifestyle for oral and general health.

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Mills, Andy (Dr.)

Andy Mills is curator for Archaeology and World Cultures at The Hunterian. He is a world art historian, ethnohistorian and anthropologist, with specialist interests in Oceanic art, collections provenance, missionary collecting, textiles, and arms and armour, among other things; he is the co-editor, with Tom Crowley, of Weapons, Culture and the Anthropology Museum. During the project Situating Pacific Barkcloth in Time and Place, Andy’s research focused on historical change in the arts of Polynesian barkcloth, analysing the materials and processes of tapa-making, and exploring the histories of barkcloth in the world’s museums.

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