Dr. Annemarieke Willemsen

Annemarieke Willemsen is curator of the Medieval collections at the National Museum of Antiquities (Leiden) and director of the Dorestad Congress. In Leiden, she organized the 2009 exhibition & congress on Carolingian Dorestad and the 2014 exhibition & congress on the early-medieval Netherlands. Next to books about Dorestad and the Vikings in the Netherlands, she published extensively on Roman and medieval children, toys, education, fashion & accessories.
Books by Annemarieke Willemsen
Het jaar 1000
Nederland in het midden van de Middeleeuwen
Annemarieke Willemsen | 2023
De eeuwen tussen 900 en 1100 zijn een belangrijke overgangsperiode in de geschiedenis van wat nu Nederland is. Het gebied verandert ingrijpend qua landschap, bevolking, bebouwing, taal en cultuur. Het wordt beter bereisbaar. Deze veranderingen…

Dorestad and its Networks
Communities, Contact and Conflict in Early Medieval Europe
Edited by Annemarieke Willemsen & Hanneke Kik | 2021
Dorestad was the largest town of the Low Countries in the Carolingian era. As a riverine emporium on the northern edge of the Frankish Empire, it functioned as a European junction, connecting the Viking world…