Dr. Piet van de Velde

Pieter van de Velde (1940). After nine years in the merchant navy he studied cultural anthropology and prehistory at Leiden University, and did a PhD in Social Sciences at that university in 1980.
His thesis was a sociological study of Bandkeramik community structures as preserved in cemetery and settlement remains. Conservationist archaeology in Germany, field archaeology in Java (Indonesia) and Sardinia (Italy) and a lectureship at Leiden University served to keep up his interest in the early neolithic way of doing. After his retirement (2001) he continued working on the LBK, of which the present volume is the most recent witness.
Books by Piet van de Velde
‘Vergeten’ Bandkeramiek
Een Odyssee naar de oudste neolithische bewoning in Nederland
Edited by Ivo van Wijk, Luc W.S.W. Amkreutz & Piet van de Velde | 2014
Het archeologisch onderzoek in Nederland naar de vroegneolithische Lineaire Bandkeramiek cultuur of LBK (5250-4950 v. Chr.) heeft een lange geschiedenis. Sinds de eerste vondsten in 1925 werken amateur- en beroepsarcheologen er aan om onze kennis…

On bandkeramik social structure
An analysis of pot decoration and hut distributions from the Central European Neolithic communities of Elsloo and Hienheim
Piet van de Velde | 1979
abstract to be added. Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia is the annual journal of the Faculty of Archaeology (formerly the Institute of Prehistory), Leiden University. It was first published in 1964 to present the results of the…