Lilje, Erna

Erna Lilje pursues the idea that collections can reveal more about the people who made and used the artefacts they hold by bringing to bear an interdisciplinary approach that combines a close examination of these with field-based research. She believes that the most quotidian objects can offer insights into the lives of those people least represented in historical sources, such as women.

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Lippok, Femke Mphil (Mphil)

Femke Lippok is an early medieval archaeologist focused on changing burial rituals and ritual economies in early medieval North Western Europe. She is currently employed by the Mero-Jewel project as an academic researcher at the Royal Museum of Art and History in Brussels (KMKG/MRAH). She is simultaneously finishing her PhD dissertation at Leiden University.

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Littel, Ad (Drs. )

Drs. Ad Littel heeft een loopbaan als rijksambtenaar in de ruimtelijke ordening gehad. Hij is nu redactielid van het kwartaaltijdschrift Saillant en lid van de Monumenten Adviescommissie van de stichting.

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Little, Aimée (Dr.)

Aimée Little is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Archaeology, University of York where she Directs the Centre for Artefacts and Materials Analysis (CAMA) and the York Experimental Archaeological Research (YEAR) Centre and co-Directs the Masters in Material Culture and Experimental Archaeology programme. Her primary research specialism is prehistoric hunter-gatherer material culture, with a focus on the Northern European Mesolithic.

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Louboutin, Catherine (Dr. )

Catherine Louboutin, General Curator of Heritage, led a career until 2019 that she began at the MAN (French National Archaeological Museum) for nearly 20 years as the head of Neolithic and Bronze Age collections, and then as the deputy director responsible for scientific policy. In the meantime, she devoted about ten years to the restructuring of the Grand-Pressigny museum in Indre-et-Loire, and then to leading the network of regional museums within the Ministry of Culture. In parallel, she carried out significant research activity, particularly on Neolithic sites, and has more than fifty scientific publications or works intended for the general public, such as ‘Au Néolithique, les premiers paysans du monde’ (Gallimard 2006), translated into German, Chinese, Italian, Japanese, and Dutch. Deeply committed to the official bodies of archaeology, she has, for nearly 20 years, trained many students at the École du Louvre who are now active in the world of archaeology.

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Louwen, Arjan (Dr.)

Arjan Louwen (1986) studied ‘Prehistory of Northwest Europe’ at Leiden University. Already as a student he developed a keen interest in funerary archaeology and took part in several key-excavations of prehistoric barrows and urnfields. After graduation in 2010, Arjan has worked alternatingly in commercial archaeology (Archol bv. Leiden) and for Leiden University as a field archaeologist. Since 2012 he has worked full-time at Leiden University, first as a teacher and field director, later as PhD-student. His PhD-research revolved around the funerary practices associated with the urnfields in the Lower-Rhine-Basin. Arjan is currently still working at Leiden University as a teacher and trains students in their first field skills.

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Luning, Henk M.

Henk M. Luning (1935) is amateurhistoricus en schrijft regelmatig over Drentse historische onderwerpen in de uitgave Ons Waardeel van de Drentse Historische Vereniging, de Nieuwe Drentse Volksalmanak en in de Asser Historische Reeks. Van zijn hand verschenen ondermeer Geschiedenis van de kerk te Noordlaren (1977) en De buitenplaatsen Meerlust, Bloemert, Meerwijk, van bisschoppelijk tafelgoed tot recreatieoord (1980).

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Lilje, Erna

Erna Lilje pursues the idea that collections can reveal more about the people who made and used the artefacts they hold by bringing to bear an interdisciplinary approach that combines a close examination of these with field-based research. She believes that the most quotidian objects can offer insights into the lives of those people least represented in historical sources, such as women.

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Lippok, Femke Mphil (Mphil)

Femke Lippok is an early medieval archaeologist focused on changing burial rituals and ritual economies in early medieval North Western Europe. She is currently employed by the Mero-Jewel project as an academic researcher at the Royal Museum of Art and History in Brussels (KMKG/MRAH). She is simultaneously finishing her PhD dissertation at Leiden University.

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Littel, Ad (Drs. )

Drs. Ad Littel heeft een loopbaan als rijksambtenaar in de ruimtelijke ordening gehad. Hij is nu redactielid van het kwartaaltijdschrift Saillant en lid van de Monumenten Adviescommissie van de stichting.

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Little, Aimée (Dr.)

Aimée Little is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Archaeology, University of York where she Directs the Centre for Artefacts and Materials Analysis (CAMA) and the York Experimental Archaeological Research (YEAR) Centre and co-Directs the Masters in Material Culture and Experimental Archaeology programme. Her primary research specialism is prehistoric hunter-gatherer material culture, with a focus on the Northern European Mesolithic.

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Louboutin, Catherine (Dr. )

Catherine Louboutin, General Curator of Heritage, led a career until 2019 that she began at the MAN (French National Archaeological Museum) for nearly 20 years as the head of Neolithic and Bronze Age collections, and then as the deputy director responsible for scientific policy. In the meantime, she devoted about ten years to the restructuring of the Grand-Pressigny museum in Indre-et-Loire, and then to leading the network of regional museums within the Ministry of Culture. In parallel, she carried out significant research activity, particularly on Neolithic sites, and has more than fifty scientific publications or works intended for the general public, such as ‘Au Néolithique, les premiers paysans du monde’ (Gallimard 2006), translated into German, Chinese, Italian, Japanese, and Dutch. Deeply committed to the official bodies of archaeology, she has, for nearly 20 years, trained many students at the École du Louvre who are now active in the world of archaeology.

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Louwen, Arjan (Dr.)

Arjan Louwen (1986) studied ‘Prehistory of Northwest Europe’ at Leiden University. Already as a student he developed a keen interest in funerary archaeology and took part in several key-excavations of prehistoric barrows and urnfields. After graduation in 2010, Arjan has worked alternatingly in commercial archaeology (Archol bv. Leiden) and for Leiden University as a field archaeologist. Since 2012 he has worked full-time at Leiden University, first as a teacher and field director, later as PhD-student. His PhD-research revolved around the funerary practices associated with the urnfields in the Lower-Rhine-Basin. Arjan is currently still working at Leiden University as a teacher and trains students in their first field skills.

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Luning, Henk M.

Henk M. Luning (1935) is amateurhistoricus en schrijft regelmatig over Drentse historische onderwerpen in de uitgave Ons Waardeel van de Drentse Historische Vereniging, de Nieuwe Drentse Volksalmanak en in de Asser Historische Reeks. Van zijn hand verschenen ondermeer Geschiedenis van de kerk te Noordlaren (1977) en De buitenplaatsen Meerlust, Bloemert, Meerwijk, van bisschoppelijk tafelgoed tot recreatieoord (1980).

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