Dr. Hans Vandendriessche

Hans Vandendriessche is a research assistant at Ghent University where he obtained his doctoral degree in 2021. His interests in the field of prehistoric archaeology include, among others, lithic technology, experimental archaeology and raw material provenancing. His publications cover a broad range of topics, reaching from the large-scale excavations of Kerkhove and the lithic technology of the Pleistocene-Holocene transition to the Belgian Neolithic and its material culture. Currently, in the framework of a new research project, he aims to further explore the origins of the Middle Mesolithic in the Rhine-Meuse-Scheldt area.
Books by Hans Vandendriessche
Flintknapping from the Lateglacial to the Early Holocene
The Belgian Scheldt valley sites of Ruien and Kerkhove
Hans Vandendriessche | 2022
This book discusses the lithic technology of the neighboring sites of Ruien and Kerkhove (Belgium). The Final-Palaeolithic occupation of Ruien took place during the harsh climatic conditions of the Younger Dryas. The Early and Middle…