Dr. Holger Wendling

Holger Wendling is Head of the Department of Archaeology at the Salzburg Museum and the Dürrnberg Research Department at the Keltenmuseum Hallein. He studied at the University of Tübingen and at the Institute of Archaeology, University College London, developing a strong interest in the Iron Age of temperate Europe. His doctoral thesis dealt with the late La Tène site at Breisach, Münsterberg, and the settlement archaeology of the upper Rhine region. His current research focuses on settlement structures and burials at the Iron Age site of Dürrnberg in Austria, also integrating the Bronze and Iron Age evidence in the wider Salzburg area.

Beyond this regional perspective, he is actively researching Iron Age urbanisation and settlement complexification, particularly at Manching in Germany, with additional research interests in social interpretations in settlement and landscape archaeology, ethnoarchaeology, the archaeology of ancient religious thought and Iron Age art, and the prospects of geophysical survey.

Amongst his recent books and edited volumes are Ursprünge | Zeitsprünge – Reise in die Urgeschichte Salzburgs. Handbuch der urgeschichtlichen Archäologie einer Alpenregion (2018), Übergangswelten – Todesriten. Neue Forschungen zur Bestattungskultur der europäischen Eisenzeit (2018), Faber Salisburgi. Festschrift für Wilfried K. Kovacsovics zum 65. Geburtstag (2018), and Der Dürrnberg bei Hallein. Die Gräbergruppe im Eislfeld. Dürrnberg-Forschungen 10 (2017), set alongside other monographs and numerous journal articles and book chapters.

Books by Holger Wendling

Rural Settlement

Relating buildings, landscape, and people in the European Iron Age

Edited by Dave C. Cowley, Manuel Fernández-Götz, Tanja Romankiewicz & Holger Wendling | 2019

The majority of humanity have lived out their lives in a ‘rural’ context, and even in our increasingly urbanised world almost half of the global population still live in rural areas. In the European Iron…

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