Dr. Karen Waugh

Karen Waugh (ⴕ 2019) was co-director of Vestigia Archaeology & Cultural History Ltd. She received a PhD from the University of Durham (UK) in 1999. As a Roman pottery specialist she worked in the United Kingdom, Germany and the Netherlands. From 1995 until 2002 she worked as a project manager Archaeology at the Netherlands Cultural Heritage Agency on the Betuweroute and HSL-Zuid infrastructural projects. From 2002 until 2019 she continued managing large-scale archaeological projects involving Vestigia, Hanzelijn being the most time consuming of these. Karen was also very active in promoting professional standards and international cooperation between archaeologists. In 2017 she was elected secretary of the Executive Board of the European Association of Archaeologists, a position see fulfilled until her untimely death in the summer of 2019. (Also see https://KEWaughfoundation.org)
WAUGH, K.E, 1999: The Roman pottery and ceramic small finds from the Romano-British settlement at Chells, Boxfield Farm, Stevenage. In: C.J. GOING./J.R. HUNN: Excavations at Boxfield Farm, Chells, Stevenage, Hertfordshire. (Hertfordshire Archaeological Report).
DIERENDONCK, R.M. VAN/K.E. WAUGH (eds), 1993: The Valkenburg-Marktveld and Valkenburg-the Woerd Excavations, 1985-1988: a Preliminary Report. In: R.M. VAN Dierendock/D.P. Hallewas/K.E. Waugh (eds):The Valkenburg Excavations 1985-1988. Introduction and Detail Studies, Amersfoort (Nederlandse Oudheden 15).
WAUGH, K.E., 1993: The Germanic cemetery at Rheindorf: problems with the identification of gender and status. In: M. STRUCK (Hrsg.); Römerzeitliche Gräber als Quellen zu Religion, Bevölkerungstruktur und Sozialgeschichte (Archäologische Schriften Universität Mainz, Band 3), 297-304.
WAUGH, K.E., 2008: Discovering the Archaeologists of Europe: Netherlands; www.discovering‐archaeologists.eu/national_reports/DISCO_national_Netherlands_English_final.pdf.
WAUGH, K.E., 2006: Archaeological Management Strategies in the Planarch Area of North West Europe. Kent County Council on Behalf of the Planarch Partnership; www,planarch.org.
DRIES, M.H. VAN DEN/K.E. WAUGH/C. BAKKER, 2010: A crisis with many faces. The impact of the economic recession on Dutch archaeology. In: N. SCHLANGER/K. AITCHISON : Archaeology and the global economic crisis. Multiple impacts, possible solutions. Culture Lab Éditions.
External link: Karen Waugh's Academia.edu profile
Books by Karen Waugh
Resurfacing the submerged past
Prehistoric archaeology and landscapes of the Flevoland Polders, the Netherlands
Edited by Hans Peeters, Laura Kooistra, Daan Raemaekers, Bjørn Smit & Karen Waugh † | 2021
The Netherlands are internationally renowned for the archaeology of its wetland environments. The reclamation of the Flevoland Polders in the early half of the 20th century not only exposed hundreds of shipwrecks, but also remnants…