Prof. dr. John Waddell
John Waddell is a former Professor of Archaeology in the National University of Ireland Galway and a member of the Royal Irish Academy. His publications include Foundation Myths: the beginnings of Irish archaeology (2005), Rathcroghan: archaeological and geophysical survey in a ritual landscape (with J. Fenwick and K. Barton in 2009), Archaeology and Celtic Myth (2014), and Myth and Materiality (2018). A revised fourth edition of The Prehistoric Archaeology of Ireland is in press.
Books by John Waddell
L'archéologie et la Mythologie Celtique
John Waddell (Traduit de l'anglais par Marie Le Men) | 2022
Cet ouvrage est la traduction d’Archaeology and Celtic Myth, livre paru à Dublin en 2014. La littérature médiévale irlandaise constitue de loin le plus vaste corpus de textes rédigés en langue vernaculaire dont dispose l’Europe…