
HotAcademia is a pioneering international series that covers hotly-debated academic topics in archaeology, history, anthropology, and museum studies, in an unconventional, non-academic form, while maintaining scientific accuracy. It invites editors and authors to step outside the box of traditional academic thinking and writing, and challenges them to create books which provide exciting journeys for their readers. Addressing both professional and non-professional audiences, the books in this series aim to bring novelty and impact by making readers pause and re-think.
Inspired by the success of the illustrated booklet Gender stereotypes in archaeology: A short reflection in image and text (Sidestone Press, 2021) – edited by the series editors themselves with funding from a successful Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign – the hallmark of the series is its format consisting of short texts and impactful images. The texts are written by specialists in the topic, while the accompanying images are meant not simply as an illustration but a constructive element in the creation or deconstruction of the narrative in the individual texts and the overall book.
This book series aligns with Sidestone Press’ vision of Open Science. Thus, the books are Open Access and the printed copies are distributed for free across the globe.
Series editors
Laura Coltofean-Arizancu ()
Bisserka Gaydarska ()
Uroš Matić ()
Proposal guidelines
Potential book editors are invited to send their proposals to all three series editors at the email addresses indicated above.
The book proposal should include:
- The book’s provisional title
- A brief description (max. 500 words) of the book’s aim, concept, and the types of images (e.g., drawings, photographs) that will accompany the texts
- A preliminary table of contents including min. 20 / max. 25 entries
- The editors’ names, affiliations, contact details, and short biographies (max. 200 words/editor)
- A list of authors and their affiliations
- Timeline for finishing and submitting the book
The series editors will assess and decide on the proposal’s relevance for the series within three weeks of the receipt of the proposal. In case of a positive answer, they will establish contacts between the book editor(s) and Sidestone Press for issuing the contract.
Regarding the images, the book editors are welcome to collaborate with Nikola Radosavljević, the artist who illustrated the booklets Gender stereotypes in archaeology and Migration Narratives in Archaeology (contact will be provided by the series editors), or they can arrange to work with another creator (illustrator, photographer, etc.).
After submission, the series editors and one external reviewer will provide feedback on the manuscript’s content. The books in this series are published in English and the volume editors will have to take care of language editing before submitting the final manuscript to the series editors.
Standard publication package
The books in this series are published in a package which covers the costs of:
- Layout and design
- Open Access fee
- 1,000 printed copies – 500 copies belong to the book editor(s) and 500 are distributed globally for free by Sidestone Press. More copies can be printed if the editors’ funding allows it
- Overhead expenses
- Series editors’ guidance and preface
As a guide to possible costings, depending on the print specifications, types of artwork and printrun, prices can range from ca. 5000 up to 15.000 euro.
The package does not include the costs of language editing and of the artist’s work for creating the images. The arrangements for this should be made separately by the book editors.
The standard book within the package consists of:
- Approx. 20-25 entries, each of approx. 200-250 words and accompanied by an image
- An introduction of approx. 1,200-1,500 words
- A selected bibliography and list of authors at the end of the book
The series editors are available to support the book editors with guidance on assembling the volume, finding an artist and, in case of insufficient funding, on building a crowdfunding campaign following the example of the Kickstarter campaign created for the booklet Gender stereotypes in archaeology.
Full list of volumes in this series
HotAcademia latest volumes
Migration Narratives in Archaeology
Edited by Daniela Hofmann, Catherine J. Frieman & Astrid J. Nyland | 2023
Migration is not just a recent, crisis-driven phenomenon, but a fundamental part of human life – and has always been so. This booklet is aimed at everyone who is interested in human migration in the…

Arkeologiske fortellinger om migrasjon
Edited by Daniela Hofmann, Catherine J. Frieman & Astrid J. Nyland | 2023
Denne boken er rettet mot alle som er interessert i menneskers migrasjon i fortiden. Men migrasjon er ikke et nytt, krise-drevet fenomen. Det er og har alltid vært en fundamental del av livet. I boken…

Gender stereotypes in archaeology
A short reflection in image and text
Edited by Laura Coltofean-Arizancu, Bisserka Gaydarska & Uroš Matić | 2021
Were men the only hunters and producers of tools, art and innovation in prehistory? Were women the only gatherers, home-bound breeders and caregivers? Are all prehistoric female depictions mother goddesses? And do women and men…