Welling, Wouter (Drs.)

Wouter Welling (1964) is curator contemporary art at the National Museum of World Cultures. Since the 80s he has been working as an art critic and curator, mainly in the field of globalization and interculturality in the art world.

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Wendling, Holger (Dr.)

Holger Wendling is Head of the Department of Archaeology at the Salzburg Museum and the Dürrnberg Research Department at the Keltenmuseum Hallein. He studied at the University of Tübingen and at the Institute of Archaeology, University College London, developing a strong interest in the Iron Age of temperate Europe. His doctoral thesis dealt with the late La Tène site at Breisach, Münsterberg, and the settlement archaeology of the upper Rhine region. His current research focuses on settlement structures and burials at the Iron Age site of Dürrnberg in Austria, also integrating the Bronze and Iron Age evidence in the wider Salzburg area.

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Wentink, Karsten (Dr.)

Karsten Wentink started his studies in 2001 at the Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University. He did a combined bachelors in both archaeological sciences (focus on functional analysis at the Laboratory for Artefact studies) and prehistoric archaeology (with a focus on the Neolithic of North-West Europe). He finished his Masters thesis in 2006 on Neolithic flint axe depositions. He started his PhD research in 2008 focussing on the role of grave sets in Corded Ware and Bell Beaker funerary practices.

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West, Richard (Prof. Dr.)

Richard West was awarded his PhD in 1954, shortly after he was elected a Fellow of Clare College, Cambridge. Richard become a lecturer in the Department of Botany in 1960, in 1966 he became Director of the Subdepartment, and Head of the Department of Botany in 1977. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1968 and has been awarded many medals and prizes, including the Lyell and Bigsby medals of the Geological Society and the Albrecht Penck medal of the Deutsche Quartarvereiningung. Richard retired in 1991.

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Whitaker, Katy (Dr.)

Katy Whitaker is a landscape archaeologist working in heritage research, management and protection with Historic England, the UK government’s advisory body on archaeology and the built environment. Her research into quarrying and stone-working focusses on sarsen stone, a silcrete used since the Neolithic in southern Britain. She uses traditional archaeological survey methods together with remotely sensed data and a range of archives in an innovative approach to landscape-scale analysis of extractive industries. Recent publications include collaborative analyses focussed on quarry sources of stone used to build the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Stonehenge, whilst two major studies of prehistoric and post-medieval sarsen stone exploitation will be published in 2022.

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Wiersma, Corien (Dr.)

Corien Wiersma is a Dutch archaeologist, who did her master at the University of Groningen in 2006, and defended her Ph.D thesis in October 2013 at the same university. She has published and co-authored various books on the Aegean Bronze Age, including ‘Building the Bronze Age. Architectural and Social Change on the Greek Mainland during Early Helladic III, Middle Helladic and Late Helladic I’, ‘Social and Material Change in Aegean Prehistory’ and ‘Magoúla Pavlína. A Middle Bronze Age site in the Soúrpi Plain (Thessalia, Greece)’. From 2015-2019 she acted as the field-director of the Ayios Vasileios Survey Project.

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Wijk, Ivo, van, (Drs.)

Ivo van Wijk (1975) studied Prehistory at the University of Leiden. In 2002 he graduated with a study of the excavations of two settlements of the earliest farmers in the Netherlands (Linearbandkeramik). Apart from excavating he is involved in a variety of projects concerning the broader aspects of archaeology such as community participation, producing documentaries, involvement in exhibitions, organizing symposia and giving lectures.

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Welling, Wouter (Drs.)

Wouter Welling (1964) is curator contemporary art at the National Museum of World Cultures. Since the 80s he has been working as an art critic and curator, mainly in the field of globalization and interculturality in the art world.

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Wendling, Holger (Dr.)

Holger Wendling is Head of the Department of Archaeology at the Salzburg Museum and the Dürrnberg Research Department at the Keltenmuseum Hallein. He studied at the University of Tübingen and at the Institute of Archaeology, University College London, developing a strong interest in the Iron Age of temperate Europe. His doctoral thesis dealt with the late La Tène site at Breisach, Münsterberg, and the settlement archaeology of the upper Rhine region. His current research focuses on settlement structures and burials at the Iron Age site of Dürrnberg in Austria, also integrating the Bronze and Iron Age evidence in the wider Salzburg area.

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Wentink, Karsten (Dr.)

Karsten Wentink started his studies in 2001 at the Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University. He did a combined bachelors in both archaeological sciences (focus on functional analysis at the Laboratory for Artefact studies) and prehistoric archaeology (with a focus on the Neolithic of North-West Europe). He finished his Masters thesis in 2006 on Neolithic flint axe depositions. He started his PhD research in 2008 focussing on the role of grave sets in Corded Ware and Bell Beaker funerary practices.

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West, Richard (Prof. Dr.)

Richard West was awarded his PhD in 1954, shortly after he was elected a Fellow of Clare College, Cambridge. Richard become a lecturer in the Department of Botany in 1960, in 1966 he became Director of the Subdepartment, and Head of the Department of Botany in 1977. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1968 and has been awarded many medals and prizes, including the Lyell and Bigsby medals of the Geological Society and the Albrecht Penck medal of the Deutsche Quartarvereiningung. Richard retired in 1991.

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Whitaker, Katy (Dr.)

Katy Whitaker is a landscape archaeologist working in heritage research, management and protection with Historic England, the UK government’s advisory body on archaeology and the built environment. Her research into quarrying and stone-working focusses on sarsen stone, a silcrete used since the Neolithic in southern Britain. She uses traditional archaeological survey methods together with remotely sensed data and a range of archives in an innovative approach to landscape-scale analysis of extractive industries. Recent publications include collaborative analyses focussed on quarry sources of stone used to build the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Stonehenge, whilst two major studies of prehistoric and post-medieval sarsen stone exploitation will be published in 2022.

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Wiersma, Corien (Dr.)

Corien Wiersma is a Dutch archaeologist, who did her master at the University of Groningen in 2006, and defended her Ph.D thesis in October 2013 at the same university. She has published and co-authored various books on the Aegean Bronze Age, including ‘Building the Bronze Age. Architectural and Social Change on the Greek Mainland during Early Helladic III, Middle Helladic and Late Helladic I’, ‘Social and Material Change in Aegean Prehistory’ and ‘Magoúla Pavlína. A Middle Bronze Age site in the Soúrpi Plain (Thessalia, Greece)’. From 2015-2019 she acted as the field-director of the Ayios Vasileios Survey Project.

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Wijk, Ivo, van, (Drs.)

Ivo van Wijk (1975) studied Prehistory at the University of Leiden. In 2002 he graduated with a study of the excavations of two settlements of the earliest farmers in the Netherlands (Linearbandkeramik). Apart from excavating he is involved in a variety of projects concerning the broader aspects of archaeology such as community participation, producing documentaries, involvement in exhibitions, organizing symposia and giving lectures.

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