Rutter, Anja MA (MA)

Holding an MA in medieval history (Universität Bielefeld) and another in maritime archaeology (University of Southampton), Anja Rutter has been an interdisciplinary researcher from the outset. After gaining experience as a research diver and a field archaeologist, she is now writing her PhD on Bronze Age networks in the Levant at the Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel. Her main research focusses on networked identities, mental maps and the question of continuitiy in societies during and after upheaval and forced change.
As Anja Rutter also has long-time experience in museum didactics and citizen science, she has a special interest in making research accessible and understandable to the public and in the role the humanities can play in shaping our ideas of the future.

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Sabbahy, Lisa (Prof. dr.)

Lisa Sabbahy studied at Bryn Mawr College, University of California at Berkeley, and the University of Toronto. She is Assistant Professor of Egyptology at the American University in Cairo, and Program Director of the MA in Egyptology and Coptology.

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Samson, Alice V.M. (Dr.)

Samson works as a researcher and lecturer in the Carribean Research Group at the Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University.

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Sanders, Jeff (Dr.)

Jeff Sanders works for the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, project managing ‘Dig It! 2015’ a year-long celebration of Scottish archaeology. Before this he was responsible for the Scottish Archaeological Research Framework (ScARF). His doctoral research at the University of Edinburgh explored the history of interpretation of prehistoric landscape. His research interests include: Scottish archaeology, European prehistory, research management, and ritual studies.

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Schaefer-Di Maida, Stefanie (Dr)

Stefanie Schaefer-Di Maida is a postdoctral researcher in the field of Bronze Age Archaeology. Her main topics of research are Bronze and Iron Age in Europe, material culture, burial rites, ceramic typology & technology (e. g. textile impressions) and economic theory in archaeology.

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Schats, Rachel (Dr.)

Rachel Schats is gepromoveerd op het onderzoek naar de fysieke consequenties van de middeleeuwse ontwikkelingen aan de hand van verschillende rurale en urbane skeletcollecties. Op het moment is zij werkzaam aan Universiteit Leiden als docent waar ze verantwoordelijk is voor het osteoarcheologische onderwijs in de bachelor en master.

Rachel Schats studied archaeology with a specialisation in osteoarchaeology at Leiden University and University College London after which she was appointed as a research and teaching assistant for the Laboratory of Human Osteoarchaeology in Leiden. Her PhD (defended November 2016) aimed at gaining a better understanding of the physical consequences of medieval developments, such as urbanisation and commercialisation, by comparing rural and urban skeletal populations.

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Schlanger, Nathan (Prof. Dr.)

Nathan Schlanger is professor of archaeology at the Ecole nationale des chartes, Paris. His research interests include prehistoric archaeology, material culture studies, archaeological heritage management, and the history and politics of archaeology.

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Rutter, Anja MA (MA)

Holding an MA in medieval history (Universität Bielefeld) and another in maritime archaeology (University of Southampton), Anja Rutter has been an interdisciplinary researcher from the outset. After gaining experience as a research diver and a field archaeologist, she is now writing her PhD on Bronze Age networks in the Levant at the Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel. Her main research focusses on networked identities, mental maps and the question of continuitiy in societies during and after upheaval and forced change.
As Anja Rutter also has long-time experience in museum didactics and citizen science, she has a special interest in making research accessible and understandable to the public and in the role the humanities can play in shaping our ideas of the future.

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Sabbahy, Lisa (Prof. dr.)

Lisa Sabbahy studied at Bryn Mawr College, University of California at Berkeley, and the University of Toronto. She is Assistant Professor of Egyptology at the American University in Cairo, and Program Director of the MA in Egyptology and Coptology.

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Samson, Alice V.M. (Dr.)

Samson works as a researcher and lecturer in the Carribean Research Group at the Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University.

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Sanders, Jeff (Dr.)

Jeff Sanders works for the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, project managing ‘Dig It! 2015’ a year-long celebration of Scottish archaeology. Before this he was responsible for the Scottish Archaeological Research Framework (ScARF). His doctoral research at the University of Edinburgh explored the history of interpretation of prehistoric landscape. His research interests include: Scottish archaeology, European prehistory, research management, and ritual studies.

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Schaefer-Di Maida, Stefanie (Dr)

Stefanie Schaefer-Di Maida is a postdoctral researcher in the field of Bronze Age Archaeology. Her main topics of research are Bronze and Iron Age in Europe, material culture, burial rites, ceramic typology & technology (e. g. textile impressions) and economic theory in archaeology.

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Schats, Rachel (Dr.)

Rachel Schats is gepromoveerd op het onderzoek naar de fysieke consequenties van de middeleeuwse ontwikkelingen aan de hand van verschillende rurale en urbane skeletcollecties. Op het moment is zij werkzaam aan Universiteit Leiden als docent waar ze verantwoordelijk is voor het osteoarcheologische onderwijs in de bachelor en master.

Rachel Schats studied archaeology with a specialisation in osteoarchaeology at Leiden University and University College London after which she was appointed as a research and teaching assistant for the Laboratory of Human Osteoarchaeology in Leiden. Her PhD (defended November 2016) aimed at gaining a better understanding of the physical consequences of medieval developments, such as urbanisation and commercialisation, by comparing rural and urban skeletal populations.

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Schlanger, Nathan (Prof. Dr.)

Nathan Schlanger is professor of archaeology at the Ecole nationale des chartes, Paris. His research interests include prehistoric archaeology, material culture studies, archaeological heritage management, and the history and politics of archaeology.

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