Dr. Camille M.L. Vo Van Qui

After a Master’s degree at Sorbonne Université (France), Camille Vo Van Qui completed a PhD in medieval studies at the University of Exeter (UK), on the topic of “The breaking-in and training of horses in medieval France (1250-1550).” This interdisciplinary project used methodologies from the field of animal studies and a combination of historical, archaeological, and iconographic sources and focusses primarily on French translations of Jordanus Rufus’s De medicina equorum (c. 1250).
Camille is also an equestrian and used her experience to bring a more practical dimension to this project and to better understand the particularities of medieval horse-training. She has authored and co-authored papers in Cheiron: The International Journal of Equine and Equestrian History, the International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, and is a co-author in the forthcoming monograph from the medieval Warhorse project at the University of Exeter.
Books by Camille M.L. Vo Van Qui
Harnessing Horses from Prehistory to History
Approaches and Case Studies
Edited by Katherine Kanne, Helene Benkert, and Camille M.L. Vo Van Qui | Forthcoming
The human past is unimaginable without the horse. From our ancestors hunting and painting horses in the Upper Palaeolithic, to the earliest riders, the rise of equestrian empires, and the critical role of horses in…