s’Jacob, Hugo (Dr.)

Hugo s’Jacob was tot zijn pensionering universitair hoofddocent aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Daarna was hij als vrijwillig onderzoeker verbonden aan het Huygens Instituut voor Nederlandse Geschiedenis (KNAW). Hij is de vierde editeur van de Generale Missiven, sinds het begin van de serie in 1960.

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Tarawneh, Mohamed F.

Mohamed Fayez Tarawneh is Associate Professor at Yarmouk University, specialized in the Anthropology of development and particularly interested in rural development and social change. Furthermore, he is the general manager of the Hashemite Fund for the Development of Jordan Badia. Some of his major publications concern a historical and social geographic study of the Jordanian town and countryside of Kerak, the participatory development in Wadi Araba and Poverty in Jordan.

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Ten Hoopen, Peter (Dr.)

From 1968 to 1971 Dr. Peter ten Hoopen lived in and travelled through the Middle East and South Asia, conducting journalistic research and recording ethnic music in Afghanistan, now curated by the Smithsonian Institution (Washington, DC). During his extensive travels in 65 countries in subsequent years he witnessed the ongoing decline of numerous indigenous traditions. This experience affected him deeply and in 1976 led to his initiative to assemble a reference collection of particularly imperilled Indonesian ikat textiles – meticulously documented on a level not previously attempted.

Since his retirement in 2010 Peter ten Hoopen has been focussing on documenting of the above-mentioned, by then extensive reference collection of Indonesian ikat textiles. This has led to major exhibitions at the Museu do Oriente in Lisbon (2014-2015 and 2019-2020) and at the Museum and Art Gallery, the University of Hong Kong (2017-2018), for which he authored or edited the catalogues. His collecting and documenting since the mid-1970s culminated in the publication of his Ikat Textiles of the Indonesian Archipelago (2018) and the research reported in the present PhD thesis.

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Tente, Catarina (Prof. Dr.)

Catarina Tente is Professor of Medieval and Rural Archaeology at the Nova University of Lisbon with a focus on early medieval rural communities, rural landscape, mountain landscapes, social archaeology.

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Țerna, Stanislav

Stanislav Țerna was a researcher at the “High Anthropological School” University, and previously at the Center for Archaeology, Institute of Cultural Heritage of the Moldovan Academy of Sciences, in Chișinău, Republic of Moldova. His area of research interest was the Copper Age of the north-west Black Sea region, focusing mainly on the settlement structure, anthropomorphic figurines, architecture and social organisation of the Cucuteni-Trypillia societies. He conducted excavations on LBK and Trypillia settlements in Moldova, of which the most important are those at Stolniceni I and Nicolaevca. He died in 2020, at the time when he was undertaking a PhD at the Institute of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Archaeology, Kiel University, within the CRC 1266 subproject “Population agglomeration at Tripolye-Cucuteni mega-sites”.

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Teunissen, Martine (Drs.)

Martine Teunissen is afgestudeerd in publieke geschiedenis aan de Universiteit van Leiden. Ze is de oprichtster en eigenaar van het historisch evenementen- en adviesbureau ‘Beleef Het Verleden’. De afgelopen tien jaar heeft ze evenementen georganiseerd met historische personages in rol die ingezet werden in musea en kastelen, maar ook op historische ambachtenmarkten en congressen.

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Thanos, Christo (Drs.)

Christo Thanos (1968) studied Prehistory of Northwest Europe at Leiden University. From 2002 to 2010 he was employed at the Netherlands Cultural Heritage Agency and while working with old archives his interest was aroused in the history of archaeology (in particular the life and work of Glyn Daniel (1914-1986) and Heinrich Schliemann (1822-1890)). From 2012 onward Christo is working as archaeological advisor for nine councils in the province of South-Holland.

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s’Jacob, Hugo (Dr.)

Hugo s’Jacob was tot zijn pensionering universitair hoofddocent aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Daarna was hij als vrijwillig onderzoeker verbonden aan het Huygens Instituut voor Nederlandse Geschiedenis (KNAW). Hij is de vierde editeur van de Generale Missiven, sinds het begin van de serie in 1960.

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Tarawneh, Mohamed F.

Mohamed Fayez Tarawneh is Associate Professor at Yarmouk University, specialized in the Anthropology of development and particularly interested in rural development and social change. Furthermore, he is the general manager of the Hashemite Fund for the Development of Jordan Badia. Some of his major publications concern a historical and social geographic study of the Jordanian town and countryside of Kerak, the participatory development in Wadi Araba and Poverty in Jordan.

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Ten Hoopen, Peter (Dr.)

From 1968 to 1971 Dr. Peter ten Hoopen lived in and travelled through the Middle East and South Asia, conducting journalistic research and recording ethnic music in Afghanistan, now curated by the Smithsonian Institution (Washington, DC). During his extensive travels in 65 countries in subsequent years he witnessed the ongoing decline of numerous indigenous traditions. This experience affected him deeply and in 1976 led to his initiative to assemble a reference collection of particularly imperilled Indonesian ikat textiles – meticulously documented on a level not previously attempted.

Since his retirement in 2010 Peter ten Hoopen has been focussing on documenting of the above-mentioned, by then extensive reference collection of Indonesian ikat textiles. This has led to major exhibitions at the Museu do Oriente in Lisbon (2014-2015 and 2019-2020) and at the Museum and Art Gallery, the University of Hong Kong (2017-2018), for which he authored or edited the catalogues. His collecting and documenting since the mid-1970s culminated in the publication of his Ikat Textiles of the Indonesian Archipelago (2018) and the research reported in the present PhD thesis.

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Tente, Catarina (Prof. Dr.)

Catarina Tente is Professor of Medieval and Rural Archaeology at the Nova University of Lisbon with a focus on early medieval rural communities, rural landscape, mountain landscapes, social archaeology.

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Țerna, Stanislav

Stanislav Țerna was a researcher at the “High Anthropological School” University, and previously at the Center for Archaeology, Institute of Cultural Heritage of the Moldovan Academy of Sciences, in Chișinău, Republic of Moldova. His area of research interest was the Copper Age of the north-west Black Sea region, focusing mainly on the settlement structure, anthropomorphic figurines, architecture and social organisation of the Cucuteni-Trypillia societies. He conducted excavations on LBK and Trypillia settlements in Moldova, of which the most important are those at Stolniceni I and Nicolaevca. He died in 2020, at the time when he was undertaking a PhD at the Institute of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Archaeology, Kiel University, within the CRC 1266 subproject “Population agglomeration at Tripolye-Cucuteni mega-sites”.

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Teunissen, Martine (Drs.)

Martine Teunissen is afgestudeerd in publieke geschiedenis aan de Universiteit van Leiden. Ze is de oprichtster en eigenaar van het historisch evenementen- en adviesbureau ‘Beleef Het Verleden’. De afgelopen tien jaar heeft ze evenementen georganiseerd met historische personages in rol die ingezet werden in musea en kastelen, maar ook op historische ambachtenmarkten en congressen.

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Thanos, Christo (Drs.)

Christo Thanos (1968) studied Prehistory of Northwest Europe at Leiden University. From 2002 to 2010 he was employed at the Netherlands Cultural Heritage Agency and while working with old archives his interest was aroused in the history of archaeology (in particular the life and work of Glyn Daniel (1914-1986) and Heinrich Schliemann (1822-1890)). From 2012 onward Christo is working as archaeological advisor for nine councils in the province of South-Holland.

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