Gielen, Demetrio Muñoz (Dr.)

Demetrio verrichtte wetenschappelijk onderzoek naar ruimtelijke gebiedsontwikkeling aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam. Sinds 2002 doet hij actief mee aan het publieke en wetenschappelijke debat over de bouwstagnatie en de problemen met de ruimtelijke kwaliteit in Nederland. Tevens is hij direct betrokken bij de zoektocht naar oplossingen vanuit verschillende rollen: als zelfstandige adviseur, als initiatiefnemer van debat, als ambtenaar en als wetenschapper. In 2010 promoveerde Demetrio aan de Radboud Universiteit

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Gilhooly, Bernard (Dr.)

Bernard completed his BA, MA, and PhD in University College Dublin (UCD). His PhD focused on the manufacture and range of uses of Irish Mesolithic and Neolithic shale and porcellanite axes and adzes. This utilised a series of methodologies including quantitative and qualitative analysis, and the manufacture and use of experimental replicas. Bernard is an assistant keeper of antiquities in the National Museum of Ireland.

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Gleser, Ralf (Prof. dr.)

Ralf Gleser holds the chair of Pre- and Protohistory at Münster University. One of his main research interests is the cultural development of central and south-east Europe in the Neolithic and Copper Age, with a particular focus on identities and material culture, early metallurgy, culture areas and cultural boundaries in the fifth and fourth millennia BC.

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Gomart, Louise (Dr.)

Louise Gomart studied Prehistory at the University Paris 1-Panthéon Sorbonne, where she received her PhD in 2012. Her research focuses on the settlement dynamics and the social structure of the first agro-pastoral communities in continental Europe, through an “anthropological reading” of their ceramic productions. She is currently pursuing research within the team Trajectoires of the Centre National de Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) in Nanterre (France). Since 2008, she has regularly lectured in academic seminars of Prehistory and Ceramology at the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.

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Gorgues, Alexis (Dr.)

Alexis Gorgues is Associate Professor in Late Prehistoric Archaeology at the University of Bordeaux Montaigne. He was previously fellow of the Casa de Velázquez (Ecole des Hautes Etudes Hispaniques et Ibériques, Madrid, 2003-2005), and Assistant Lecturer at the University of Toulouse 2- Jean Jaurès. He directed excavations in Southern France and Spain, on Late Bronze Age and Iron Age settlements as well as in potters’ workshops.

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Gossip, James BA, PG Dip (BA, PG Dip)

James Gossip, BA, PG Dip, began working as a field archaeologist in 1987 and has worked for Cornwall Archaeological Unit since 1999. He has directed several excavations investigating multi-phase prehistoric landscapes and specialises in running community archaeology projects, working with volunteer groups throughout Cornwall. He is a Member of the Institute for Archaeologists.

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Govor, Elena (Dr.)

Elena Govor was born in Russia and now lives in Australia, where she completed her doctorate in history at the Australian National University in 1996. Her research focuses on cross-cultural contacts between Russians and the peoples of the Pacific and Australia.

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Gielen, Demetrio Muñoz (Dr.)

Demetrio verrichtte wetenschappelijk onderzoek naar ruimtelijke gebiedsontwikkeling aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam. Sinds 2002 doet hij actief mee aan het publieke en wetenschappelijke debat over de bouwstagnatie en de problemen met de ruimtelijke kwaliteit in Nederland. Tevens is hij direct betrokken bij de zoektocht naar oplossingen vanuit verschillende rollen: als zelfstandige adviseur, als initiatiefnemer van debat, als ambtenaar en als wetenschapper. In 2010 promoveerde Demetrio aan de Radboud Universiteit

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Gilhooly, Bernard (Dr.)

Bernard completed his BA, MA, and PhD in University College Dublin (UCD). His PhD focused on the manufacture and range of uses of Irish Mesolithic and Neolithic shale and porcellanite axes and adzes. This utilised a series of methodologies including quantitative and qualitative analysis, and the manufacture and use of experimental replicas. Bernard is an assistant keeper of antiquities in the National Museum of Ireland.

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Gleser, Ralf (Prof. dr.)

Ralf Gleser holds the chair of Pre- and Protohistory at Münster University. One of his main research interests is the cultural development of central and south-east Europe in the Neolithic and Copper Age, with a particular focus on identities and material culture, early metallurgy, culture areas and cultural boundaries in the fifth and fourth millennia BC.

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Gomart, Louise (Dr.)

Louise Gomart studied Prehistory at the University Paris 1-Panthéon Sorbonne, where she received her PhD in 2012. Her research focuses on the settlement dynamics and the social structure of the first agro-pastoral communities in continental Europe, through an “anthropological reading” of their ceramic productions. She is currently pursuing research within the team Trajectoires of the Centre National de Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) in Nanterre (France). Since 2008, she has regularly lectured in academic seminars of Prehistory and Ceramology at the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.

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Gorgues, Alexis (Dr.)

Alexis Gorgues is Associate Professor in Late Prehistoric Archaeology at the University of Bordeaux Montaigne. He was previously fellow of the Casa de Velázquez (Ecole des Hautes Etudes Hispaniques et Ibériques, Madrid, 2003-2005), and Assistant Lecturer at the University of Toulouse 2- Jean Jaurès. He directed excavations in Southern France and Spain, on Late Bronze Age and Iron Age settlements as well as in potters’ workshops.

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Gossip, James BA, PG Dip (BA, PG Dip)

James Gossip, BA, PG Dip, began working as a field archaeologist in 1987 and has worked for Cornwall Archaeological Unit since 1999. He has directed several excavations investigating multi-phase prehistoric landscapes and specialises in running community archaeology projects, working with volunteer groups throughout Cornwall. He is a Member of the Institute for Archaeologists.

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Govor, Elena (Dr.)

Elena Govor was born in Russia and now lives in Australia, where she completed her doctorate in history at the Australian National University in 1996. Her research focuses on cross-cultural contacts between Russians and the peoples of the Pacific and Australia.

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