Dr. Leentje Volker

Leentje Volker (Arnhem, 1978) studied Techniek en Maatschappij (Technology and Society) at the department of Technology Management at Eindhoven University of Technology. She focused on the relation between people and the built environment from a psychological perspective. In November 2002 she graduated with distinction in Human Technology Interaction at the TU/e. Her master thesis dealt with design guidelines for social interaction of patients in hospitals. She also spent four months as a visiting scholar at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Wisconsin in Milwaukee (USA), was an intern at Mesos Medisch Centrum and AKTA in Utrecht, and obtained a TU/e certificate in Technology Management.
In the beginning of 2003 Leentje started working as a researcher and project manager at the Center for People and Building (CfPB) in Delft. She is co-author of the WODI© Toolkit to measure satisfaction and performance of the built environment in offices and organised several workshops and symposia to connect people from practice to science. In 2005 she joined the group of Design and Construction Management of the department of Real Estate and Housing (Faculty of Architecture, Delft University of Technology) to start her PhD project on architect selection in the context of EU tendering regulations. Until 2008 she stayed connected to the CfPB for one day a week. Leentje has written various articles which have been published in scientific and professional journals and conference proceedings, and has been a speaker at several (inter)national conferences and workshops. From June 2008 to May 2009 she was a coordinator of the Open International Ideas Competition ‘Building for Bouwkunde’ and participated in the Think Thank to gather ideas for a new faculty building for Architecture. Leentje has also participated in teaching and supervising graduate students, has been involved in PhD training activities, the Building Brains initiative, and the 3TU research assessment for Architecture and the Built Environment in 2010.
Books by Leentje Volker
Deciding about Design Quality
Value judgements and decision making in the selection of architects by public clients under European tendering regulations
Leentje Volker | 2010
In the past few years the image of tender procedures in which Dutch public clients selected an architect has been dominated by distressing newspaper headlines. Architects fear that the current tender culture will harm the…