David Weidgenannt MA
David Weidgenannt works under the supervision of Dr M. Moser on continuity and change in the statuary landscape of Epidauros. In 2015 he participated in the BSA Epigraphy Course and in the German-Greek-PhD Colloquium of the German Archaeological Institute. His Master’s thesis dealt with “Coinage and Identity in Roman Greece”.
Books by David Weidgenannt
Strategies of Remembering in Greece under Rome (100 BC - 100 AD)
Edited by Tamara M. Dijkstra, Inger N.I. Kuin, Muriel Moser & David Weidgenannt | 2017
At the beginning of the first century BC Athens was an independent city bound to Rome through a friendship alliance. By the end of the first century AD the city had been incorporated into the…