Dr. Mara Weinelt
Mara Weinelt studied Geology and Paleontology at the University of Tübingen, earned a PhD and her habilitation in Paleooceanography at Kiel University, and is a senior scientist at the Institute of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Archaeology atKiel University since 2007. Her main research interest focuses on exploring the role of past climate change on Holocene socio-environments.
Key publications:
*Repschläger, J., Weinelt, M., Schneider, R., Blanz, T., Leduc, G., Schiebel, R., Haug, G. H., 2023. Disentangling multiproxy temperature reconstructions from the subtropical North Atlantic. Frontiers in in Ecology and Evolution, 11. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fevo.2023.1176278 OpenAccess.
*Weinelt, M., Kneisel J., Schirrmacher, J., Hinz, M., Ribeiro, A., 2021. Potential responses and resilience of Late Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age societies to mid-to Late Holocene climate change on the southern Iberian Peninsula. Environmental Research Letters, 16 (5). Article 055007. https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/abd8a8 OpenAccess
*Schirrmacher, J., Weinelt, M., Blanz, T., Andersen, N., Salgueiro, E., Schneider, R., 2019. Multi-decadal atmospheric and marine climate variability in southern Iberia during the mid- to late-Holocene. Clim. Past, 15, 617-634.
*Weinelt, M., Schwab, C., Hinz, M., Kneisel, J., 2015. Climate change and societal change in the Western Mediterranean area 4200 years BP. In: H. Meller, R. Risch, H. Arz, eds. 7. Mitteldeutsche Archäologentag vom 23. bis 24. Oktober 2014. “2200 BC – A climatic breakdown as a cause for the collapse of the old world?”. Halle (Saale): Beier & Beran, 461-480.
*Waelbroeck, C., Paul, A., Kucera, M., Rosell-Melé, A., Weinelt, M., Schneider, R., Abelmann, A., Armand, L., Barker, S., Barrows, T.T., Benway, H., Cacho, I., Chen M.-T., Cortijo, E., Crosta, X., de Vernal, A., Dokken, T., Duprat, J., Elderfield, H., Eynaud, F., Gersonde, R., Hayes, A., Henry, M., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Huang, C.-C., Jansen, E., Juggins, S., Kallel, N., Kiefer, T., Kienast, M., Londeix, L., Mangin, S., Matthiessen, Marret, F., Meland, M., Mix, A.C., Morey, A.E., Mulitza, S., Pflaumann, U., Pisias, N.G., Radi, T., Rochon, Rohling, E.J., A., Sbaffi, L., Schäfer-Neth, C., Solignac, S., Spero, H., Tachikawa, K., Turon, J.-L., 2009. Constraints on the magnitude and patterns of ocean cooling at the Last Glacial Maximum. Nature Geoscience, 2, 127-132, doi: 10.1038/ngeo411.
Books by Mara Weinelt
Neu (im) Land – erste Bäuer:innen in der Peripherie
Der linienbandkeramische Fundplatz Lietzow 10 im Havelland, Brandenburg
Edited by Wiebke Kirleis, Andrea Hahn-Weishaupt, Mara Weinelt & Susanne Jahns | 2024
Bei einer Ausgrabung im havelländischen Lietzow in Brandenburg wurden jungsteinzeitliche Siedlungsbefunde entdeckt. Sie gehören zu zwei Hofstellen der jüngeren Linienbandkeramik, die um 5100-5000 v. u. Z. datiert. Die in der äußersten Peripherie des damaligen bäuerlichen…