Mannoni, Chiara (Dr.)

Chiara Mannoni is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie senior fellow at the University Ca’ Foscari of Venice, Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage (grant: LawLove-837857). Her research project aims to uncover the origins of the heritage legal protection, by investigating the laws issued to preserve antiquities, monuments, and paintings in 15th- to 18th-century Europe.

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Manolakakis, Laurence (Dr.)

Laurence Manolakakis is a researcher at the CNRS, and director of the laboratory “Trajectoires” (CNRS/Paris 1-Panthéon-Sorbonne University). A specialist of lithic technology and resource procurement from the Neolithic and Chalcolithic periods in Europe, in both the Balkans and in Northern France.

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Matić, Uroš

Uroš Matić is a research associate (Post Doc) at the Austrian Archaeological Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna (Austria). His major publications are Archaeologies of Gender and Violence (edited together with Bo Jensen; Oxford: Oxbow Books, 2017), Body and Frames of War in New Kingdom Egypt. Violent treatment of enemies and prisoners (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2019), Ethnic Identities in the Land of the Pharaohs. Past and Present Approaches in Egyptology (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020) and Violence and Gender in Ancient Egypt (London and New York: Routledge, 2021). Between 2016 and 2019, he was co-chair of the Archaeology and Gender in Europe (AGE) Community of the European Association of Archaeologists.

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Mavridis, Fanis (Dr.)

Fanis Mavridis is an archaeologist of the Hellenic Ministry of Culture, Department of Palaeoanthropology and Speleology. He has studied archaeology at the department of History and Archaeology, Athens University and at a post graduate level, Prehistoric Archaeology (University of Athens) and Environmental Archaeology and Palaeoeconomy (Sheffield University). His PhD and post-doc research is related to the Stone Age of the Aegean islands. He has directed systematic and rescue excavations in the Cyclades, Euboea and Attica. His research interests include the Aegean Neolithic, island and cave archaeologies and Bronze Age Cyclades.

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Mayoral Herrera, Victorino (Dr.)

Victorino Mayoral Herrera (Madrid, 1970; PhD, 2001, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain). Staff Scientist at the Instituto de Arqueología-Mérida (Merida Institute of Archaeology) (IAM), Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (Spanish National Research Council) (CSIC) in Spain. Before joining the IAM, he developed his career at the Complutense University of Madrid and in the Heritage Administration of the Autonomous Region of Extremadura.

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Maziar, Sepideh (Dr.)

Sepideh Maziar is an associate researcher at the Goethe University of Frankfurt. She got her undergraduate degree in archaeology from the University of Tehran in Iran and achieved her Ph.D. in southwest Asian archaeology from Goethe university of Frankfurt, Germany. She directed archaeological fieldwork in Iran and Azerbaijan and is currently engaged in excavation the Prehistory site of Tappeh Balu in Iran and Kültepe II in Naxçivan. Her research interests include migration, social identity, collective memory, social networks, and resilience strategies in diasporic contexts, with a focus on prehistoric communities of southwest Asia.

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McCartney, Innes (Dr.)

Innes McCartney is a nautical archaeologist specialising in the interaction of shipwreck archaeology with the historical record. He discovered many ship wrecks over the course of his career, including: the 12-inch-gunned submarine HMS M1 off Start Point in the English Channel; the mystery World War I U-boat off Trevose Head, Cornwall as UB-65; the German auxiliary raider HSK Komet in the English Channel; the White Star Line transport SS Armenian off the Scilly Isles.

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Mannoni, Chiara (Dr.)

Chiara Mannoni is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie senior fellow at the University Ca’ Foscari of Venice, Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage (grant: LawLove-837857). Her research project aims to uncover the origins of the heritage legal protection, by investigating the laws issued to preserve antiquities, monuments, and paintings in 15th- to 18th-century Europe.

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Manolakakis, Laurence (Dr.)

Laurence Manolakakis is a researcher at the CNRS, and director of the laboratory “Trajectoires” (CNRS/Paris 1-Panthéon-Sorbonne University). A specialist of lithic technology and resource procurement from the Neolithic and Chalcolithic periods in Europe, in both the Balkans and in Northern France.

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Matić, Uroš

Uroš Matić is a research associate (Post Doc) at the Austrian Archaeological Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna (Austria). His major publications are Archaeologies of Gender and Violence (edited together with Bo Jensen; Oxford: Oxbow Books, 2017), Body and Frames of War in New Kingdom Egypt. Violent treatment of enemies and prisoners (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2019), Ethnic Identities in the Land of the Pharaohs. Past and Present Approaches in Egyptology (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020) and Violence and Gender in Ancient Egypt (London and New York: Routledge, 2021). Between 2016 and 2019, he was co-chair of the Archaeology and Gender in Europe (AGE) Community of the European Association of Archaeologists.

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Mavridis, Fanis (Dr.)

Fanis Mavridis is an archaeologist of the Hellenic Ministry of Culture, Department of Palaeoanthropology and Speleology. He has studied archaeology at the department of History and Archaeology, Athens University and at a post graduate level, Prehistoric Archaeology (University of Athens) and Environmental Archaeology and Palaeoeconomy (Sheffield University). His PhD and post-doc research is related to the Stone Age of the Aegean islands. He has directed systematic and rescue excavations in the Cyclades, Euboea and Attica. His research interests include the Aegean Neolithic, island and cave archaeologies and Bronze Age Cyclades.

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Mayoral Herrera, Victorino (Dr.)

Victorino Mayoral Herrera (Madrid, 1970; PhD, 2001, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain). Staff Scientist at the Instituto de Arqueología-Mérida (Merida Institute of Archaeology) (IAM), Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (Spanish National Research Council) (CSIC) in Spain. Before joining the IAM, he developed his career at the Complutense University of Madrid and in the Heritage Administration of the Autonomous Region of Extremadura.

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Maziar, Sepideh (Dr.)

Sepideh Maziar is an associate researcher at the Goethe University of Frankfurt. She got her undergraduate degree in archaeology from the University of Tehran in Iran and achieved her Ph.D. in southwest Asian archaeology from Goethe university of Frankfurt, Germany. She directed archaeological fieldwork in Iran and Azerbaijan and is currently engaged in excavation the Prehistory site of Tappeh Balu in Iran and Kültepe II in Naxçivan. Her research interests include migration, social identity, collective memory, social networks, and resilience strategies in diasporic contexts, with a focus on prehistoric communities of southwest Asia.

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McCartney, Innes (Dr.)

Innes McCartney is a nautical archaeologist specialising in the interaction of shipwreck archaeology with the historical record. He discovered many ship wrecks over the course of his career, including: the 12-inch-gunned submarine HMS M1 off Start Point in the English Channel; the mystery World War I U-boat off Trevose Head, Cornwall as UB-65; the German auxiliary raider HSK Komet in the English Channel; the White Star Line transport SS Armenian off the Scilly Isles.

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