Roxie Walker
Roxie Walker is a bioarchaeologist who has worked extensively in Egypt, Peru, and Russia. She has co-directed the Qasr el-Aini Bioarchaeology Project, is the chief osteologist of the Djehuty Project (TT 11-12), the site of Tibbet el-Guesh at South Saqqara, and has been the chief osteologist for the Valley of the Kings Tombs of Horemheb and Amenemesse, as well as the excavations at Mut Temple. She continues to conduct research and fieldwork in Egypt and Peru and is a director of the Institute for Bioarchaeology at the British Museum.
Books by Roxie Walker
Egyptian Bioarchaeology
Humans, Animals, and the Environment
Edited by Salima Ikram, Jessica Kaiser & Roxie Walker | 2015
Although the bioarchaeology (study of biological remains in an archaeological context) of Egypt has been documented in a desultory way for many decades, it is only recently that it has become an inherent part of…